A/N: I really have no idea what possessed me to write this fic. Quite simply, I suppose it all started when I was in the car this afternoon on the way to Birmingham--which was two and a half whole hours away. So, while reading one of my many Manga books, I was amazed at how much the relationship reminded me of Larxene and Axel.
My strange plot began to take form in my mind, and I pictured what they all would've been like in their highschool years, before they became Nobodies.
;-; I know that this first chapter isn't wonderful. Or even average, for that matter. It's most likely a horrible work that should never, ever, EVER be read by anyone, lest they wish their eyes to bleed. It's two'o'clock in the morning here. I'm dead tired. So please excuse me for this horrible start.


The red-head sighed. She was coming after him. Normally, he quite enjoyed when girls chased him—he was used to it, actually. But he was not happy about the current girl chasing him. Pale blonde, her figure was flattering, and the reason for his hesitancy at her approach was not because she was unattractive.

"Now Arlene, I can explain…" He trailed off in his sentence as the girl finally reached him. His thoughts were somewhat along the lines of: Shit. "It was an accident!"

"It was an accident!" Arlene mocked, glaring at him fiercely all the while. As stated before, she was in no way unattractive. However, her current state left her looking somewhat unusual: She was completely drenched from head to foot, water dripping from tips of her hair. The two strands that normally bent like antennae near her forehead were now stuck to her head as though gelled thanks to her being wet. "I'm. Soaking. Wet. AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!" She was screaming at him, and a crowd of mildly interested people paused to watch the argument.

Ale couldn't help but allow a grin to spread over his face. It was his ultimate sign of cockiness. "Now, I didn't mean to hit you... I was aiming for Mrs. Nance," he confirmed.

What had happened was this: It was common knowledge throughout all the school that Mrs. Nance was the most hated of the professors they had. She was rather overweight, and hardly knew a thing about the assignments on Language that she gave. Over the past few months, it was rumored that she wore a wig. Ale decided he'd simply kill two birds with one stone by dropping a water balloon from the staircase that led to and from the second story of Twilight Town Highschool—by soaking the professor, it would both make her miserable and cause the wig to slip off, if it was in fact, a wig.

Instead, the boy had been startled when Nance had finally arrived on the scene, seeing as a certain pain in the butt he referred to simply as "Demy" (His real name was hardly ever used by anyone, even the professors—most had actually forgotten his real name, to tell the truth.) had bounded up to greet him at the same time—thus causing Ale's grip on the water balloon to loosen, and send it tumbling down at precisely the wrong moment, landing on a certain blonde with a dramatic SPLASH!

Arlene was still glaring at him. "Intentional or not, YOU STILL DRENCHED ME!" she snarled.

He raised an eyebrow, his patience starting to wear thin now. Okay… if she wanted to be mad, he'd give her something to stay mad about. "C'mon, can you honestly say it's NOT an improvement… Buggy?" He smirked, using the nickname he'd dubbed to her since the third grade. When dry, her hair often did remind him of any number of nameable insects.

The girl's cheeks flushed, more with frustration and anger than embarrassment. How she wasn't completely mortified by this point, Ale had no idea. Along with her hair, her school uniform—a crimson sailor-type skirt and white blouse—was soaked to the bone as well. He expected her shoes had also gotten a good amount of water, because they now made odd squishing sounds whenever she took a step forward.

"You're an idiot!" Arlene growled at him. "You're nothing more than a pompous, egotistical, self-centered, cocky, over-confident, pigheaded moron, who cares about nothing more than causing trouble at this school and drawing attention, be it good or bad, to yourself!" Taking a deep breath, she calmed herself somewhat, though her electric-blue eyes were still shooting a furious expression at Ale.

Leaning in to her, his grin only widened. He grabbed her by the shoulder, leaning towards her ear as though he was going to lower his voice to a whisper. Yet when he spoke, his tone was still loud enough for everyone in the surrounding crowd to hear as well. "You're not any better. The only difference is: You've got anger-management problems," he smirked. With that much said he released his grip on her shoulder, looking satisfied.

Arlene's eyes narrowed. "Trust me, Ale. You're going to regret this. I can assure you of that," she hissed, before stomping away in the other direction.

Someone in the crowd clapped and stepped forward. No… two someones stepped forward. Ienzo and Dulor. Dulor smirked slightly. "Subtle as ever, Ale," he smirked.

Ale rolled his eyes. "I'm afraid not all of us are perfect gentlemen like you." This was said with some sarcasm.

Ienzo was usually quiet, but he did love to leave a smart alec comment or two every now and then. "I'd watch my back if I were you," he noted. "She sure seemed to mean what she said."

The red-head pondered the warning, then grinned cockily, placing his hands behind his head. He couldn't wait to see what she had in store for him.


In an empty hallway, Arlene rested with her head against the wall—obviously, she was in no hurry to get to class. Why the hell had he dropped a freaking water balloon on her? He didn't even like water!

It had been known since grade seven that Ale had a serious aversion to water, for unknown reasons.

With this thought in mind, she stopped. Aversion to water… that was it. A malevolent grin spread up her face, and she started off for class after all.

As she entered the room, Mr. Selim, their history professor, raised an eyebrow at her wearily. "Miss Arlene… would you care to explain to the class why you are late… and soaking wet?"

She merely snorted. "Why was I late, you ask? Well, because I was wet. And why am I wet? I blame the actions of immature nimrods." This said, she was careful to take a seat in the back corner of the class.

Ale turned around in his seat to examine her once more. That grin upon her face could only mean she had something in store… but what, he couldn't imagine. The thought hardly made him nervous—he was cocky in his certainty that no one could possibly pull a prank on him better than even his worst one on another person.

As class persisted, no one seemed to notice the pale blonde who was fiddling with the wires. The wires were there, simply because some student had managed somehow or another to form a gaping hole in the wall. It was rumored that these wires were those of the sprinkler system for the classroom—Arlene planned on finding out.

Selim was continuing on with one of his many lectures, when he stopped. He sniffed the air for a minute, and paled.

Simultaneously, Arlene jumped from her seat and pointed above her seat. "Smoke! Fire!" The dramatic cry was a convincing one—most anyone would assume the wires had just brushed together.

The result was complete chaos. Most of the students leapt from their seats, panicking. Some ran for the door. One actually jumped out the window, despite it being the second story of the school. And then… the sprinklers came on. They drenched anything and everything in their paths, save for Arlene, who was already wet in the first place.

Now it was Ale's turn to pale, and he nearly fell out of his seat as he made an effort to crawl under his desk. Moments later, a smirking face came into view. "Sick and wrong, Arlene. Really, going for your opponent's greatest fear…" He shook his head, trying to restrain his grin.

Arlene shrugged. "Sick and wrong, hmm? I'm afraid I'm not the one named after an alcoholic beverage!" She snickered, wagging a finger in front of his face tauntingly. However, her taunts seemed to make no progress, and she eventually came to a stop. "What? Are you deaf as well as stupid?" she demanded to know.

In a flash, he'd gripped her by her shoulders again, and their lips met. Arlene's eyes widened, and her confidence waned away as she found that she wasn't pushing him away. The kiss was forceful, and lasted a good fifteen seconds though no one noticed because of all the disruption taking place.

As they pulled away, there was silence between them. Arlene cautiously lifted a hand to her mouth, as though attempting to wipe away the kiss.

"Wrong move, huh?"

Arlene gazed at him. His expression was a mixture of smugness and inquiry. "You're… enjoying this, aren't you?" she spat.

"Mm-hmm. But are you?" His turquoise eyes locked with hers. By this time, the hair of his that usually stuck out in every imaginable direction was also nearly plastered to his face because of the water that was still managing to fall on him despite his position under the desk.

She thought about the question for a moment. "…We'll see."

A/N: It's such a boring start... -sigh-. If you couldn't already tell, here's who's whom:

Ale: Axel
Arlene: Larxene
Ienzo: Zexion
Dulor: Luxord

I got most of these names from another fic. x) Except Ale, which I had fun snorting over during math class a few weeks ago.
I really hope you enjoyed this start, though I'm sure it's awful. (: I plan on having more Larxel moments in there later though. Along with some humor.
Oh, and Mrs. Nance? xD That would actually be based on a real teacher: My fat stupid Twinkie of a Language teacher. And Mr. Selim? That's "Miles" backwards. Mr. Miles is my Social Studies teacher. Why did I put his name backwards? Well, I have no clue.

Anyways, I won't update until I get at least five reviews. -snickers- If you don't like me wanting that many, I could always ask for ten... nah. Peh. You all know I'm too much of a pushover to want ten reviews. Enough with my rant. I'll shut up now.

Please Read and Review!