Don't Rock the Boat

Chapter 15


"Okay, girls! I know that I missed the second half of last year, but don't think for a second that I'm not still your captain", Brooke announces to the cheerleading squad at the beginning of practice that same afternoon, "We have regionals in six weeks and I want to qualify for nationals. From now on, your life is cheerleading. Cheer Nazi Brooke is back. Welcome to hell!" she smiles.

The squad grunts in dissatisfaction, but Bevin seems unphased and she raises her hand.

Brooke sighs, "Yes, Bevin?"

"Where were you last year?"

Brooke begins to laugh, and points towards the bleachers where Haley is playing with Juliette, "I had a kid, Bevin. Seriously, where were you?!"

"You had a kid? Aww!" Bevin skips over to play with Juliette.

"Ugh! Bevin!! It's time for PRACTICE!" Brooke marches over to the bleachers, "Haley, do the guys have practice today?"

"Yeah, why?"

Brooke grabs her cell phone and dials Lucas' number. While she does this, the entire squad comes up to play with Juliette.

"Hello?" Luke answers his phone.

Frustrated, Brooke walks away from the crowd, "Come and get your baby."

"What? Why? I have practice."

"I don't care. Juliette is distracting my squad and we need to start practicing."

"I can't take her."

"Lucas, so help me G-d. You bitched at lunch today about how I don't let you spend time with her. Well, here's your chance for some father-daughter bonding. Get your scrawny ass to this gym and take your baby home."

"Alright, alright. I'll be there in 10 minutes. Just let me talk to Whitey."


"Bye Brooke."

The pair hang up and Lucas walks into Whitey's office.

"Why aren't you dressed, Scott?" Whitey asks.

"I can't come to practice today."

"And why is that?"

"Brooke wants me to take Juliette home."

"I don't want this to become a habit, Lucas."

"It won't, I promise. Brooke and I will work something out."

"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Thanks, coach."

Whitey nods and Lucas quickly heads out of the locker room.

Entering the gym, Lucas finds the entire cheerleading squad hovering around his daughter. He sees Brooke holding the girl and once she spots Lucas, Brooke marches over to him.

"Here!" Brooke passes the infant to Lucas.

Lucas takes her in his arms and looks suspiciously at Brooke, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just annoyed."

"Annoyed at what?"

"Everything. The summer with Juliette was fine but now we're in school with no babysitter and no plan and I'm just so tired", Brooke puts her head down and begins to cry, "Damnit! Lucas, take her home before I break down right here."

"I've got her now. Just relax, okay? This is just the first practice. Don't go crazy."

Brooke nods in agreement and puts her attention on Juliette, "I'll see you later, baby. I love you", Brooke kisses her daughter who smiles back and giggles.

Brooke now turns her attention to Lucas, "I'll be home by 5. Juliette should take a nap a little after 4. Give her a bottle right before her nap, okay?"

Lucas nods, "I got it. There's a bottle in the fridge?"

"Yup. Call me if you need anything."

"I will", Lucas pauses, "Please relax."

"I'll try."

"Okay, good. I'll see you at 5."

"I'll be there."



Lucas turns around, grabs Juli's car seat and diaper bag and heads out of the gym.

Brooke stands in the same place for a few beats and then heads back to her cheerleaders, "Come on, girls! Back to work!"


Later that afternoon, Lucas is in his house's kitchen with Juliette in a bouncy seat on the counter. Lucas has a cookbook open and is gathering ingredients to make dinner. The side door opens and Brooke slowly walks inside.

"Lucas Scott!"

Lucas jumps, "Shit, Brooke. Don't scare a guy like that when he's holding knives."

"You better not hold that knife around my daughter", Brooke walks to the counter, taking Juliette out of the bouncy seat, "Did she eat?"

"Yes, at 3:30."

"And you burped her?"

"Of course. She also napped from 3:45 to just a few minutes ago."

"And now you're making us dinner?" Brooke asks flirtaciously.

"Yes, I am, pretty girl."

Brooke claps, "Yay! What's on the menu?"

"It's a surprise", Lucas says, "So, sit tight. It'll be ready in about a half hour."

"Okayy…I'll play with Juliette. Oh, I can't wait! You're so sweet, Luke."

"I know!"


Please review! This was a very random chapter, but I'm having a bit of writer's block, so bear with me!