OK I'M BACK WITH A VENGENCE!!!!!! I'm ready to kick butt and take names………………………..

So here's the disclaimer……………………………………………………

Ryou: Hey Look She don't own it stupid………………

Rei: This is primarily told from Ryou's POV, ok? Oh, but the plot kitties make POV or scene changes…………………………


So it was planned. They all left, leaving me with my precious Strawberry and Keiichiro, but he'll be going to the store and then he'll go to bed... Wait. I must be dreaming. If I'm not crazy I'd say she's been calling me Ryou. My name. Not Shirogane. Ryou. Not Baka, or Hentai, Chikan, or anything else that was an insult. Just Ryou.

I still hadn't decided what I was going to get her for her birthday when I remembered the last time we got drug to the mall together…….



Ichigo and I were walking out of Mr. Freezie'z Outta Dis Whirled Swirlz when we walked by a jewelry store. I didn't realize it, but Ichi had stopped walking at the window. I had just said something and was waiting for her response when I realized she wasn't there. I turned back only to find a certain redhead was gawking at something in the jewelry store window. Once I caught back up to her, I understood why she was staring at this necklace. It was a black, silk choker with a red rose shaped bell. A little on the goth side, but it would look good on her, nearly anything would. The door opened to the shop and you could hear the bell tinkle a resonate, trancelike ring. I bet they would still have it. I ran to my car immediately, after tucking Ichigo in safely.


I jumped over the side of my black convertible and drove to the mall. So what if it's almost 10? You can get whatever you want when you're rich. I parked in front of Mr. Freezie'z and ran in to find the jewelry store. A sign hung over the shop reading 'Elegant Mischief' and there in the window hung my bounty. I saw the cashier get up as I rushed through the door, about to flip the sign. I wasted no time.

"May I help you?" She asked in an arrogant tone.

"I need that bell in the window now!" I all but screamed.

"Sir, you are aware that that bell is almost $300, right?" She asked suspiciously. In all honesty I wasn't. While we're being honest, I can say that quite frankly right now, I don't give a damn. So I nodded. Tossing her a random credit card of mine, I asked her to give me a few other pieces of jewelry as well. "Oh, and wrap it up for me in the nicest wrap you can, give yourself a nice tip too." Her attitude changed then.

"Okay, Sir." She smiled, realizing I had as much as, if not more money than God.

"I'll be back in about half an hour. Is that alright?" I asked, deciding my next stop. "Of course." I thought so, it always is. I left.


Waterfall Fashions. Strawberry's favorite store. I walked in, and upon finding the cashier, I told her to look up Ichigo in the customer database. I found the outfit I had in mind and told her to find one in Ichigo's size. She found it, then a few other things I liked and wrapped them for me. I must love Ichigo. I just spent around $3000 on her. I walked back to the jewelry store and picked up the package. Red roses on black paper. It suited her. I drove back to the café.


I walked back into my room and sat on the bed, careful to avoid my love. I pushed a few stray hairs from her eyes. I took off my shirt then got up and was about to leave when I heard my name.



"Yes, Strawberry?"

"Where are you going?"

I really didn't know. Uhh, the lab! Yes, the lab. "The lab, why?"

"Because I want you to stay with me."

"Alright, Strawberry." Even though I was shirtless, I really didn't care. I sat down beside her and all of the sudden…………………………………………………………….


Oo Ooooooooooooooohh, a cliffy! Betcha can't wait to see what'll happen next…… Will Keiichiro show up? Kish? One of the girls? MASAYA???? Or maybe they'll do something naughty? What if a Kimera Anima attacks??? You'll have to find out………………………….



She rolled over and kissed me. Passionately with grace, and love, kindness, gently, and caring, she kissed me. I kissed back. No reason for ruining a good kiss from someone you love, right?


Bye Bye!!!!