The First of a Line
A story of a girl who's courage earned her the honour to become a Ranger's Apprentice
A Fan Fiction by Katttie QQQ
Disclaimer: Okay, I own none of the work of John Flanagan, and any of the characters or locations that you recognise. The plot and a few characters are mine but nothing else.
A/N: again an extremely long time in updating! So sorry! Anyway, here's the next chapter. Thanks for all the reviews!
Chapter Five - Curiosity
The next morning, Ella woke after sunrise to find that there was something missing in the camp. It was only after her father passed her a cup of coffee that she noticed the absence of Will in the camp.
'Father, where's Will?'
Arald looked up, surprised that she noticed so quickly. Secretly, he was pleased that she had been so observant. Letting none of this show on his face, Arald quickly told Ella then lines Will had scripted the night before.
'Oh, nowhere that's too important. He should be back before midday is well and past.'
'Midday? But that's like – hours away! Don't we need to get to Castle Araluen as quick as possible?'
'That may be, but a small delay won't harm anyone. Now just relax and enjoy the break. I plan on catching up on reading so don't disturb me.'
With that, Arald retrieved a book from his saddle bag, and decidedly ignored any moves Ella made. Sighing, she picked up the small bow and set off to the targets Will had set up yesterday, knowing that the only way for her to improve her skills was, as Will said, to practice.
Standing in the tree line, not 20 meters away, Will watched the proceedings with growing interest. The fact that Ella had taken it upon herself to practice her archery skills, instead of sitting down as any other girl born into nobility would have done, impressed Will and he could only think of the conversation between his master and himself Will had before leaving.
You were right about her, Will. She has the strength and determination that it would take.
Smiling to himself, Will moved further into the forest, slowly setting the course that he hoped Ella would take.
Even though Ella had set off with good intentions of practicing her archery for the morning, without Will there to keep her on task, Ella grew bored with the exercise quickly. Sighing, Ella placed the bow down in frustration and moved to collect the few arrows she actually managed to place on the targets.
Why does he have to leave now? And why won't father tell me where he went? I know he knows that much was obvious. He always speaks slightly too quickly when he is trying to hide a secret.
Sighing, Ella bent down to pick up an arrow, and noticed the small, ragged scrap of green and brown material next to a patch of scuffled dirt. Looking around to see if Arald was watching, Ella quickly picked up the material and studied it.
The edge was torn, as if ripped from a larger whole. With a gasp of understanding, Ella worked out why the material was so familiar. It was the same pattern that was part of the cloak she was wearing. The only other person with a cloak like hers that Ella knew was around was Will.
He must be hurt. Or in danger. Or something! Ella thought. Without a moment's hesitation, she picked up the bow and quiver of arrows, stepping into the forest.
Arald looked up from his book, just in time to see Ella slip off into the forest. Sighing, he heaved himself to his feet. Once again, Will had been right. He seems to know his daughter better than what he does these days.
Ella continued to move, looking for signs of passage. Hoof marks here, and broken branch there, and small pieces of fabric, becoming more ripped and ragged, signs of a struggle.
Rounding a small bend in the trail she was following, Ella suddenly stopped her breath catching.
There in the middle of the path, the larger shape of a Ranger's cloak could be seen, long bow lying on the ground, a crouched figure shrouded in the half dark of the forest.
Darting behind a trunk of a tree, Ella examined the form from a distance, then ever so carefully, with an arrow on the string of her bow, set off towards the figure, moving slowly, trying not to make a sound.
There was a noise from behind her, and Ella spun bringing the bow up, but loosing the arrow in the process.
'Following me are you?' Tug had appeared around the corner, just as Will stood up from the ground behind her. 'One of the oldest tricks, never assume you're alone until you know you are. Remember it'
The look on Will's face was unlike anything Ella had seen before. Gone was the good natured, joking Will she had known on the road for the past week, this Will was determined, serious and, slightly angry. Of course this was all for show, but Ella didn't know that did she.
'W-will? Uh, I saw your cloak. It was ripped and I thought something had happened to you...' She trailed off, unsure on what to say.
'So you decided to follow me without even telling your father? Without asking his approval? I'm quite capable of looking after myself you know.'
Ella dipped her head, mumbled an 'I'm sorry' and waited for whatever was coming. Will stepped back and examined the form in front of him. The fact that Ella was taking responsibility for her actions and hasn't tried to defend herself past her first excuse, had Will finding a new respect for the girl. Although, it wasn't anything less than what he expected. Honesty was one of the traits looked for in Ranger's apprentices. Sighing Will turned to Tug, placing the spare cloak he had been cutting up in one of his saddle bags.
'Come on Ella, we need to get moving.'
A/N There we go. Chapter 5. Again sorry it took so long! This is going to be an extremely un-frequently updated story, but if you all stick around I am going to try and finish it for you all! Not sure how long it will take, I don't have events plotted out yet, it's just write as I go. Thanks for reading! Please click that little review button and tell me what you thought!