Disclaimer: I don't claim ownership over any of the Sega Characters such as Shadow or Amy…yeah….you get the point…

Well…I've decided to write a one-shot…and I decided to take my time on it to ensure slightly better writing quality than my other work of fiction. So…yeah…um…when you're done reading it…please submit a review and comment on it:D


Time Immortal

The day was still young as a crimson and ebony hedgehog plodded across the street with heavy feet, downcast eyes, and dropping ears. A light drizzle softly pattered into existence as ominous clouds covered up the last of the sun's feeble rays. Shadow ignored the soft, constant rain as it showered his unsheltered body and gradually collected like dew on his fur. His thoughts were beyond such matters.

Time…I thought I understood what it meant...how it passed so quickly and yet so slowly…how it raced full speed then came crashing to a halt over the course of one moment…

Shadow glared at a group of passing humans who stared at him with fear and awe. After one glanced at his sinister eyes, they hurried away, retreating into the safety of their houses or cars.

Pathetic humans…their lives are but split-seconds, lasting only long enough to spread their cruel hatred from generation to generation. What's a hundred years when you've lived a thousand?

He passed by a dreary graveyard as the rain fell harder, beating down on the pavement and creating a muddy swamp around the marble graves. Shadow squinted through the rain and read the worn lettering under centuries worth of moss growing on the crumbling stone. "Amy Rose…"

Living only a hundred years with her would have been better than an eternity alone…

He wiped a few tears from under his eyes as his grief mingled with the rain.

Here I am…all alone and unhappy…watching time move forward without me…what a fool I was…to think that I could ever live among such creatures, watching lives end in what seems like mere seconds to me…

He continued on, shivering slightly as the cold finally seeped through his fur, and into his heart.

And when time finally stops…what will become of me?


There it was…my first one-shot…tell me what you think! I was in a kinda depressed mood when I wrote this…