They had not been back together for long and neither could summons enough courage to ask the other about the factor which ultimately drove a wedge between them last time. Each had their reasons, his included the pure relief of having her back and not wanting to reenter the realm of loosing her again, hers however were purely from the fear of her realization that this time she wanted to scream it from the roof tops. So taking it slow and steadily they reentered their relationship with as much control as they could muster, each terrified of the pain the other had and could inflict.

So now they stand in a crowded elevator on their way to work, not what they had planned as each displaying signs of sleep deprivation from a passionate evening. Not what they had planned as he slipped out the door ten minutes before her this morning, but hit traffic as he took a different route to work. Having been pushed side by side against the back wall by other suited workers, she turns and gives him a light smile- words not necessary for the moment they find themselves in at this point in time. Knowing she needs some reassurance he smiles back as he slowly slips his middle two fingers into the side pocket of her tight slacks, letting them rest next to her in comfort. The small gesture calms her, and scarily enough doesn't scare her as much as it once would have. He had expected her to pull away after the meaning of the touch had been process, but she surprised him letting him keep his hand there and leaning into his side a little more as the elevator lurched off the ground floor of the building.

After hearing the latest news for the day they headed back to the morgue on their way to identify the body of the woman they had been searching intensely for over the past week; as each of the knew finding the missing was not always something to be grateful for. No more words spoken than were absolutely necessary, each occupied with their own thoughts as they carried out their duties, until a fresh call came in and they had something more to focus on.

Stepping back into the empty elevator in the early hours of the following morning he knew she had had a tough time, she always seemed to connect with the young mothers more than anyone else, seemingly having some experience that was from somewhere deep within her personal being. She sighed as she stepped back into him, her head resting on his shoulder as she pulled his arms around her waist, entwining their fingers. He simply stood, offering silent support to her disheveled body and clouded mind.

It was decided that they would change into their gym clothes and crash on the office couches rather than going home, neither being bothered with driving home at this late hour. Pushing through the heavy glass doors of the bullpen she saw already him sound asleep on one of the black couches, a free one waiting across from him. As her body crashed into the cushions she let out a whimper of relief, rolling to find a more comfortable position.

However, one could not be found as she tossed trying her best to settle her quaking nerves. Resting on her stomach and propped on her elbows she ran a hand through her hair as she glanced over at him lightly snoring. She eyed the remaining space next to him, would she fit? It definitely looked more comfortable. Tiptoeing across to him she crept onto the couch resting her head on his arm as she lay beside him, her body easily giving into the need for sleep now.

She woke the next morning to the early signs of the building coming alive, opening her eyes she smiled, finding an arm securely around her waist and a suit jacket over her shoulders. "Hi," he whispered as she rolled in his arms to greet him, "I woke up to something between my legs," he smiled, indicating her foot which has snaked its way between his ankles.

"Morning," she guiltily grinned leaning into kiss him, thinking that no one was around. "This couch looked warmer than the other one," she explained as his fingers ran lightly over her stomach under her sweats. "Hey, I'm not complaining," he replied as he kissed her again, "but I think we should get up before we get discovered."

"Too late!" Came the reply from behind them as Danny strode around the couch and into view, "Guess it pays coming to work early," he grinned mischievously. Once again he expected her to pull away, jump off the couch and make up an excuse for their current predicament, instead she surprised him again, pulling his arm tighter around herself and snuggling further into his grasp, "What can I say?" she blushed, "Who I couldn't resist him," she finished before pulling his stunned face towards her lips and laying a kiss on him before he had a chance to react.