OMG. It's a miracle I'm updating. Sorry I haven't updated in a while my inspiration left me.

WildcatSuperstar14: Troy

FreakyMathChic: Gabriella

CluelessButHot: Chad

WhizKid: Taylor

SuperiorActress: Sharpay

PlaymakerComposer: Kelsi

BballBadBoy: Jason

TheCook: Zeke

DramaGuy: Ryan

On with the story

The Next Morning

Kelsi awoke to her laptop beeping like crazy at her. She sat up and saw that her laptop was on her lap and Jason was iming her.

J: hi

J: hello

J: Kelsi?

J: heeeelllllooooo

K: what?

J: Hi we've been tryin to wake you guys up for hours

K: srry but we're heavy sleepers

J: that's ok

K: one sec I'll wake the girls

J: k

Kelsi stood up and whistled as loud as she possibly could and all the girls jumped up and looked around.

"What was that for?" Sharpay demanded.

"Well if you would look at your laptops the boys have been tryin' to wake us up," Kelsi said. After she finished all the girls looked at their laptops and began to type away.

K: ok, they are up

J: I noticed

K: anyways

J: so have the girls attacked you yet

K: yep

J: feel sorry for you

K: thanx so what movie r we seeing

J: idk I guess well find out when we get there

K: k

G: hey babe

T: hey what took u so long

G: I was asleep

T: srry

G: don't be

T: so what r u girls doin today

G: the mall to help Kels pick out an outfit

T: oh what about after

G: nutin y

T: would u like to go hang out w/me

G: sure

T: cool I'll come pick u up

G: g2g were about to leave

T: bye luv ya

G: luv ya

The girls closed down their laptops before rushing off to get ready to go to the mall. The four girls piled into Gabi's SUV and Gabi sped off towards the mall. When they made it to the mall they decided to get some food before looking for an outfit for Kelsi.

After they finished eating they went in search of a store and came across American Eagle in which Sharpay dragged them inside. She immediately headed to one side of the store. The other girls followed behind as Sharpay dug through the different clothes. Gabi, after catching her breath, started looking through different shirts while Taylor looked at shoes and Kelsi just stood there watching them.

"Oh, Kelsi what about these?" Sharpay asked holding up a pair of flare jeans with holes in them. Kelsi nodded and took them from Sharpay.

"Sharpay come here and look at this," Gabi called from the shirts. Sharpay walked over to Kelsi and the two had a short lived conversation before Gabi walked over to Kelsi holding a red spaghetti strapped tank top. Gabi held the pants and top up to Kelsi's body before nodding and heading over to Taylor to help her find some matching shoes. The two later returned with a pair of heeled red flip flops. They passed Kelsi all the clothes before pushing her towards the dressing room. Kelsi emerged a few minutes later in the clothes they had picked out. After all the girls nodded in agreement Kelsi went back in the dressing room and changed back.

After Kelsi paid for the clothes the girls headed to Claire's to look for some jewelry. At Claire's they picked out a pair of dangling silver earrings and a matching necklace. The girls then they decided to head back to Kelsi's house and help her get ready.

The Boys

"So, J, are you ready for your big date?" Troy asked after the girls got off the laptops.

"Little nervous other than that I'm fine," Jason said.

"Don't be it'll be fine," Chad said.

"I know. Guys I'm gonna head out I have to pick Kelsi up at two," Jason said standing and grabbing all of his things, saying by to the guys, and heading across the street to his house. Jason unlocked the door and found no one home and decided to go ahead and get ready. He ran upstairs to his room and looked at the clock 1:00. He then went to his bathroom to grab a quick shower. A few minutes later he came out in nothing but a towel (wow lol) and went to his closet to find something to wear. He then decided on a red and white striped polo, jeans, and his Wildcats lettermen jacket. He checked the clock again 1:45. He then decided to leave and start over to Kelsi's house.

He pulled up in her driveway and saw Gabi's SUV and shook his head. Girls. He got out of his car and headed up to the door. He rang the doorbell and heard someone scream something. A few minutes later Gabi answered the door.

"Hi J," Gabi said panting, "Come on in."

"Ok," Jason walked inside and took a seat on the couch while Gabi darted back up the stairs. A few minutes later Gabi, Taylor, and Sharpay came down stairs and Jason stood up. Kelsi came down a couple seconds later and walked over to Jason.

"Wow, you look amazing," Jason managed to get out causing Kelsi to blush.