Evil Comes Once Again

By: Amber(yea, my name)



Chapter One


Rock music blasted in the room occupied by the teenage daughter of the house while she lounged on her bed lazily. Her head of medium brown hair pulled back into a high pony tail bobbed to the beat while her emerald eyes skimed the male figures. Long fingers turned the page only for her finger to curl safely in front of her blue tank-top. A light tapping could be heard on the wooden door only to be ignored until the door was opened.

ChiChi stood in the doorway with her arms folded over her chest, ebony strands hanging on the side of her face where they fell from the tight bun. After a few seconds of waiting impatiently, ChiChi walked over to the radio and turned it off only for her daughter to whip around quickly.

"How many times have I told you to keep your radio down and eyes on the clock?" ChiChi's eyes moves to the magazine only to widen. "Give me that filthy thing right this minute! Now go pick Goten up from practice and on the way back, pick-up these items from the store."

Makoto took the list and left the room in silence toward the door. On the way out, she grabbed the keys and slipped on some flip-flops. ChiChi watched from the door as Makoto started the car, blasted the music, and sped off toward the city. Goten, her second oldest, was at her best friends house. Bulma was a woman she could count on. She grew-up seeing Bulma while she spent time with Goku.

Before reaching the house, Makoto turned down the music and then neatly parked the hover car, which they wouldn't have had if it wasn't for Bulma. She looked up to see the door suddenly flung open only for a woman to exit in a hurriedly fashion. Blue hair was quickly pulled back into a pony tail while blue eyes looked at the ground but quickly popped up with a smile.

"Hey sweetie! They're in Trunks' room and he's going to be coming for dinner tonight. Who knows what those boys are planning for this evening. Be sure to tell Goku and ChiChi hey for me kiddo!"

Makoto watched her quickly get into her car and speed off, most likely on a rush job. A blush moved over her cheeks while she thought of Bulma's son just entering college. He was one of the most wanted bachlore since he had a fortune to get when he owned the family corporation.

Makoto could imagine his shoulder length lavender hair curving around his boyish face while his ice blue eyes held no emtion unless he allowed them to. Many of times she'd seen him without his shirt on and drooled over his well toned body he worked on all his life, espeically sparring with Goten. She snapped out of her thought and back to reality.

Bulma is always thoughtful, not to mention helpful. Poor thing, all she does is work and takes care of Vegeta when he gets badly hurt, thought Makoto as she moved through the large house. Finally she found the door and knocked twice. The door was quickly opened only for her to look up at her brother, older then her by two years. His black hair looked messy in the way he spiked it so to stay in style with his peers. Black eyes blinked at her.

"Keys." She obeyed and handed them over while pulling the list out of her pocket, adding it to his opened hand. Goten looked over his shoulder and motioned with his head only for Makoto to quickly look away while Trunks moved out of the room. "Think mom'll mind if Trunks comes over?"

"Mom'll never mind. She always welcomes anyone from this family with open arms since she knows Bulma would do the same thing," she answered.

Goten nodded and lead the way to the car. Once all where in, he sped off to the store. He ended up giving Makoto the list and sending her in while he chatted in the car along with yelled at any guy that looked in his sisters direction.


The three teens set the paper bags on the table while Makoto proceeded to put things away. ChiChi let clicked the phone off and looked at the three in amazement.

"I thought it would take you longer then that to get this so I told Goku not to come home for another hour. Instead, he went to Master Roshi's to play a card game with the guys. Why don't you boys get him?" she asked.

"Sure thing mom," answered Goten and disappeared with Trunks.

Makoto suddenly gripped the counter for a moment as a dizzy spell hit her. ChiChi placed her hand against her forehead only to click her tongue in dismay.

"Get some rest before dinner. I don't want you catching anything during summer vacation."

She obeyed and disappeared to her room, letting the pillow ease her tiredness.

**************************************************************************** ******

Footsteps echoed in the hallway only for ChiChi to continue chopping the vegetables and dump them into the large put. She let out a sigh.

"Makoto, you need to rest longer then just for a few minutes. Now get back up there before I have to put your there myself." She moved out of the kitchen as if controlled by something, sat down, and continued murmuring the same line over and over. 'I will never yell at my kids again.'

The dark figure lurking around the house found his bait, left a prewrote note, and then disappeared quickly before anyone came or felt his pressence.

**************************************************************************** ******

"Did you feel that?" asked Trunks just as they landed on the sandy island. Goten just shrugged it off while he moved toward the small house.

"Probably Vegeta training like he always does this time in the afternoon..."

The words disappeared from his mouth when he saw Vegeta exit the house in a rage. Then, he knew something was wrong. Quickly he looked at Trunks whom nodded and disappeared while himself entered Roshi's house...Trunks entered the house to see the pot of stew bubbling so he turned it down. On the table was a white envolope addressed to Goku so he placed it in his pocket for safe keeping.

A female's muttering brought him into the living room to see ChiChi rocking back and forth. He snapped his fingers in front of her eyes only for her to come to reality.

"Makoto's suppose to be asleep in her room," she said suddenly. Trunks looked toward the stairs as his eyes narrowed. "I'll get Goku."

Trunks handed her the note before she left and started up the stairs and into Makoto's room. The door was sprawled open and the blanket a mess. Beside the bed was a crumpled peice of paper and pen a few inches from it. He opened it and read: weak. voices. powerful being. help on way. its here. send help. Trunks narrowed his eyes and disappeared, knowing what needed to be done.


A large glass window showed the planet earth with all its beauties. The swirls of white clouds, blue waters, and green areas showing plush lands. At the top was a white ice cup smaller then the larger one covering the bottom. The moon was correctly in obit darkening half of the earth while the sun lit the rest showing the summer season where she belonged. Makoto turned to the door opening where two men walked in surrounded by the shadows and forced into anothing room.

Three men lined in front of the wall while light was only in the middle of the room. A faint outline against the far wall showed an occupied throne where a man sat.

"It seems that you, my dear, are connect to a powerful being. Tell me who the one is that will destroy me before I complete my destruction of earth?" asked the suave, cocky voice.

Makoto scruntched her brows in frustration and didn't even think before she spoke.

"Already buddy, give up the goofy cliche bad guy act. First, I have no idea what you're talking about and secondly, I don't care. If you're murdered for trying to destroy earth along with all its people, then you get your just reward!"

An evil cackle echoed around the room only for Makoto to fell her arms grabbed by two of the men, taking her to another room. This time, her hands were chained to a wall even and she felt herself start to space off...


A fog blocked all her vision but she stayed put just incase she was just standing in a single square where it would collapse if she moved. A wind strongly blew where she blocked her face with her arms until it stopped. When they opened, she gasped at the beautiful woman standing in front of her. She was drapped in a silk dark golden dress that touched the floor, frosted wings curved from her back making her bright blue eyes and long blonde hair stand out.

"I'm glad we have have connected Makoto. I wish I could have came with better news but, what I tell you is important. It's a matter of life and death for all on earth. Please follow me." Her soft voice floated through the air while Makoto followed her. They stopped infront of a flat table holding a hologram image of all the z-fighters facing a blank, dark figure. "Somewhere in that head of yours, you know the person who is the key to all the salvation of this planet. I want you to find her..."

"Her?" asked Makoto.

"Yes, it's a girl. She's holding this large power in her that was sealed by all the strongest Kai, a powerful being that once saved the earth but started to overpower the Kais' so they had to seal her away until she was needed for an emergency. That was why all the Z-Fighters are on earth, to take over her place and save everyone. As you can see, they'll fight to death..."

"Goten! Gohan! Trunks! They're all gone..."
The woman touched her shoulder and turned her to look at her.

"This is the future. As you guardian, I will help you change everything. I have to leave you now Makoto. If you need anything, just call out my name in your head. Minako."


Makoto looked up while the thoughts started to process through her head. Minako. That was the name of the girl whom was going to help her find this being. Or else earth would be gone. All the z-fighters dying one by one and failing after giving it their all.

//Mako, can you hear me?// Her head shot-up at the gentle voice of her father. Relief quickly moved through her while her smiled.

//Daddy. The earth is in great danger. I don't know how long we have but we have to try and protect ourselves from this new enemy---//

//We'll deal with that when the enemy appears in person. Right now, we need to get you back. I want you to describe the room you're in so Trunks can come and get you...//

//It has a large window view of earth, chains on the wall, dark, has a bed, and feels like everything is made out of cement.//

//Thanks Mako.//

She looked at earth with a small smile on her face. It was beautiful and she was lucky to get such a view. Of course all the z-fighters had seen it when they went to Namic during Freeza's Terror. A giggled moved from her lips while she looked at the Great Wall of China stretching across like a measuring tape but curved instead of straight.


She looked over at Trunks who was ajusting to the darkness yet small glowing from their home planet, or at least what they called home.

"I'm attached to the wall."

He nodded his head and moved over, breaking the clasps off easily as if they were toothpics. His large hand touched her shoulder only for them the quickly disappear.

*Three years, the day that falls on your birthday, she will come out to play.*

Makoto shook off the voice while her father looked down at her with a large grin.

"They drugged her," commented Trunks as he stopped moving his finger before her face.

She touched her face to feel the grain of sand attached.


"Yep," said Goten while he extended a hand only to pull her up.

The thought quickly crossed her mind about the voice but the words didn't seem to come. Then, they finally spilled out.

"Three years, the day that falls on my birthday, she will come out to play."

"Yep, she's drugged," commented Goten with a goofy grin only to rub her head. "So, why did they want you, of all people that they could have taken. Like mom or Bulma?"

Makoto slapped him upside the head only for him to grab her and start tickling. Laughter moved through Roshi's house only for Trunks to look grim, and serious.

"Well, this weirdo claims that I'm the link to this powerful being that will destroy him. But the thing is, my guardian says that I need to find her. She use to be the protector of earth before she started to become too powerful. The kai's sealed her up only for her to be released when the time was needed. I need to find her before they do since none of you will be able to protect earth no matter how strong you are. We have three years until the day comes but just incase, we should start training again."

"Alright!" Goku grinned while he thought of training. "Since we're going to be training, I'm going to set a schedule up to where you're watched 24/7 just incase someone wants to try and take you again Mako. We're not going to have that again. Here's how it'll go. Trunks, Goten, Gohan, Yamacha, Tein, Chousu, Vegeta, Krillin, and then me!"

"Dad, I don't need to be watched around the clock. Plus, what am I going to do all day? Spin around in a chair while looking at the ceiling? Come on, get real!"

"He's getting real. Plus, I think it's a great idea," grinned Goten with a wink.

Makoto quickly turned away to hide her blush. Trunks cleared his throat making her turn around from looking at the soft waves rocking back and forth against the sand.

"Drive or fly?"

"You drive. I need to think for a while." They walked to his two seater that Vegeta happened to drive over in. The sun gleamed off the red shiny paint and warmed the black leather interior. She laid her head on his lap while looking up at the sky but glancing at his facial features. "There's so many people on earth with only three years to search. How will we know who it is? Will we find them?"

"Anything's possible during this century but I'm sure we'll be able to find her. Plus, as you said she will appear on your birthday. Then, the games will begin..."

The communicator room was where she had been forcefully stationed since there was a monitor screen showing into the room. All he had to do was glance up and see if she was gone. If so, then he would quickly come to see where she was and what the problem was. Since there was nothing but buttons in the room, which she was instructed not to touch, she looked at the wall blankly while she thought.

"Do you think three years is enough to find her?"

"Yea, plenty of time," replied Trunks while doing handstand push-ups in 800xs gravity.

Makoto just smirked knowing it was a line of B.S.(an: great game. love it. i should make my friends play strip bs hehehehehehehehe).

"You're just saying that." With that, she turned the screen off. Trunks turned the screen back on.

"This isn't funny. Get back in sight now Makoto."

"Scared ya didn't I? I'm so bored sitting there with nothing to do. You're going to make me go insane. A normal 16 year old would be out with friends, going on dates, and scoping out hotties at the mall. But I can't do any of that stuff since I'm stuck under servalence."

"Don't make me come out. I'll tie you to the chair if I have to."

The gravity went to zero. Trunks watched the door open while Makoto walked in and plopped herself on the floor.

"Staying alone gives me the creeps, especially around white walls. If they were padded, then that would be a completely different story. I would be having fun bouncing off them...."

"You can't stand the gravity."

"Bet me. Train."

"Just don't get in the way."

Trunks set everything back and continued training while Makoto watched his every move, wanting to feel his strong arms protect her from any harm or even during a lightning storm. Holding her would be a plus but, what caught her off guard was the thought of it never happening. Then, she thought of something else quickly.

"What if she could be around or near us? I wonder if we know her," she said aloud to no one in particular.

"I don't know."

He sounded annoyed from listening to the constant questions and not having the answers. It bothered him a lot to never have answers to questions and made him want to research until he found out what it was. Trunks told by her silence she was in thinking mode. Every time she was about to do something that needed a great ideal of thought, she wouldn't talk and have her brows scruntched.

"Have you ever thought what it would be like to be normal?"

"Normal? Where are you going with this?"

She had caught his full attention and intrest like all the other times when she tried to think of a conversation while alone with him. Even for a few minutes she would think of something but Goten would brush it off and start talking about something else. Usually she would get bored and leave. Trunks stopped training and stood there for a moment while his eye met hers that were alive with questions.

"You know, normal. Being like mortals, humans, having no special powers, or being able to feel something powerful coming. Going out in public to play football, attending prom, finding that one person you're destioned to be with and feeling things click between the two of you, having bunches of friends to go out with, staying up late, and going to parties. That normal. Not being able to fly, change forms when powering up, and being clueless to everything going on. Sometimes I wish I was just another person living in society without a clue about earth's destruction and growing old instead of looking young forever like the sajin blood that runs through our veins."

Makoto pulled her knees up to her chin continuously in thought.

AN: Yea, I rewrote it. I'm not going to change the plot or anything about that. Dialogue was changed, a lot of it because it sucked and really didn't sound like any of the characters. I'm trying to get it to but I completely suck at it since I'm listening to my rock station, waiting for them to announce my mom's b-day on it but I know they're not going to play Puddle of Mudd-She Fucking Hates Me. It's my mom's fav. I love that song too. I love their cd. When I'm driving with my mom, I listen to that cd since it calms me but I don't think the driving instructer is going to let me listen to it. Damn. Oh well. I'll have to live with it. Give me some feed back on the new chapter, ect. I'm not going to erase the comments from the old chapters. Just going to replace them. I like keeping my origional reviews. Later all.