Title: Blood and Strife

Author: Beeria

Rating: T

Pairings: CloudxAeris RenoxYuffie

Warnings: OOC, AU and major angst some minor Reffie fluff, MAJOR Cloris fluff…ok not that much but some.(We need it dammit!)

Based on: The Lion King(slightly…ok a lot lol)

Disclaimer: I own the movie "The Lion King" on DVD and I have a copy of Final Fantasy with the characters mentioned but I didnt create them sadly, that only works on the Sims. Disney and Squaresoft are the people to kill if you want the characters...but I would recommend therapy also!


The sun rose high above the mountains, making the land glow in it's strong morning light. Children were playing happily as their mothers looked on. The sound of a trumpet being blown made everything stop. Children abandoned their games, mother's abandoned their housework and fathers abandoned their trades as they headed for Midgar. The city was beautiful, (A.N: slums not there yet that's later on!) surrounded by lush forestry. A castle stood proudly at the end of the city, banners and flags blowing in the wind. A one-year-old brunette girl clung tightly to her mother's hand as they walked through the city. The castle gates opened revealing a long golden corridor. At the end of the corridor were two thrones where King Zack and Queen Tifa sat. In the Queen's arms was a blanket holding the new-born Prince. Everyone took their place, waiting for the presentation of the Prince to begin. A caped man walked to the front and bowed before the royals, his black hair falling around his face.

"Vincent, you may relax." Zack said as the doors opened again causing everyone to look around. An old-looking dog creature walked along the corridor, it's tail a burning flame. The King grinned as the dog approached.

"Nanaki!" He cried hugging the creature. Nanaki purred slightly and nudged Zack's shoulder before he was let go. He made his way to Tifa who smiled at him. She turned the blanket slightly so blue eyes were staring at him. Nanaki chuckled before he took the baby in his mouth and placed it in a basket on a pedestal. There were candles along the bottom which Nanaki lit with a swish of his tail.

"May you grow with wisdom and strength and lead us to glory and wealth little Prince." He blessed before he took the baby back in his mouth and with a nod of his head, a robotic cat ran up and held the baby high in the air.

"Kneel before your future King." Nanaki commanded. Everyone did just that as Zack and Tifa walked up with a bowl of water taken from the Church. Nanaki placed his paw in it before placing it on the Prince. "You are blessed by the Cetra now. Welcome to the Circle of Life." Zack's eyes caught the one-year-old brunette's and he grinned leaning over to his wife. Tifa smiled.

"Ilfana!" She cried running over and hugging the mother of the brunette. "And who is this little beauty?" She asked kneeling in front of the child.

"This is my daughter Aeris." Tifa smiled.

"Pleasure to meet you Aeris, though you have no idea what I'm saying do you." Ilfana laughed.

"Handsome young Prince." Ilfana commented. Tifa grinned as she looked back at Cloud who Zack was taking back in his arms. Tifa turned to meet the emerald eyes of Aeris, staring up at her. Ilfana smiled.

"Traditions must be upheld." She said.

"If you don't want to, Aeris doesn't have to marry him."

"Nonsense Tifa. I can't think of a better match for my daughter. With you and Zack as parents, Cloud will grow to be a handsome, smart young man. A perfect bodyguard for Aeris. Although I'm sure she could defend herself too."

"I have no doubt." Tifa laughed. "Then it is settled. Cloud shall marry Aeris when they turn sixteen." Ilfana nodded. Zack grinned as his wife returned to his side.

"He's going to be a good King." Zack said. Tifa nodded. As everyone celebrated, nobody noticed the man in the shadows. His jealous eyes and cruel smirk were lost in the darkness around him. Darkness, that matched his heart.