When Daddy Comes Home

By Viola Player

Today the teacher at school gave us an assignment. We have to hand it in on 4th day, that's in two days. We have to write one page about the happiest day in our whole lives. All the other girls started writing but I didn't know what to write. When the teacher asked me why I wasn't writing I said that I couldn't write because the happiest day in my life hadn't happened yet. She told me that we were only writing what was true because the emperor was really smart and nice and fair and said you weren't allowed to tell lies and that if it hadn't happened yet then it might not happen and then it would be a lie.

I said it would so happen because my mommy said it would and she used to be the queen of Naboo so she was smart, probably even smarter than the emperor, so she'd know.

Except I didn't say she was queen of Naboo because then people would know that I'm not really a princess of Alderaan. And then the bad people that took my real daddy away would come and get me too. And they'd take mommy and daddy Bail and momma Saché away too.

I didn't say the rest of it either.

Maybe I should have. Nobody should tell anybody else what they can't write.

Daddy Bail helped me with my assignment and now it has no spelling mistakes. I wrote about the day me and daddy Bail and momma Saché went riding in a forest park and found baby bunnies.

Here's my real assignment.

The Happiest Day in My Life

The happiest day in my life will be when daddy comes home. When daddy comes home Luke and me can be together all the time and mommy won't be sad anymore. Mommy and Luke and me and daddy will all go to Naboo to live there and we'll be very happy. On Naboo, Luke and me will make sandcastles and play in the lake in lake country and make cookies all day long. And daddy Bail and momma Saché and Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen and Master Obi-Wan and Master Yoda will all come over for Life day every year and we'll have a big party. And mommy says that the Masters and daddy will show Luke and me how to use the Force because we'll be allowed to use it there because we won't be hiding from the bad men because daddy will tell them all to GO AWAY!