no guys i havent forgotten about this story. sorry about the late update, but i havent gotten around to writing on it :(

planning on writing a few chaps next week so i'm gonna try to make up for it

Chapter Twenty Six – Evaluate Your Memories

Jack woke up by the annoying sound of the phone in the other room. Gently untangling himself from the beautiful brunette, Jack pulled on a pair of boxers in a hurry before pacing out to the living room to answer the phone.

"Hello" Jack answered unfocused as he tiredly sat down on the couch.

"Hello Jack. I was hoping I'd catch you before you left for school." A very similar female voice said in his ear. Glancing up at the wall, Jack noticed that it was already 7:00, meaning he would probably miss his first lecture, not that he had actually planned to go at all today.

"I was wondering if maybe you and Kate wanted to come visit us this weekend." The woman sounded unsure, the voice had a trace of pleading in it.

"Mom, I don't think so. It's been a very strained week." Jack paused, unsure what else to say. He felt slightly guilty for turning down what was obviously a new attempt at a peace offering.

Jack heard a disappointed sighed in the phone.

"How about next week?" Jack said slowly, knowing that if there was to be a trial against Wayne, Kate would probably have to go back home for a few days. He hoped she wouldn't need to testify thought, knowing that it would be painful for her.

"That would be lovely." Margo answered happily. "Next weekend it is"

"Actually we might come during the week or stay more than the weekend. I don't know for sure right now." Jack said wearily.

"Oh… Is something the matter?"

Jack exhaled loudly, burying his face in the hand that wasn't holding the phone, wiping off invisible sweat from his forehead. "Yeah kinda, but I'll tell you in person, ok?"

"Ok" Margo answered, sounding slightly worried. "Well, just give me a call before you leave New York. Tell Kate I said Hi."

Placing the phone back on the coffee table next to the couch, Jack glanced over to the kitchen area, considering making breakfast for Kate but dropped the idea as his eyes traveled back to the open bedroom door. Sneaking back to the bedroom, Jack carefully crawled back into bed, not wanting her to wake up alone. He wrapped his arms around her and drew her closer, feeling her snuggle closer into to his embrace.

Jack had drifted off to sleep but woke up when he felt something tickle his neck. With his eyes still closed Jack gently moved the string of chocolate brown hair away from his neck and let the hand softly run over Kate's head in the same motion.

She was lying on top of him, her head on his shoulder, an arm lazily lying on his chest and she had managed to sneak one of her legs in between his.

When he opened his eyes, he was met by her hazel green ones as well as a cute shy smile. "Good morning"

"Morning" Jack greeted back, a smile spreading on his face.

Letting his fingers gently caress her cheek, Jack leaned closer and placed a quick kiss on her forehead. "How are you feeling?"

"Good" Kate answered a bit muffled as she buried her face in his neck, inhaling heavily, making Jack shiver slightly. "You?"

"Good" Jack echoed with a content voice, tracing small circles on her lower back with his fingertips.

Kate suddenly lifted her head slightly, once more meeting his eyes. A curious look flashed in her eyes. Jacks eyes widened has he felt Kate rub her leg against him. "You're wearing boxers?"

He wasn't sure if it had been a question, it had sounded a lot more like a statement. If not, he had a feeling she knew the answer by now, considering her naked leg was pressed against the white fabric, but he decided to answer her anyway. "Uhm Yeah, the phone rang earlier. I put them on when I went up to answer it."

"Oh" Kate answered distractedly, sounding almost disappointed.

"What? Want me to take them off again?" Jack said with a grin on his face, raising his eye brows suggestively.

Kate gave him an innocent look as well as a cute smile. Reaching forward she placed a teasing kiss on his lips. "Maybe"

Jack felt Kate snuggle back into his shoulder, letting out a small yawn. Placing a kiss on her forehead, Jack pulled the cover over them more firmly.

He watched her silently as she played slightly with the corner of the cover. She suddenly glanced up, apparently noticing that he was watching her. Blushing, Kate bit her bottom lip and let go of the soft material and instead placed her hand gently on Jack's chest.

"Do you think that dad is going to forgive me?" Her voice was all of a sudden low, sounding like it was going to break at each word.

"Kate…" Jack trailed off, unsure what to say. "If he knew what had happened he wouldn't be upset. You have to know that."

When she didn't answer, Jack gently brushed the back of his hand over her cheek. He could see the tears forming in her eyes and he detected the slight change in her breathing. "Kate…"

"I know" She answered simply, suppressing a sob.

Jack was once more tracing circles on Kate's back, debated whether or not to just drop the subject. Taking a deep breath, he gently cupped Kate's face and tilted towards him. "Kate… Do you want me to call your dad? I will if I want me to. I'll explain everything to him… or at least whatever you want him to know."

Kate blinked several times, looking shocked but appreciative by his offer. "No, I…" She trailed off. "I don't know, maybe."

Jack gave her a weak smile. She looked so lost, Jack thought miserably to himself. The pained look on her face psychically hurt him.

"Just say the words and I'll call him right now." Jack reassured once more, placing a soft kiss on her forehead.

Pulling back, Jack's eyes fell on Kate's mouth. She was nibbling on her bottom lip. He could have guessed she was doing that without actually looking at her. It was just so Kate.

"Okay" She suddenly whispered, looking directly at him with those beautiful determined green eyes he loved more than anything.

Jack grinned and drew her closer. "Want me to call him right now?" He asked almost excited by the fact that she for once had asked him to help her with something personal.

Kate gave him a strange look and shook her head slightly. "No, it's too earl-"

She didn't finish the sentence, instead she sat back up, eyes widen. "Jack, it's already 8:30!"

Jack lazily turned his head towards the alarm clock on the nightstand. "Yeah, I know…"

"You're going to be late" Kate said with a worried voice, while a seriously concerned look appeared on her face.

Jack gave her a reassuring and sweet smile. "It's okay, I'm not going. I was planning on spending the whole day with my girlfriend."

Kate's lips turned into an adorable smile but it disappeared just as fast. "Jack, I don't want you to stay home because of me…"

Jack grabbed hold of Kate's hand and squeezed it gently. "Kate it's okay. I want to stay home with you."

Studying her face, Jack could tell that she didn't like the idea. He knew she'd disagree about him skipping classes, but considering the day before he didn't think she would be this hard to persuade.

Jack exhaled loudly. "Okay, how about a compromise?" Jack said with a devious look on his face. "I drag myself out of bed right now and head over to the university and then I skip the afternoon lecture and come back early."

Kate narrowed her eyes slightly and studied him, considering his proposition. "Alright that's good enough I guess."

"Do you want me to call your father now, or when I get back?" Jack asked a bit hesitatively.

Biting her lip, Kate glanced at the clock one more time. "Philadelphia has the same time-zone as New York, right?"

"Philadelphia is just like 100 miles away" Jack gave her a puzzled look, trying to determine if she was serious about not knowing what time zone Philadelphia was in.

Kate smirked at him. "Sure, now is fine"

"Ok" Jack said back simply, as he leaned forward and gave her a quick kiss before slipping out of the bed into the living room.

Grabbing the phone from the coffee table, he realized he didn't actually know the number. As if she had heard his thought's Kate's voice was heard from the bedroom. "His number is in the address book on my cell phone."

Nodding to himself, Jack started pacing around in the living room until he found Kate's cell. Sitting down on the couch, he dialed the new found phone number to Kate's father.

After only one signal Jack heard a low male voice. "Austin"

Jack took a quick breath before he opened his mouth. "Mr. Austin, this is Jack Shepard." The second he stopped talking he regretted not adding 'Kate's friend' or something like that to what he had said. He had met Sam Austin several times, but it wasn't for sure that the man would relate the name Jack Shepard to his daughter just like that.

"Hello Jack, how nice to hear from you." The man sounded anything but enthusiastic to be talking to him.

Jack rolled his eyes slightly. Why try to act polite when you don't even bother to hide the irritated sound in your voice. Glad that Kate's father at least knew who he was, Jack forced himself from saying something malicious.

"Mr. Austin I… I was… wondering if maybe we… we could talk… if you have a minute" Jack cursed himself for stuttering. He did think he would be this nervous about how the man was going to react. Thinking about he didn't know him that well at all. Back before Kate's parents split up, he had seen him various times at her house, but they had never really spoken to each other, just greetings and casual discussions, usually about school or his and Kate's plans for the day.

Something much like a sigh was heard in the phone. "This is about Kate, isn't it?" Not bothering to wait for an answer the man continued. "You know what Jack, now really isn't a good time."

Jack nodded disappointedly to the empty room. "Okay…" He said sadly in the phone, not believing how apathetic the man was acting towards his own daughter.

A few seconds of silence passed by until the older man cleared his throat. "Jack?" Sam's voice was softer, but still sounding slightly annoyed.

"Yeah?" Jack answer back, glancing up to notice Kate watching him in the doorway to the bedroom. She had put on one of his T-shirts and put her hair up in a messy pony-tail.

"You're in NYC, is that correct?" Mr. Austin asked wearily in the phone.

"Yes, sir"

"Alright, how's 2 o'clock?" The man continued, impatiently.

"2 o'clock?" Jack questioned confused.

"You wanted to talk didn't you? I'm not discussing my daughter's life over the phone from my office. So, does 2 o'clock work for you?" Sam's voice had turned a lot more offensive, like he was spit out each word.

"Meet?" Jack mumbled, glancing back up at Kate to see what she thought about it. Not getting much from her blank expression, Jack sighed nervously into the phone. "Yeah, 2 o'clock works."

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