Last Chapter: Losing Faith

Gathering all of Ken's belongings, along with Iniko's was not hard at all. In fact, it wasn't the packing that was hard, it was the cleaning they had to do, to pack the stuff.

"Ken, I had always thought of you as a VERY well organized person before this" TK was grumbling. Ken shook his head. they were currently in his room, picking up clothes. The two adults could hear Iniko and Kyoshi playing and laughing as they did his room across the hall.

"Yes, well, that was before I left you. Afterwards...I was a wreck...And frankly, its been so hard without you..." replied the indigo.

TK looked up him at this. "Really?"

"Yes really, and I think...Well, we can't very well seperate the kids now that they've seen each other and...If you wouldn't mind..." Without warning, Ken was tackled into a great hug from the blonde.

"You have no idea how badly I was hoping you'd say something along those lines. Ken," He pushed Ken out from the shoulders to look at him. "I have missed you so much..."

This caught ken off guard, yet he smiled. "Good. Then...I'll come back with you...Beisdes, this packing would be pointless if I didn't."

Tk let go of Ken and started cleaning faster and more efficently. This made Ken chuckle.

"So how's Davis again?" asked Ken after clearing his throat. TK froze. "Come on, one of us had to mention him."

"He's...Good." choked TK.

"I doubt it. Seriously, how is he?"

"Not good" TK deflated. "He misses you..."

"And how are we going to tell him that I am back, yet with you?" asked Ken, trying to stay calm.

"I was hoping we wouldn't" sighed TK in defeat as he threw a shirt down in the suitcase with a tad too much anger.

"TK, we'll just tell him. He'll be angry, I'm sure. But he'll come around" He looked at TK. "He always does."
TK nodded. "I guess you are right."

For the rest of the next three days, the boys packed. Ken sold his little apartment and moved back in with TK. Kari was thrilled to see him back along with everyone else.

Kari smiled up at them happily. "Welcome back Ken!" she giggled as though he'd never left. Ken sweat dropped at her happy behavior and moved past her, pushing little Iniko and Kyoshi along in front of him.Taking a look around, Ken could see that their apartment hadn't changed a bit since he'd left several years before.

"Wow Kari, you really know how to keep things the same" mumbled Ken. Kari heard him however.

With a frown she said, "Yes, but I can't seem to bring myself to change much around here..."

Ken shrugged the moment off. "Nothing wrong with that..."

Kyoshi looked up at TK, who was slowly walking behind Ken, and smiled. "Where's your room?"

TK smiled. "Down the hallway and to the left..." Before anyone could do anything, the two twisn went beaming down the hallway to find his room.

"They sure are clever little things..." murmured Ken. TK nodded.

"They're so adorable" added Kari, taking a suitcase from TK's hands. Ken turned back to Kari, his blue shirt too long. "Am I just going to stay in the room I did previously?"

"Uh...yes" jumbled Kari. She put down the suitcase that was in her hand, rubbed the back of her neck and went off to find some blankets to put on his bed.

TK slumped himself on the couch, making Ken give him a curious look.

After a moment of silence TK looked up and saw that Ken wanted and explaination. "WE invited the guys to come over..." Silence. "Including Davis."

"I see..."

"You really don't have to be here when they come ov-"

"No. It'll be great to see everyone again..." interupted Ken, sitting down beside the blonde.

Kari soon came back out, little Iniko and Kyoshi following her. "They'll be here at any moment, so I suggest you two get ready" she advised.

AS though it was by timing, their apartment doorbell rang. Kari went to go get it.

Sighing as he stood, Ken braced himself for what was about to happen.

It was Yolei who walked in first, then a cool minded Cody, and lastly, Davis.

"Hi Yolei" blushed Ken, giving her a hug.

"Hi Ken! Long time no see. We've missed you around here..." she replied back with a giant smile.

Cody and Ken nodded to each other and left each other alone. Then it was Davis. Davis had walked in as usual; looking as though he owned the place. His eyes then landed on Ken, and he frowned slightly.

Ken opened his mouth to speak when Davis cut him off in a giant hug.

"Man have I missed you!" he cried.

Ken was startled to say the very least. "Davis-I! I don't know what to say!"

"Good!" cried Davis again, pulling back to look at Ken in the face. "Because it's all my fault! I should have never have let you go! It's not your fault! It was mine! Me and my STUPID ankle!"

Though the situation was odd, Ken couldn't help but smile. "Thanks Davis."

Davis looked down and saw the twins, smiling at them.

For the rest of the day they all enjoyed Ken's return and Yolei and Cody, and Davis were introduced to Kyoshi and Iniko. It made Ken happy to see that things had been cleared between him and Davis, along with him and TK. For the first time in a long time, it seemed as though things could finally be in peace.

The End.

Author's Note: I am aware that this is still short, but hopefully you will find this a better ending than the other one! Enjoy! (No! This story is OVER! No more chapters! Thanks!)