Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of One Tree Hill, but would love to own James Lafferty.

It has been four months since Haley had left to go on tour with Chris. Haley had discovered as much as she loved singing on the tour she loved her husband and Tree Hill more. This is how she ended up standing in front of her old apartment trying to work up the courage to see her husband. After a minute of just standing in front of the door she was about to knock when the door opened reveling a shocked Peyton.

"What are you doing here Haley?" Payton asked shooting daggers with her eyes.

"I'm done with the tour it wasn't fun anymore. I'm here to see my husband." Haley replied trying not to loose her temper.

"Wasn't fun anymore, what Chris get a groupy and forget all about you? Is that why you came back to your backup man?" Peyton through out.

"I don't know what and the hell your problem is Peyton. I'm here to see my husband, the only man I have ever loved." Haley yelled with fire in her eyes.

"Whatever," Peyton called walking away. "By the way he is not home."

Haley knocked on the door. After a minute Nathan opened the door in his boxers clearly drunk.

"Haley, so what do I owe this pleasure?" Nathan hissed out.

"I'm done with the touring thing it wasn't for me, I love you Nathan. I want us to be us again." Haley told him with tears shinning in her eyes.

"I waited months for this to happen, hell I even dreamed about this happening, but now that it is I'm not sure if I can. Haley after all the pain these last months is rushing back. Hell I can't believe I'm going to say this, but there is no us anymore." Nathan replied shutting the door.

Haley walked to her car and got in. With tears in her eyes she drove to the only place she thought she would feel safe, to her best friends. When she knocked on Lucas's door, Brooke opened it.

"Tutor girl, your back. Is it for good? Your crying so I'm going to assume you had a talk with Nathan." Brooke questioned.

Haley just nodded her head to all of Brooke's questions. Lucas appeared pulling Haley outside with him, leaving both Brooke and Haley shocked.

"Brooke, stay in here while I talk to Haley." Lucas replied shutting the door.

"Why are you here Haley? It is has been 4 months, your didn't even say goodbye when you left. You were my best friend and you couldn't even say goodbye, hell you didn't even pick up a phone and call me on the tour."

Haley stood there listening to Lucas yell, her heart sunk when she heard the words were my best friend.

"Luke, I had to do this for me. It was the first time I was doing something for me, not you, Nathan, my parents, but me. I had to know if I could make it as a singer otherwise I would have regretted not knowing. Know that I do know I could have made it, I know what I wanted more than anything was to live my life here in Tree Hill with my husband and best friend." Haley cried.

"Your little experiment seems to have cost you both a husband and a best friend," Lucas replied before walking into his room.

Haley stared at the door before running back to her car and jumping in with tears streaming down her face.

"Lucas, how in the hell could you say all off those things to your best friend?" Brooke yelled.

"Pent up anger got the best of me." Lucas admitted.

Brooke was already running out the door to get Haley when she saw her jump into her car and speed away.

Haley was driving with tears streaming down her face she had no where to go. She has no husband, no best friend, hell she didn't even have parents to help her. She was thinking back at the conversations she had just had she stepped harder on the gas pedal with the more anger she felt. When a large animal came out of know where. Haley swerved and tried stopping but it was too late she ran right into a telephone pole. I'm sorry Nathan was the last thing she thought before slipping into unconsciousness.