This is for someone who I consider one of my dearest friends...thanks for everything you've done for me.


Twisting and turning,
A change takes place;
Agony can be seen
On his handsome face.

There is no cure,
No one can stop it –
Not even the love of one Miss Lisa.

Two sides vastly different,
Good and Evil personified;
London remains petrified,
As the night skies glow crimson.

Tall and unusually handsome,
Hat, cane, and coat in place,
He stalks through the shadows.

She, young and sweet,
Attracts the demon's eye;
Together they sing of
Something needed and desired.

Days go by,
The struggle intensifies –
Will Good triumph over Evil?

A desperate plea,
A call for help;
The search for answers is
Once again promised.

A wedding approaches,
As silence surrounds him;
Has Evil been vanquished?

Happy times once more,
Smiles light up his features;
Radiant in white flowers,
The one who loves him awaits.

At her side, the promise of
Deserved happiness finds
Him, breathless with joy.

A force more powerful than he,
Decides that this cannot be;
He will not be pushed aside,
After all, he is Edward Hyde.

He pushes against that which
Threatens to destroy him;
Evil is here to stay.

Fear surrounds him,
As those gathered cower;
Internal struggle ensues,
Each determined to win the fight.

Death is the only way
Hyde will lose;
The decision is made.

With a gasping breath,
His pleading eyes look about;
Finding his friend,
He begs him to do what he cannot.

A slight nod acknowledges a
Promise made long ago;
The single shot rings out.

The Evil is gone,
To threaten no more;
With this tragic death
Comes a lesson most harsh.

Look upon death's face
To remember Evil's dance;
A young voice forever stilled
In this tragic tale of Jekyll and his Hyde.