Disclaimer; I only own Alyssa Bob and Faye; everything else belongs to Square Enix/ Soft.

Author's note; Alas this is my last chapter for this story. I thought it fitting because the chapter number is seven and since seven is considered a holy number and Sephiroth is the "one winged angel" well you catch my drift.

The chocobos exited the ShinRa building and stood on the edge of the cavern that looks out onto Midgar. The sky was dark as always and the clouds were laden with rain.

"Get on my back," Robert instructed Sephiroth.


"I don't want you trampled, it's okay I'm giving you permission." Sephiroth obeyed. "Oh and Sephiroth."


"Try not to take my head off," he said gesturing to Masamune right beside him.

He smiled and replied, "no problem."

The air was thick with a tension that only Sephiroth and the chocobos understood. All onlookers were deeply confused. Their best guess was that Sephiroth bred chocobos in his free time and was looking to sell transfer them.

Faye was the one onlooker who had some idea of what was going on. Being the light sleeper that was she woke up to every one of her neighbor's unconscious night chats with himself. After sorting through the countless father issues the man rambled about she picked up some interesting information about the revolution. She thought he was mentally ill and called Zack immediately, a mistake on her part some may deem. It wasn't until something happened earlier that morning that she believed him. When she went in to feed the chocobos they pushed her aside and escaped all the way out of the building. She sensed an awkward air that she had never detected before, hostility. She picked up a rock, aimed well and shot. Sephiroth fell to the ground with a sudden blackout.

He could swear he was only out for ten seconds at the most. All the chocobos were gathered around him, they had worried looks on their faces. "What? I'm fine, let's go."

Robert's eyes gleamed with joy, "Wark, wark war!" he said.


"Wark w'rk!" Robert exclaimed.

"Stop joking around, we got a city to conquer." The chocobos all looked around worried once more and chatted amongst themselves. "What are you guys talking about? Come on tell me what's going on?" No matter how hard he concentrated he couldn't understand a word coming out of the chocobos' mouths. Robert dejectedly tossed the permanent cure over Sephiroth's very confused head and walked away with his chocobo brethren. Within the next half minute the clouds decided to leave their burden on the city, in seconds Sephiroth was soaking wet. He lost his gift, and now he was drenched and forsaken.

If one were to listen to the chocobos conversation with the wisdom of the chocobo language that person would have heard this;

"What I'm fine, let's go."

"Alright, let's get to it, Sephiroth back up."


"Back up ya' get."

"Stop joking around, we got a city to conquer."

"What's going on?" a random chocobo inquired.

"I'm not sure, Sephiroth can you understand me?" Sephiroth stared at Robert earnestly trying to listen but still not comprehending. "Sephiroth, SEPHIROTH!" but the man had no reaction, not even to his own name.

"This is terrible, what do we do!" shouted another chocobo.

"I guess we tried to rush the prophecy and it simply wasn't time." Robert replied in a hopeless tone.

"What! He's perfect, it's temporary, fix him!" one shouted in disbelief

"It's a wonder and a miracle that we found him, he seemed perfect but it was a fluke. We can't fix him." Robert added.

"We will teach him how to talk again."

"That'll never work I've been trying to teach my human how to speak for five years she still doesn't get it, humans are slow learners."

"He's right what he had was a gift, he lost it. It's not something that can be regained." Robert said. "That really is too bad, Sephiroth, you were a wonderful ally and you would have made a great king."

"He was a god among men!" "A true chocobo at heart!" other chimed in.

"So what do we do now?"

"We wait the prophecy is bound to come true. It may be a long wait though. If this experience has taught us anything it is that we are getting closer." Robert responded, "And with the right leverage humans can be trained to be good."

"What are you guys talking about? Come on tell me what's going on."

Robert's blue eyes met Sephiroth's green ones; he saw anticipation, a little apprehension and the tiniest gleam of hope that it was all a cruel joke. Robert couldn't bear it; Sephiroth looked like a child eager and full of suppressed joy ready to spring out at the simple call of his name. There was nothing Robert could do for him and his heart ached. He turned from the man and tried desperately not to cry as he said, "goodbye Sephiroth," and tossed the bottle up over his head. Rain fell, rain that was supposed to wash away the blood of the old world and prepare for the new. Instead the rain only emphasized their defeat, humility and bitterness.

Sephiroth went back home and sulked the rest of the day. The next morning he went to work, Faye either left late or not at all. He didn't see her which was an odd occurrence. When he clocked in he wasn't surprised to see he had a new mission. Sephiroth was almost relieved; work can take your mind off many things. He went to Alyssa's desk. She was polishing a framed picture of Bob. Behind her was the traditional "Hang in there" poster with the kitten on the branch. The only difference was Alyssa put Bob's face over where the kitten's head was supposed to be. It was shocking that she even found him remotely attractive let alone more so than a kitten.

"Here you go," she said handing him a brown envelope with a cheery smile. "It's Nibelheim, I think."


"Nope, monsters"

"You mean 'you think'?"

"Well actually no, I peaked. Oh yeah, this is for you, it's from Faye." Sephiroth took the white envelope it was already opened and he raised an eyebrow at Alyssa. "I couldn't help myself," she stated.

I really can't believe you were right! Well not that you're usually wrong or anything but chocobos taking over the world, that's a bit farfetched. You don't even know how knew about that do you? Sorry, but you talk in you sleep. Word to the wise try not to get kidnapped and tortured for information, you really can't hold a secret to well. Anyway I'm off to find a better job or at least one where my mental stability isn't threatened. I'm afraid I lost my composure a bit; hope your head feels better.


"Lost her composure?" Sephiroth questioned.

"Yeah I guess sometimes people decompose." When Alyssa realized what she said she giggled to herself and said, "Oh, my. Well don't feel too bad about it Mr. Roth, she was a bit of a weird one 'chocobos taking over the world'? Come on!"

"Roth is part of my first name, you know Seph-i-roth, my name is not Sephy nor is it David Lee."

"Oh, okay then." Alyssa smiled her ditzy smile.

"You obviously read my mail; you should know this by now." It's a shame the revolution didn't work out, he would have liked to see Alyssa dead. He made a mental note as he wandered to find Zack and go to Nibelheim.

Author's note; Sorry guys this one is a bit depressing. Think of it this way; it is extremely difficult to have a happy beginning to such a serious game. Honestly who really laughed when they found out about the 'incident five years ago at Nibelheim'? Well anyway I hope this made you laugh even just a little bit, if not reread chapter six. (It's my personal favorite).

ADVERTISEMENT; okay if guys you liked this, I've got more I'm working on. So far I got two comedies and a romance (ElenaxTseng). If you are interested be watchful.