This story takes place in AU. In this story, Itachi will still be mysterious but he won't be a serial killer..blablabla. Sasuke on the other hand will be the black sheep. NO, Sasuke won't kill his entire clan...but he will do something that will surprise you. He will do anything to have Hinata all for himself.

Summary: Itachi is engaged with Hinata and Sasuke is engaged with Hanabi. This is the way both clans decided the arragements would be. Sasuke isn't happy with the pairing. He wants Hinata, he will do anything to have her to himself. The ending will be surprising.

I do not own Naruto (If only I did)

You will be mine

Chapt 1

Two brothers

He wasn't happy with the pairing the two clans had made.

"Why were you paired up with Hinata?" Itachi gaved him a questioning look.

"I mean...wouldn't it make more sense for me to be paired up with Hinata? We are almost the same age."

" doesn't matter who I marry...People will still think of me as a pedophile." Itachi gave a faint smile.

"Also she is don't like weak two wouldn't make a good pairing."

"...Sasuke, do you think you she should be paired up with you because you are also weak?"

"...huh? Did you called me weak?"

" did."


"Hinata is the eldest, I am the eldest. Hanabi is the younger one, you are the younger one. Hinata is the heir to the Hyuuga, I am the heir to the Uchiha. It makes sense."

"Hn." Sasuke did understand but wanted to find a loophole.

"Tell you what Sasuke. If you want we can share Hinata."

Sasuke's eyes widened with surprise. "Are you serious? You would do that?"

Itachi gave Sasuke a weird look. "Of course not! She will be my wife and she will belong to me and only me."

Sasuke smirked with a hint of anger. 'I understand. Even though I won't be marrying her...I want her for me and only me.'


The Uchihas were waiting for the Hyuugas to arrive for dinner.

Itachi and Sasuke were by the entrance ready to receive them.

"When will they get here?" Sasuke was becoming impatient.

"What is the hurry Sasuke? Can't wait to see your precious Hanabi?"

Sasuke gaved him an annoyed smile.

Itachi knew Sasuke liked Hinata even though he never said anything. Although he knew Sasuke would never do anything to take her away from him. Hinata had grown to be quite beautiful to both the Uchiha brothers. Since Sasuke and Hinata were 10 they had been training together. Sasuke had known her more than Itachi and was close to her...even if it was just like friends. Although things started changing. When Hinata turned 16 both clans decided it was best for Itachi to train Hinata. Both clans wanted the two heirs to become close to each other, this way their plans could become more easier. Indeed, they became close. This caused Sasuke a great deal of jealousy. Itachi being the genius that he was, noticed this. By her 17th Birthday, Hinata had transformed into a woman. Both admired her beauty. Their Engagement was announced in a council meeting between both clans. Hinata and Itachi accepted with a smile, not being able to hold their contentment. Sasuke eyes shined with pure jealousy and discontent. Itachi knew but didn't let anybody know he knew...but he knew.

-Finally they arrived-

Hiashi, his daughters and Neji arrived.

Sasuke greeted Hiashi, Neji, Hinata and Hanabi.

Itachi noticed Sasuke's reaction when greeting Hinata. His chest was going up and down really fast and he gaved her a faint smile. Sure seemed she made his day. Itachi smiled as he walked toward Hinata. He grabbed her hand in front of Sasuke. He needed Sasuke to realize he had to give up on her.

'He'll get over it. Its just a crush.'

"Hinata, come. I'll be honor to have my wife-to-be sitting next to me during the dinner." He turned and looked at Sasuke."Sasuke, I recommend you do the same with Hanabi."

Yes for sure he had left things settled. At least that is what he thought.


PLEASE REVIEW. I will not continue until I get a certain amount of reviews. Please be nice to me. I love all of you so please love me back.

This story has horrible grammar and horrible spelling.