You know you guys LOVE Pumpkin! Or not...
ANYWAY this new story of mine is just a basic Show and Tell- themed...uhhh..story. Kinda funny (I hope), and informative! LEARN SOMETHING!
"SHOW AND TELL TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMMMMME!" Pumpkin screeched jumping around tell classroom. "Today's the day Lulu presents her presentation! It'll be the best presentation of all of presentation-dom! Wait that's not a word is it? But WHO CARES! I'm gonna get an A! Even better, I'm going to get an A plus! Even better better, I'm going to get an A plus-plus-plus-PLUS! YEAH! IT'LL BE GRRRRR-EAT!"
Hiro Komata whispered to Mei Watanabe, "Why does she keep calling herself Lulu?"
"'Cause she's a total nut case, like that Poemi girl in the class across the way." Mei whispered back. The teacher, Mrs. Hinata, just stood there calmly, smiling at her. Supposedly, she was supposed to be "the hottest teacher in the school", but that's not what this fanfic is about…
"Now, now, Pumpkin, settle down and come gives us you're presentation!" Mrs. Hinata said sweetly.
"Good luck, Pumpkin," Futaba thought, blushing. "She's so cute!"
"A-HEM! For my show and tell, I brought something SPECTACULAR!" She stated.
The class became silent from lack of care.
"I brought something so cool, so intriguing, that not one girl in this room would not jump for joy! With this, Lulu can rule the world with cuteness! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
"JUST GET ON WITH IT!" The classed screamed, somehow towering over her.
"Ok, ok! I present to you, INUYASHA!"
Next to her was a big cage, and the cage was covered with a white cloth. With one smooth snatch, she uncovered the cage revealing our favorite hanyou with his back faced toward the class, wolfing down a bowl of ramen.
"Hey! Where the hell am I?" Inuyasha said, mouth full, looking at everyone.
"Inuyasha is a dog-demon/human mix. This is the reason for him having these cute ears!" Pumpkin tweaked his ears a few times.
The eyes of every girl in the class glittered and sprang out of their seats to tweak his legendary ears.
"A dollar a turn! Line up, line up, line up!" Pumpkin exclaimed. Every girl got up in her face with cash. Pumpkin got up on top of the cage continuing her oral presentation. "Every night when there's a new moon (is that right?) Inuyasha turns into a full human! Complete with black hair and normal ears! But watch out! Sometimes, he turns into a scary full demon with RED EYES and HUGE FANGS and MENACING LONG CLAWS! My sister says that he looks hotter that way, but he looks pretty scary to me!"
Inuyasha was still under attack by crazy fourth-grade schoolgirls trying to tweak his cute ears. "Quit telling them my business, you little bitch!"
"And he has quite a potty-mouth! But no matter! When he's out of line his girlfriend Kagome tells him to sit and he literally sits! Isn't that cool? Huh, huh, huh, HUH?"
"Get them off of me! And she's not"
"Can he fetch stuff and rollover?" Kei Ito asked, raising his hand.
"That's a good question! Good thing I brought her here!"
Kagome stepped in the room, saying hello to everyone. Pumpkin let him out of his cage and Inuyasha dashed out of it. Before Inuyasha could run out the door, Kagome stopped him with a "SIT".
"Rollover, boy!" Kagome said. Inuyasha rolled away from the door and to her feet.
"Fetch!" She threw a ruler she borrowed from a boy's desk. He did just that.
"Play dead!"
"STOP IT KAGOME!" Inuyasha hollered, veins popping everywhere.
"And that's Lulu's show and tell!" Pumpkin said, counting her piles of money, "Thank you for listening!"
Okay people! Review, Review, REVIEW! Or you'l never hear from Sesshomaru again! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...sorry, got carried away...