Ralph couldn't exactlly sleep, he was so worried about Jemima, and what she had said, she didn't want to leave with him? He was so worried about her and yet she trated him so. He thought that she and he would always be together, but no...Not anymore...Guess she would be better off with that pig burroughs.

Ralph was so angry he couldn't think straight. He wanted so much to jam his giant blade in that jerks gut. Watch his face as he died. How ammusing that would be. Death was ammusing to him.

Anything painful done to that bastard for taking his dear sister away would be like heaven to him. His sister was happier rich than being with him. How could she do this to him? He thought she loved him. Apparently she loves freedom more.

He paced around the room for what seemed like hours before he heard the door open.

"Ralph...Just wanted to let you know the wedding is beginning...Any interferance and you're dead." Ralph nodded than sat down.

He did not care for his life. He wasn't going to interfear, his sister did not want him to. She wanted to be rich and free.

Ralph was all alone now, he had no one left. No one at all. His only family member, his twin, his sister. Taken away from him.

Ralph remembered the first time him and Jemima made their promise. They were in the woods by a fire they had made. Both were starving and hadn't ate for 2 days.

They had just watched their family massicured in front of them. Jemima and Ralph ran into the forest to escape the men who killed their family. They were the only one's left.

They had found a spot in the woods to camp out until day. But they ended up staying two days. Ralph had tried to collected food, but it was harder than he thought. Jemima didn't seem to mind about not having food.

"Ralph...Don't worry about food...All I need is you."

That had made him so happy to hear that from her.

Ralph stood up again and kicked the wall. Damn Burroughs! How could he do this? Ralph had been his slave and adopted son since he was 8, now he was 17! how long has it been? 9 Years! He than wants to marry his twin sister? Who is his adopted daughter.

Burroughs had picked them up on a battle feild, took them in and let them live their. Ralph loved it at first, but than Burroughs had been making his life hell. Jemima knew nothing of this.

Ralph punched the wall. "Maybe I should just run away by myself...Not like she cares anyway!" He punched the wall more times until his hand was numb and he seen blood on the wall and his fist. He was so angry that he didn't care what was going on to him. He wanted to hurt Burroughs so much!

Ralph than started kicking the wall over and over and over.

"STOP THAT NOISE!" He heard someone shout! He looked over and seen Chopper standing at the top of the stairs.

"Why should I?" Ralph asked with furry in his voice. Chopper just ignored him and walked out, leaving, slamming the door behind him. Fuck them all Ralph thought. He was going to stop that marrige no matter what the cost.

He just needed a plan...