Chapter 2 Guys Will Be Guys..

Nami rushed into her room slamming and locking the door behind her. She kept her back against the door, she brought a hand to her chest as she panted heavily, her heart beating a million miles a minute. What happened out there? She asked herself. What was that whole thing between me and Luffy? He must think I'm a complete idiot! She put a hand to her forehead. What was I doing anyway? What was I thinking! Luffy and I could never be like that! Her back slid down the door until she was sitting on the floor. She closed her eyes half way, sadness tugged at her heart. Never...

Luffy was still on deck, trying to figure this over powering feeling out. What was that? He had never felt like that before in his whole life!

He couldn't figure out why his heart was beating so fast now. Could there have been something there all along?


The sound of footsteps made her very alert. She could hear voices getting louder, not that they weren't loud to begin with, as they made their way below deck. Nami stood quickly and listened for a moment, then she heard them enter the Men's Quarters. I guess the party is over.. She thought to herself. She smiled slyly. I wonder what they're doing.. She put an ear to the door that led to the Men's Quarters, which served as an escape exit, and listened.

(Men's Quarters)

"Here's one," Luffy began, "After many years at sea, a pirate decided to retire. Since he had suffered injuries on the job, he thought that he should collect on his worker's compensation insurance. He had a wooden leg, a hook where his right hand should be and a patch over his right eye." He pointed at his eye, "The agent assured him that he would be compensated if the injuries were work related. "How did you get the wooden leg?" asked the agent. In a booming voice the pirate replied, "Me and me mates were on the high seas when the boom swang 'round and knocked me into the sea where a shark bit off me leg." The agent replied, "That is certainly work related. How did you lose your hand?" "Well matey, me and me mates were on the high seas when the boom swang 'round and knocked me into the sea where a shark bit off me hand," said the pirate. "That's also work related. Now how did you lose your eye?" asked the agent. The pirate replied, "Well matey, I was laying on the deck one balmy day catching some rays when this seagull flew by and crapped in me eye!" "What does that have to do with the loss of your eye?" said the agent. The pirate replied, "It were the first day with me hook!"

The guys burst out into laughter.

"Oh! I got one!" Usopp said, "Alright, a Pirate walks into a tavern one day. The bartender glances at him and then double takes as he notices the pirate's got a ship's wheel down the front of his pants. Now this bartender had seen quite a few things in his day but he was completely taken back.

So the pirate walks up to the bartender and says, "Arr, I'll have an ale."

The bartender quickly obliges, and as he brings the man's glass he grows bold and asks the question on his mind. "Excuse me, but why is their a ship's steering wheel in your pants?"

The pirate looks at the bartender gloomily and then gazes at the steering device. "What, this?" he says pointing, "Arrrr... its drivin' me nuts!"

(Women's Quaters)

Nami rolled her eyes. Guys.. She put her ear back to the door.

(Men's Quarters)

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA!" Zoro laughed, pounding his fist down on the table next to him. "That was hilarious!"

Chopper looked at the swordsmen annoyed, "You're just saying that because you're drunk!"

"I am not drunk!" Zoro protested. Zoro rubbed a finger under his red nose then pointed it at Chopper, "And you'd know that if you payed any attention to me, Sanji!"

"I'm not Sanji!" the little reindeer growled, "I'm Chopper!"

While the reindeer talked Zoro guzzled down another bottle of Sake, when he finished he pointed at Chopper again, "Why are you talking anyways? Dogs shouldn't be able to talk! Don't you know that!"

All the guys in the room except Chopper burst out into laughter.

"Let's play some poker!" Usopp suggested.

Everyone agreed.

(1 hour later)

"Haha! I win again!" Usopp declared in triumph pulling the treasure that layed in the middle of the floor to himself.

"YOU CHEATED!" Sanji accused, angrily throwing his cards down.

"Me? Cheat?" Usopp repeated, acting shocked, "Now look here, Sanji, I might lie about other things but if there is one thing I don't do, and one thing only I do not do! It's cheat," he struck a pose, "at poker!" still frozen in his heroic pose cards accidently slipped out of his sleeves and fluttered onto the floor.

Everyone's jaw dropped. Usopp's face turned blue, "Uh..."

Sanji went bullistic, "I KNEW IT!"

"Well uh-" Usopp was never able to finish, the next second Sangji was flying at him with razor sharp teeth and angry white triangular eyes.

"I'M GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS!" Sanji roared. A cloud of smoke was all that could be seen as the two pirates went at it.

Zoro laughed shortly, then turned to a fit of rage, "WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH YOU TWO! WHY ARE YOU FUCKING EACH OTHER AT TWO O' CLOCK IN THE MORNING! YOU-" He nodded off suddenly, snoring up a storm.

Luffy sat back and laughed. My crew is so awesome!


Everyone froze.

"What was that?" Luffy asked, wide eyed.

BOOM! The ship trembled as it took another blow. The pirates inside it lost there balance.

All the men rushed above deck to see what was happening.

When the pirates were on deck they dicovered that they had been shot, the shape of a cannon ball emerged in the side of their ship. Also to their surprise the snow had stopped falling, and the sky was cloudy and gray.

"Look!" Chopper cried.

The crew oblidged, they gazed out at the ocean. A thick fog loomed over the water, it was hard to make it out but there was definately a ship out there.

Luffy wasn't quite sure what to make of it. "What the-" Suddenly it disapeared. Huh? Where did it go? Luffy's eyes scanned the area. Then he caught sight of it! Now it was... moared?

Seconds later they heard an explosion, flames shot up from a distant building. They were attacking the village?

No one knew exactly how to react at first.

"Come on!" Luffy motioned, putting a foot on the edge of the boat, "We have to stop them!"

While this was going on Nami had been changing, when she was finished she quickly rushed out, "What's-" Nami had only come out in time to see the crew running into the village, "HEY!" She quickly ran after them.

Author's Note: I'm sorry it's so short! I really wanted to do some fighting but my Mom was playing classical music! It was pretty funny though lol. There'll be action in the next chapter! Oh BTW I just wanna say if I get someone OOC I apoligize ahead of time, nobody's perfect.