Title: Burn, Baby

Author: Digimon Empress Yaten (de yaten)

Warnings/Notes: Violence, noncon. One of the first twisted things I wrote... ah, the joys of the dark.

Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts or its characters, I don't claim to own them.

Axel thrived on the memory of sandy hair being ruffled with his bare hand, and a flinching face being caressed by unwanted touches. He dreamt of the shaking body, held taut by black spires, and the pleading blue eyes. He missed the stifled cries as he would, often, burn the boy with fire. Just a few singes, here and there. Or everywhere. Most of all, he missed when the boy would plead Axel to stop, repeating his name until he slumped in the binds, having given up.

Axel loved the sensation of seeing those thriving blue eyes, full of hope and false emotions, dull with abuse and numbness. He didn't want to kill the boy, he only wanted to play with him. Fire was simply the best way Axel knew how.

At night, when the boy slept, Axel would slink into his dark room and watch the small chest rise and fall continually. He would mumble, "Burn, baby," against unsuspecting ears and run a hot finger through the hair, on the face, the neck. Never hot enough to singe, but hot enough that Axel would enjoy watching the boy squirm in his nightmares.

And when the boy was gone, placed in some white-picket fence world of the boy's dreams, Axel missed him. So Axel searched, and searched, and found the boy.

And Axel lied. Why not pretend to be his friend - he doesn't remember anyway, after all. The confusion in the sea-salt eyes was thrilling. Axel had to force himself not to char the boy's sensitive body right then and there. He wanted to play - lull him into some security. Hey, would your best friend burn you to a crisp?

Even the little Nobody girl joined in his fun.

Axel wondered if Roxas really knew why it hurt when Namine called them "best friends."