this is my first ever fanfiction. if you think theres something wrong with it please tell me and i will bear that in mind for next time



"c'mon Jesse the films starting".

"I'm sorry querida" he said whilst walking out of my kitchen, "but I really don't understand how you work the estúpido microwave".

I snorted trying to stop myself from laughing out loud and that was returned by
a half angry half irritated scowl. How hard can it be to microwave a bag of popcorn?

"Jesse, I'm sorry but of all the things that you know for instance training to be a doctor, I honestly can not understand the fact that you don't know how to use basic kitchen appliances. Admit it, you must find it at least remotely funny?".

He scowled some more, "I guess not then". It's sofrustrating when he gets annoyed at the slightest things

I poutedmy lipsand fluttered my eyelashes trying to soften him up.Much to my satisfaction it worked.

His face relaxed and them he gave me one of those gorgeous smiles. "So what are we watching?".

I smiled coyly and answered "don't worry you'll like this one".

"Please!" he cried mockingly, "anything but save the last dance!".

"Excuse me but what is wrong with save the last dance?". I said defensively putting my hands on my hips. "I happen to like that film. I guess you just don't understand the true meaning behind a great film".

"pfft" was the only noise he made in response.

In a weird, twisted sort of way this film is kinda like my life. I mean first off one of this girls' parents die and so she moves to a new school. Then she falls in love with someone she shouldn't, well certain people think she shouldn't any way. To bad. At least Jesse isn't a ghost anymore and people can actually see him. (Yes my boyfriend used to be a ghost, got a problem with that?).

"So querida, you never answered my question. What film have you decided to put me through the torture of watching today?".
"You're just going to have to wait".


"Susannah, I never knew you had such a good taste in film choices". I punched him on the arm jokingly in mock horror.
"Jesse I don't. frankly I think this is a rubbish film. I only decided that we watch the Matrix because you always seem sort of irritated when we watch the films I like".

"Well the thank you", he said them leaned down and kissed me on the lips. If I knew he would be this affectionate about a film then perhaps I should get boring films more often.

The film was not too bad I guess and the fight scenes were pretty cool, but a bald Keanu Reeves. Why? How can anyone think that he would honestly look good bald? Not me that's for sure.
"Jesse" I said whilst climbing out of his warm embrace. "Will you please excuse me; I have to go to the bathroom".

A couple of minutes later I heard Jesse shout in a panicky voice, "Susannah! Please, come quick!".
"What's wron-…" Oh shit! Jesse was stood there next to Dopey chucking water on the curtains which were on fire!

"Wha….wha...What did you do!" Mom and Andy were so gonna kill us.

"I didn't do anything!" he wailed defensively, "Brad here" he said whilst pointing an accusing finger at him, " I guess he decided to make what looks like pancakes, and dios knows how, but he managed to set the curtains alight".

"I…errr..". What do you do when you kitchen curtains are on fire? Then I had an idea so I rushed into the pantry and grabbed the fire extinguisher. Yeah go me, quick thinking Suze to the rescue.
"what is that?" Jesse asked me as if I was insane. Dopey just looked at Jesse as if he was completely demented.
"Get out of the way unless you want your butts fried off!" I yelled, then I aimed the nozzle at the burning curtains.

After a few minutes or so the three of us stood back and admired the damp mass of burnt curtains.
Dopey was first to speak up "Neat! He said as if he was really pleased with himself.
"this" I screeched waving a crazy hand "is not neat Brad! We could have died!".

"yeah, but we didn't, so what's your point?".

Arrrrrgh. I clenched my fists and tried to stay calm but it wasn't working. Jesse placed a comforting hand on my shoulder.
"What about when mom and Andy get home. They're going to see this and freak!"

"Calm down querida". Jesses soothing voice whispered in my ear. As much as his voice makes me melt inside I was still caught up in reality.

"Calm down! Calm down! How can I calm down? He" I said thrusting my finger in Dopey's face "nearly burnt down the house!"

I was completely exhausted from shouting when Brad interrupted and said

"Jesus Christ Suze, it was only the bloody curtains.

He is really testing my patience.

Both Jesse and I shot him menacing glares. "Mom is soooo going to be hearing about this, if she doesn't find this mess first!".
He shrugged his shoulders then trudged up the stairs.


"Hmmm, I think I better be leaving now" Jesse said with and exasperated sigh.
"ok" but remember you promised that you would take me to the beach tomorrow, don't forget"
"I won't"


"I promise"

"good, I love you Jesse"

"te amo querida".

I grinned, then leaned in and kissed him on the lips for a very long time.
We said our good byes then he departed in his new blue convertible. I stood there watching his car exit the driveway and until I could see the lights no more.

Now, I thought what do I do about dopey.


K that was the end of chappy 1 of my first ever fan fic. Oh yeah! I hope you like

Please R&R

Laura x