Nighttime, magic. He'd never believed, not even as a child.

He believes in the darkness. Children's minds weaving shadows into nightmares. Unredeemable, depraved souls.

Faerie stories. Ha! Faeries! What would his colleagues think of him now?

Were the world so idyllic, he wouldn't - would not - have come.

A wizard walking out of his fireplace and into his bed?

Assumed a gossamer world of dream-spun faeries and stardust. So childlike.

A warm, lithe body sprawled over him. Unexpected, unprepared, unexplainable.

Magic. Faerie. Wizard. Unexplainable.

Muggle. Innocent, unknowing. The darkness gathers.

This was impossible. Warmly surreal, coldly amazing. Beautiful.

Nighttime. Magic.