Fantastic 5


The Day of the Fantastic 5


The rocky green giant, which is really Brock Harrison mutated from the storm in space, sat alone on top of the giant steel and cable suspension bridge that leads into Metru City and looked down at the water below…

"Oh yeah, Brock; you just had to travel with Ash like you always do," grumbled Brock, before mocking what Pr. Maple said to him "'A few days in space. It'll be great. What's the worst that could happen?' Well, this turned out to be the worst that could ever happen to me."

Suddenly, a Pidgey comes by and lands on his right shoulder. He noticed it and said to it in greetings, "Hey there, little guy." The tiny bird Pokémon wasn't spooked by Brock's appearance in any way (after all, one should in the world of Pokémon). He smiles a bit, "You're not afraid of me, are ya?" Several more Pidgey arrive, apparently they want the young Pidgey on Brock's shoulder to come with them, the two looked at each other, "Go ahead, your friends would like you come along with them." The innocent little Pokémon flew off to be with its friends.

Of course, a Spearow flew overhead Brock and pooped on his crystalline hair before flying off! Noticing that the naughty Spearow pooped him on, Brock grumbled, "Perfect…" then to the Spearow "Thanks!" before he decided to rub it out of his green crystallized hair.

The next surprise for Brock was a normal-looking human man in a business suit carrying a suitcase. He was a mess; he looked like he got drunk a few days ago out of depression and he's shaking so much that no one would notice him. But Brock did. He threw his briefcase over the bridge and into the water beneath them. He closed his eyes and was about to jump off——

"Hey!" called out Brock to him. The man stopped dead in his tracks, nearly jumping out of his skin at the sound of Brock's new rocky voice. But when he saw Brock, he was more shocked than before and began quivering with the fear of the unknown form before him!

"You think you've got problems? Take a good look, pal!" growled Brock, "How bad could your life be at the moment? Right?" Trying to be his old understanding self again, he began reasoning with the suicidal man, "Well… whatever it is; it can't be bad enough to go and take your own life." He also stood up to try to calm him down, but it made the man cower some more and back away onto the heavy steel girders that went over the roads on the bridge.

Brock starts to lose it and tries to calm down a few seconds while trying to calm the other guy down; "Stop. Please stop? I said stop, you jerk! No! No! NO! That's FURTHER! Come closer! Listen to me! COME BACK!"

Brock, forgetting about how heavy his mutated body was, stepped onto the same girder as the startled man in attempt to bring him back. Meanwhile, people on the sidewalks on the bridge stopped in the frightening scene happening. Suddenly, the man fell off from the girder and fell towards the road!

Brock leaped down and caught the man in one hand, while leaving some dents into the road under his weighty three-toed rocky green feet. "Now let's get out of here before——"

They both heard a loud horn coming behind them. Brock looked behind him and found a huge truck coming at him, Brock crouched down with the panicking man in front of him while the truck headed straight for his back!

The big green rock guy waited for the impending doom… CRASH! He looked behind him and he's just witnessed that the truck suffered all of the damage and not him at all, yet he didn't feel a thing from the vehicle's collision with his back!

Hearing the sounds of dozens of more cars and trucks crashing around him, he's just realized that he became a gigantic walking disaster area and everyone's going to recognize him for this; all the other vehicles just piled up from behind it… including another yet smaller truck carrying a few gas tanks!


While looking for him, crowds of people were forming on the sidewalks on the bridge, so the gang figure that that's where Brock is!

Before anybody in the group could get anywhere close to the chaos going on the bridge, the police formed a human blockade to keep people out, and at possible get the other people within their blockade out.

Gary groans, "Damn! How could the big guy actually do something this stupid?" the trio (Jessie, James, and Meowth) hid inside the car everyone's been traveling in to search for Brock; if the police force was there they'd get arrested.

Pr. Oak said, "We'll never get past the police." May got an idea, "Either you can't and I could or maybe the four of us can." Misty remembers, "May, what are you saying? You can only go invisible, not the rest of us." May groans, "Just give me a sec to concentrate!" they waited a few seconds…

Gary growls, "Sometime this minute would be good." Misty scolded him, "You're not helping!" Suddenly Ash, Gary, May, and Misty each went invisible (but their clothes remained visible)! Ash shrugs, "What do you know? May was right and that power works as she expected after all." Misty sighs, "I stand corrected."

Everyone around them was watching them in astonishment! May said, "Hurry everyone, lose your clothes! I'm afraid this power only works on living creatures!" Misty said, "Oh right!" then the invisible four slipped off their clothes, the astonished crowd and policemen got feelings of interest.

Max groans, "This is so wrong!"

May moans to herself while undressing herself, "Oh, god… I'm feeling so hot." Suddenly, she, Ash, Gary, and Misty appeared again—— but down to their underwear!


Brock heard Misty's voice letting out loud scream! He recognized it, "Misty?"

Then he witnessed the panicky man backing away from him in more fear, finally he gave up, "You wanna be scared?" then he roared out in his new earth-shaking voice, "FINE!" finally the little coward ran off in fear of Brock.


Back with the others, while hundreds of people continued staring with interest, confusion, and/or appall…

Gary (not disturbed by being stared at, because of the pretty women looking at him) looked at Misty with great interest, "Wow, you look wonderfully beautiful, excellently fit, incredibly healthy, and greatly sexy at once! How come I've never noticed you before in our youth?" Misty, who is crouching behind Ash, yelled "SHUT UP!"

May (also undisturbed at being stared at) smiles as she said to Ash, "Whoa! You've been working out." Ash, who covered himself with his jacket, said, "I can't believe you thought of doing this!"

As May giggles away, Misty scolds her "I feel so humiliated! Any more plans, genius? Why don't you do this instead of all of us and have a thousand people stare at you!" what she didn't notice was that May got four of them invisible once more, this time their underwear disappeared along with them.

Ash gulped, "Uh, Misty." Misty growled, "What, Ash?" then she noticed her body (as well as her underwear) is gone, along with Gary, May, and Ash's. "I was having a little fun, but now I'm being serious," admitted the invisible May. "Good" sighed Misty.

Max groans, "I'm going to need therapy when this is over."

Ash's group's leftover clothes floated in the air and disappeared.

Amongst the confused crowd; Gary groped a very buxom 19-year-old blonde's behind, May pushed past a few people saying "Excuse us, coming through", "It's not so bad being so flexible" said an invisible Misty, and Ash just walked on the emptied sidewalks. The crowd just continued to look at the spot the four have disappeared.


Brock angrily turned around, the driver of the truck is still trapped inside! Brock felt worried about him and decided to help, he ripped the driver's side door off like it was tissue paper and apologized "Sorry about your truck, man."

At first the driver was spooked, but then noticed that the big green rock monster is just trying to help him. He struggled to get out, but he couldn't! Brock asks, "What's wrong with the button, sir?" the driver tries to hit the release button on his seatbelt, but to no success, "It's stuck!" replied the trapped driver. Brock sighs, "Okay, just forgive me for doing this to your truck some more." He ripped out the steering wheel with her bare hand and then he gently ripped the seat with the driver still stuck in it out of the truck.

Police came to the scene and pointed their guns at Brock! "Freeze!" Brock obeyed and looked at the police point their guns at him. Another police officer called out, "Just… put the man in the seat… down!" Brock tried to reason with them, but was instantly interrupted, "DO IT!"

Brock and the driver he has in his hand looked at each other with confused and bewildered looks on their faces. Brock had no choice but to comply. After he safely placed the seat with the trapped driver down, he slowly raised his hands in the air, showing signs of surrendering to them. Before anybody could do anything else, the electric circuitry beside him flared, forcing him to run for cover!

A bullet went flying for him as he ran away, but surprisingly bounced off his back like it was nothing!

On the other side of the bridge, a fire truck was on its way to put out any possible fires that are about to occur.


"I can't believe you've just gotten silly back there, May!" growled an embarrassed Misty, who became visible again and quickly dressing into her clothes. May shrugs, "Well we got through, didn't we?" Gary nods, "That is true." Ash shouts, "Find Brock!"

The four friends split into individual directions on the bridge to search for their unfortunate friend… but they didn't have to go very far. Upon first glance at him… nobody would want to dare to imagine how worse it could be for anyone else.

But unfortunately… it can!

Within the wreckage, Gary spotted leaking gas tanks and sparks creeping closer to them! He shouted, "This whole place is going to be blown straight to Hell in a few seconds!" everyone panicked when he said that!

Suddenly, more police cars arrived, but then one of them crashed into the other cars and started a fire. Just then, one of the gas tanks blow open which blasted the fire into an explosion.

Suddenly, the fire made the other gas tasks blow open, which caused a bigger explosion that could wipe out everyone on the bridge. Just seconds before the explosion, Gary spotted a lost little girl looking for her parents but she's trapped between some crashed cars, the flames from the explosion crept closer to her but Gary intervened, grabbed onto her, and shielded her with his body as the explosion hits them.

Surprisingly, to himself only, it seemed like the world has gone into super-slow motion for a few moments as he went in there, yet still his body remained resistant even to the explosion's flames!

Brock's rocky upper torso was bathed in the large inferno as he tried to shield himself with a car, since his hands were too big for his Poké balls and he didn't have them. The flames didn't affect him in any way.

Ash brought out Sceptile to get him, Pikachu, and several other little kids and their Pokémon out of the explosions range by leaping through the top girders over the road on the bridge and about several tens of feet up in the air from the bridge!

The explosion spread so far that it began to push the oncoming fire engine over the bridge, tearing right through its protective side girders, leaving the back half of it dangling like a helpless caterpillar on the edge of a leaf! A couple of the firefighters on the truck hanged on the half end of it, trying to hold on for their dear lives!

But before the flames could harm anyone, May put up her hands, hopefully to find Ash, but instead a bubble of mysterious transparent partially golden-colored energy surrounded the explosion, just as it was about to hit her! She and Misty were so shocked and confused at what's just happened, but May went along with it and pushed her arms in, which made this bubble close up completely and forced the flames to die down.

Jessie, from the other side, exclaimed out loud "Now that's one powerful girl!" James shrugs, "Guess it's true; you win some, you lose some." Meowth sighs, "Except you's two got the loser powers."

Ash and his Sceptile landed beside May, who dropped the energy bubble and looked at her hands in surprise! Ash said, "That was impressive, May." Misty nods, while taking care some of the kids, "Very good." Brock and Gary showed up, with the little girl they rescued, "We've gotta rescue the fire truck; it's about to fall off the bridge!"

Ash grits his teeth, "Gary, stand down until further notice! Brock, think you could pull it up?" Brock looked at himself, if he was able to smash through walls without a scratch in his new body he could easily have the strength to haul the fire truck back onto the bridge, "I can try!" May asks, "What are you going to do, Ash?" Ash answers, "I'm going to help out, Brock!"

Misty looks at her left hand and imagined shaping it into a large bucket, surprisingly, it worked! She called out her water Pokémon with her right hand and commanded them, "Use your water guns to douse the flames for there wouldn't be anymore explosions, I'm going to help out!" They followed her command as she stretched her arm with the bucket-hand into the water below and hauled up 20 to 30 gallons of the water and changed it into a cannon-like hose, firing the water in it on the last bits of flame on the bridge along with her Pokémon! Surprisingly, she can shape her body in anyway she can imagine without getting injured within seconds!

Gary and May guided the young ones away from the disaster, as Brock and Ash went in to rescue the firefighters! As Misty finished, she heard May call out to her, "Misty, one of the firemen on the other end of the fire engine are going to fall!"

Brock grabbed onto the front of the fire truck from its sides, "Don't… you… dare… fall… into… the… ocean!" He used all of his strength to pull it back onto the bridge, surprisingly, his strength was better than before; the truck partially felt like it was just 50 pounds to Brock when he was a normal human!

"Help! I'm slipping!" one of the firefighters yelled as her grip was getting weaker on the ladder of the truck. Another one of them yelled out, "Hang on!" Another shouts, "I'm gonna lose him!"

The female firefighter completely lost her grip and fell! But before she was about to hit the water, she was caught, with her face only being exactly 2 centimeters away from the surface of the water! She was relieved at first, but was confused on how she was saved, she looked back to see that Misty had stretched down from the bridge, leaving her legs literally tied up and supporting her while using her arms to save the firefighter and caught her! She apologized, "Sorry, but it was kind of a pain. Just hang on a bit as we go back up!" she starts to pull herself and the firefighter back up!

Brock completely pulled the truck back onto the bridge to safety, just as his companions (Ash, Gary, Misty, and May) gathered around him.

Soon, they were surrounded by police officers and their guns and Growlithe Pokémon, "Freeze," said one of them, "Don't move!" Another said, "This is the police, get down on the ground!" But the people the five had just saved, even Metru City's Officer Jenny, stopped the police. She commanded them, "Stand down, men! They're heroes!"

The onlookers cheered for the five heroes! Gary just smiled a little and said, "Glad to be of service." Brock said nothing. As did Ash, as he returned his Pokémon. May never felt this popular since her past victorious Pokémon contests, she smiled. Misty was just surprised by this.

As Brock saw news helicopters, he knew that everyone in the world will soon know about him since it's being broadcasted, even his family. He crouched down, hiding his face. Ash placed a caring hand on his old friend's shoulder and said, "I swear to you… we're going to do everything we can… until there's not a breath left in us… you're going to be the man you once were."

Brock said nothing; just let out a few tears and gently wrapped his arms around his smaller friend.


In a medical tent, the five were grouped together for medical treatments.

Brock sat silently, he knew Officer Jenny was there but his depression from learning of the creature he's become, that alone completely stopped his hormones from taking over.

May was carefully being looked at while getting a physical from an attractive brown-haired medical doctor, who couldn't help but make a few accidents within the procedures. But May didn't mind it.

Misty was being checked out by a female doctor, who was trying to not only figure out how far she could stretch but at the same time check to see if she's still in good health.

Gary couldn't help but look at Brock's new form, while the other medical crew continues with their procedures. "Where are your ears?" he asked Brock as the green rock-man angrily looked down at him.

Ash sat silently through his 2nd emergency checkup this week, waiting for Nurse Joy to show up with the Pokémon.

The Nurse Joy of Metru City showed up, with the five's Poké balls in her arms. As she looked up at Brock, who turned his face away, a bit scared, she didn't want to upset him, so she placed his Poké balls on the ground near his feet before giving the others back theirs.

Ash's mother, Delia Ketchum, showed up hugging Ash, "Pr. Maple was right; you do look like your father!" He groans a bit, "Please don't say that, Mom."

June Oak, Gary's big sister, came into the tent and glomps Ash from behind. Gary said, "Ew! That's your mom and my sister!" Misty groans, "Don't think like that, Gary!"

Delia asks her son, "I was so worried about you since I've heard about your adventure in space on the news. Are you okay?" June follows, "Yes, the rest of Pallet Town worried about their favorite Pokémon master, even me." Ash shrugs, "Then you must know of the 'superpowers' they've gotten from that accident." Gary muttered, "Coward."

Officer Jenny came in, "Excuse me, please. You see, there are lots of people outside waiting to talk to you, kids." Misty said, "No! We may be a Pokémon breeder, a Pokémon coordinator, a Pokémon researcher, Pokémon gym leader, and Pokémon master trainer, but we're not that much of celebrities. So we're not going public with this!"

Officer Jenny said, "Too late for that, young lady." She pointed at a television set up in their tent and turned it on to show the news with the five on it. Underneath the picture with the five of them together read in bold letters 'The Fantastic Five'. Officer Jenny said, "That's what they're calling you; the Fantastic 5."

Max exclaimed, "This is so awesome!" May blushed as she got up to her feet, "I feel like a princess!" she's unaware that she has her doctor's face in squished into her bosom. Gary said, "Cool!" Then those two ran out of the tent, Misty grabbed onto May and Gary's shoulders from the distance with her stretching arms and yanked them both back in!

Misty said to them, "We need to think about this, you two!" Gary brushed her hand off of him, "Great! Brainstorm!" Then he dashed off, as quick as lightning, May easily created a bubble of energy around her shoulder that Misty's holding onto and removed it as she ran after Gary!

His voice was heard, "Which way is it? Left?" She caught up with him, "I believe it's on the right." He sweeps her off her feet, "This happened on the bridge and just a few seconds ago, so hang on!" WHOOSH! He went like a bullet and vanished before Misty could hold of them! The other three ran out of the tent to stop the eager two.

Caught by the press, who just got a chance to meet Gary and May first, the reluctant three-fifths of the Fantastic 5 stood in a nervous stance before the crowd. Brock stayed in the back of them.

One of the female reporters asks, "Which one of you is the leader?" Gary stepped forward and said, "I am." But they just laughed at that, the same reporter said, "No, seriously." May excitedly said, "That would be Ash Ketchum; he's our leader." Then the reporters looked at Ash with a lot more interest!

Ash stammered, "But I thought you were the leader during our journeys together, Brock." Brock gulps, "Actually, I was the navigator/map guy/cook." The reporters laughed at that.

Misty shoved Ash forward a bit. Knowing he has to take the heat of the press, he directed himself toward the microphones and said, "During a scientific expedition with Pr. Benjamina Maple in space, my four human friends here and two others were exposed to an unidentified and possibly radioactive energy. We never always looked like this attractive before that event, it happened when we regained consciousness. Then a few hours later, my friends got the symptoms you've just seen. I'm going to ask one of the professors here to borrow their lab to get us diagnosed and "

One of the female reporters asked him, "Symptoms? Is this some kind of disease?" Gary said, "No! This is not a disease!" then he got stern looks from most of his companions from space. May said, "If having special symptoms that act as super-special and superhuman abilities and having your physical attractiveness upgraded at the same time is a disease… than yes, we're in real trouble."

Then they bombarded them with questions; "Did it only affect your friends and not you because of some protection?" "What happened on the bridge?" "How big can you grow?" "How far can you stretch?" "Can you make other things go invisible?" "Can you go through solid objects?" "Can that thing withstand missile attacks without getting harmed?" "Is that thing even human or Pokémon?" "Can you catch on fire?" "Is it true you can fly?"

May shrugs, "When I went invisible earlier before the disaster on this bridge, I think I've sorta phase through one or two people." Gary replies, "I'm working on that since I've found out, it's actually really difficult to master." Misty said, "We actually don't know much more than you do at this point. This is totally new to us as it is to you!"

One of the reporters pointed at Brock, "Excuse me, but that mountain of a rock creature doesn't look too fantastic." That made Brock angry and he stepped forward to try to smash that specific reporter's face in, but May enclosed him in her energy bubble before he could. Ash said, "Brock Harrison is a genuine human and he has feelings like you and me——" Gary interrupted him, "What he means is that every team requires a strongman like Hercules." Ash's Pikachu hopped onto Ash's head and sighs, "Pikachu." May chirped, "And a cute little mascot!" The press laughed at those jokes!

May and Gary said in a smiling unison, while setting up their picture with Misty, Ash, and Brock, "A new day is dawning; the day… of the Fantastic 5!"

To be continued…