I don't own Naruto. Beware of ItaNaru, and yaoi/shounen-ai. Enjoy!

Itachi really didn't know what he was doing here. It all started when Naruto left his bedroom window open one night and Itachi just happened to be walking by. What, Itachi liked the night air! It was cooling and little brother didn't try to kill you because they were sleeping peacefully in their beds. Itachi sighed and kicked off his shoes, this wasn't normal. This wasn't even supposed to be happening. But Naruto smiled at him... and Itachi discovered that he liked it a lot when Naruto smiled at him. He sighed again. This was... troublesome. Itachi looked at the snoring blonde sleeping soundly in his bed. "You're starting to grow on me, Naruto," he whispered.

Down into Damnation

You are a demon, my little angel,

Your hair is filled with knots and tangles,

And your wings are torn and stained,

But your smile still remained,

And in the midst of it all your still shine,

Just remember you will always be mine,

Because I said so,

And that'll all you should now.

I will drag you down to hell then send you to heaven, my beautiful one,

Because in my life you are second to none,

So let me hug you, hold you, kiss you, caress you,

Then undress you,

And make you scream my name to the clouds,

Go ahead and shout it out loud,

Because as I hear my name fall from your lips,

I can feel you tremble from the tip of your toes to your finger tips.

Follow me down into damnation, my love,

And my kisses will be as gentle as a dove,

Because in you I see salvation, how odd,

So as I whisper a prayer and thank the devil or god,

For giving you to me,

Then making me see,

The angel in hell,

But that's another story to tell.

Itachi sighed; he noticed he was doing that a lot these days. Naruto's eyes fluttered open as a pale hand stroked his cheek then he smiled. "Hi." Red eyes softened and Itachi couldn't help but smile. "Hi." This was getting way too comfortable... Every now and then Itachi would stop by. He would just hop through the window then have a nice chat with Naruto. A few months later he would come through the front door. A year later he would come during the day time, Naruto was the one that suggested that. He felt bad that he was always half-asleep when Itachi stopped by. Two years later Itachi stopped by but never came back again because this time Naruto left with him and henever looked back. They were happy and they were happy together. In the end, the golden angel fell into the depths of hell in the embrace of a crimson demon and the demon found salvation in the angel that was his and his alone. Some call it fate, some call it destiny... Itachi calls it people being stupid enough to leave their bedroom windows open in the middle of the night. Naruto just rolls his eyes and smiles.


Review because Itachi and Naruto are so cute.

Itachi: ... (TWITCH)

Naruto: ... I counldn't have said it any better.