I do not own NarutoWarning: Horrible spelling and grammar

Dedicated to my lil bro Gio

Chapter 8

You will be mine


"I could reject being the heir."

"...So why don't you do it. Its so simple." 'I knew it, he is a selfish bastard who wants to keep Hinata and the heir title.'

"Its not that simple Sasuke." Itachi narrowed his eyes. "If I denounce being the heir, then I would become an outcast...no longer a Uchiha. Don't you see? I would become a disgraced to the Uchiha."

"..." 'I don't care...I want Hinata.'

"So you see."

Sasuke just laid down on bed again and cover himself under the covers, without saying anything.

'Sigh, Sasuke what is happening to you?'



-On the training grounds...hidden on the nearby trees-

Kabuto looked at Orochimaru for a while. It was obvious that he was anxious to ask something but didn't dare.

"Sigh," Orochimaru's broke the tension on the air. "what is it Kabuto?"

Kabuto shifted a few times on his feet, wondering if it would be wise to question Orochimaru's choice. His actions made Orochimaru laugh. "Ku ku ku..." Orochimaru stopped laughing and looked at Kabuto, narrowing his eyes. "spill it already, I hate wasting my time."

"Hmn," Kabuto nodded,showing that he understood. "Orochimaru...Are you sure you want Sasuke? No offence, but he isn't the strongest Uchiha, if you wanted someone strong, then Itachi is the one you should go after." Kabuto got his confidence back, he was now sure that Orochimaru would reason and agree with him. "This...this Sasuke boy is nothing compared to his older brother. He is a weakling-"

"I know thiiis". Hissed Orochimaru, quite annoyed with Kabuto. "I am not a fool, I have my reasons for choosing Uchiha Sasuke. I am not stupid as you so put it."

Kabuto got quite nervous. "No, that is not what I tried to do. I was just-"

"Just for your information, I'll tell you why I chose Ssssasuke." A small side smile appeard on his pale, death-like skin. "As you said, Itachi is the strongest Uchiha...while his brother doesn't reach up to his strenght. If I did go after Itachi, he would never accept my offer, since I can't offer anything at all. He has strenght, intelligence, patience, and a great possition on the Uchiha clan. There is nothing we can offer him, while the youger brother is quite the opposite. Sasuke hasn't reached to his full potential, but he is strong. He lives on the shadow of his brother, always being compared to Itachi...never reaching everybody's standards. There is a better possability for this boy to come with us than the older one. If I train Sasuke, then he will become as strong as his brother and maybe, even more...althought I will never tell him what the price he will pay in order to become powerful. Ku ku ku."

"Oh, I see...That is really smart. I never thought of it that way."

"Of course not." Orochimaru turned away from Kabuto and waited silently on the tree. "Now leave, I am waiting for my new vessel to arrive." Kabuto nodded and left, jumping from one tree branch to another.


It was 7 am and Sasuke was barely arriving to his usual training ground.

'Damn you! You call yourself my brother, yet you steal the woman I love. --- We were supposely brothers and best friends...yet you...Why? Damn you to hell Itachi, damn the clans as well! Damn their stupid rules...damn her as well...for betraying me, for choosing Itachi over me, for showing him more love than me, for agreeing on the marriage proposal, and for... She is guilty as well. Sigh, I need to calm down, beside...Hinata is not to blame at all. Itachi and our clan is to blame, but mostly my brother.'

Sasuke finally arrived to his usual training ground and ready himself for a long day of training. He had too much in his head and needed to get rid of too much preassure, stress and hate; he needed to let go free of his inner emotions that were killing him on the inside. He got two kunai's out and threw them with so much passion, hate, fustration and anger to one of the training poles. 'That was for Itachi.'

"Too much on your mind to even noticed someone's presence. How disappointing. Ku ku ku." Orochimaru's voice startled Sasuke out of his emmotional momment.

Sasuke quickly turned to face the person who had dared to disturb his happy release-my-anger-on-the-pole momment. "Who are you?"

"My name is Orochimaru." The snake like man walked slowly toward Sasuke, causing Sasuke to activate his Sharingan and get into a defense position.

"Kukuku...Oh, no, no, no,no, not at all." Orochimaru waved his hands in the air, signaling that he didn't want to fight. "I am not here to fight at all. I am here for your interest...hoping to give you a helping hand."

Sasuke narrowed his eyes as he looked at the monstrosity in front of him. He didn't trust this...man. A smirk appear on his face, "Exactly how do you think you can help me?" Sasuke said in a mocking tone of voice.

"...Don't you want power? Strenght?...Even stronger than Itachi?" Orochimaru knew he had hit the jackpot once he saw Sasuke's reaction when mentioning Itachi. "I can help you become stronger than Itachi. Finally to stop livin in his shadow and be praised over him."

"...How are you planning on making me stronger?" Sasuke asked with some curiosity as he slowly started to drop his guard.

"Simple, you leave Kanoha and train under my instructions for 3 years. Believe me, you will become twice or even three times stronger than your brother. Interested?"


"You choice is to be done right now. Take it or leave it."


Orochimaru noticed Sasuke's doubt so he decided he needed to push forward. "Is there something that you want badly? Don't you want to prove to your clan that you are much more worth than your brother? Look, all you have to do is go and train with me for 3 years, after that you can become a sound-nin. You see, I just want the best and I know you can become one of the best, even greater than your brother." Oh, Orochimaru's lie came out like truth out of his thin lips.

Sasuke looked at the ground for a momment. "Yes...but 3 years..." 'Hinata is getting married to Itachi when she turns 19, that is in one and a half year. Sigh, maybe, I can go for half the time and then come back and get Hinata...Kidnap her or something, then resume the rest of my training to become stronger...or...'

"Have you made your choice?" Orochimaru tried to act like he wasn't impatient.

"Hn." Sasuke looked at Orochimaru and started thinking in a way to have Hinata for himself, yet get strong at the same time. "...There is some one...you may say...special...to me. I need to come back in in half the time you are asking me to go and train with you, in order to take her with me. Would that affect anything?"

'Yes. If you decide to come, you have to come and won't come back, since you will be prepared to be my new vessel.' "Why of course not. You can come back when the time is needed and bring her. If you wish, I could even send sound nins to help you bring her, if that is needed."

'Hmn, not bad. I could get strong and get Hinata to be mine at the same time. This is good.' Sasuke looked up at the sky and pretended to be thinking about the proposal. He then looked back at Orochimaru. "I will accept if you assure me you promise to keep your word."

"Kukuku, of course I promise. "

"Very well then. I guess I'll accept." Sasuke turned around and walked up to the tree his kunais where at and pulled them out. "So, when are we to leave?"

"Right now."

Sasuke couldn't help but grimace, since he knew he wouldn't be able to see Hinata before leaving her for more than a year. "Sigh, fine." Sasuke started putting away his kunais, then started walking after the serpentine man.


AN: O.K. So I didn't have time to check my spelling or anything. I've been so preoccupied but still, I wanted to download one of my fics. I hope you enjoy it.

Also...Sorry for all the OOC, I just love OOC in my fics.

Please don't forget to review. REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW!

Next Chpt:

(Itachi's and Hinata's wedding has been schedual to be held before turns 19. Sasuke learns about this and comes back to Konoha a few weeks before the wedding.)