Title: Shared Moment / Memories
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Clavis , Lumiale
Challenge: #1- Misty
Word Count: 100 x 2

Warning: Shounen-Ai, implied sexual situations.

Notes: This was created for the new NeoRomance drabble community on livejournal. So far, I'm the only one writing there (T-T) so I'm trying to drawn interest to it by posting the drabbles on fanfiction. So… enjoy, and join the LJ community? XD

Shared Moment

Lumiale's eyes turned misty. Clavis spoke of sickness long after. Typical: the eternal recluse in his mansion, covered in concealing shadows. Coughs echoed within empty rooms. Lumiale noticed; faked illness stole moments spent with his friend.

Clavis came up with apologies. Lumiale was no longer invited without the notification of a letter, and assistants denied him access. Rain traced his features once more, just like before. Raindrops felt wet and cold against his cheeks, merging with salt.

Lumiale hoped Clavis' stubbornness was bred from doubt, not from of shame. Misty moonlight dips together were moments Lumiale positively wanted to repeat.


Eyes closed as the bliss shining from his face spread over his entire body. A breathy laugh escaped, tickling his senses almost as much as experienced fingers stroking over his chest.

The cold water cooled him down, betrayed by the bumps which spread over a damp shoulder. The heated flesh glimmered under the water, perfectly in element. Droplets trailed from a lithe body into small streams which traced the gentle curves of muscle and hipbones in the same way blue hair did.

Clavis shivered under the memory, misty in his mind. He had expected it to have gone earlier.