Disclaimer: Wow, I don't own Death Note? Really? I couldn't sworn... Well, okay, if you say so. pouts and hides plushies of all of the characters

Author's Notes: If you didn't read before, this drabble contains spoilers/foreshadowing after chapter 58. I've been on a DN reading spree for the past month. It's certainly an amazing manga unlike any other, I'll give it that. This is the first Death Note fic I've written however, so I hope you do enjoy! (Even if it's just a drabble at 151 words.) Hopefully there will be many more, longer fics! Do let me know what you think!

The ethereal screen plays an odd assortment of colors on his unusually pale face, so unlike the plain white of the computer screen, which he slaves over. The game he is playing holds vibrant, bright colors; surely they would attract any young child. Showing no signs of weakness with his features or posture, we both sit in silence as he approaches the final boss with only an ounce of life left.

"Ryuuzaki, you can only take one more hit until you die," I tell him, although my statement is unnecessarily spoken. A particular smile creeps its way onto his animated lips.

"I'm aware, Yagami-kun," he replies before his aforementioned avatar falls prey to defeat. "Luckily for me, I still possess two more lives," and just as quickly as the character falls, he is revived again with full life and full strength.

I feel something inside of my smolder at his nonchalance.