Chapter 20 (last Chapter).

"What's this for?" Squall asked Rinoa in the cafeteria.

Irvine sat on his left, Zell on his right, Seifer next to him and Rinoa opposite at a circular table in the cafeteria.

"Progress report."


"For the dating agency."

"But I thought that was finished, we quit remember?" Zell said before stuffing a forkful of chips into his mouth.

She pointed her pencil at him. "Didn't you look at your contracts? You're a member of the agency until you die this means we expect progress reports and where possible video footage of a healthy sex life."

Seifer snorted. "And this was Selphie's idea was it?"

"I think it was a joint decision."

"Uh huh."

"You are not seeing video footage of our sex life!" Zell said.

"For a start you wouldn't know how to work the camcorder."

"I- Hey!" He turned on Seifer. "Are you called me stupid?"

"No." He smirked. "Or actually… yeah."

Squall rolled his eyes. "If you two are going to have another argument can you have it elsewhere?"

"We're not arguing, we're best of friends." Seifer put an arm around Zell, pulling him towards him.

"Let go of me you asshole, you'll pull me off my chair!"

"I'm just being friendly."

"Go be friendly with yourself."

Seifer sighed. "But that's not as much fun and you are my bed slave."

"Your what?" Zell jumped up, knocking back his chair in the process.

"Guys!" Rinoa hit the table. "We're not finished here! You can both run off, argue and end up having sex after I finish this."

Zell folded his arms sulkily. "Fine." He picked up the chair and sat back down.

Rinoa eyed Seifer who just sat there obediently. "Good okay so-"

Zell jumped suddenly, glaring at his lover, hitting him on the thigh. "Stop that, asshole!" He looked back at Rinoa's frown.

"What? I'm listening, it's his fault!"

Rinoa looked at the sheet of paper that Selphie had typed up. "First dates? Went well I imagine or we wouldn't be here now."

Irvine nodded.

Zell frowned. "I don't think we had a first date!" He sat up straight, slapping Seifer on the arm. "We didn't have a first date!"

"Well we went on a date weekend."

"But we weren't together then."

"And who's fault is that?"

"Are you blaming me?!"



"Now now boys!" Rinoa tapped on the table to get their attention. "I'll leave that bit blank then. Okay… how long have you been keen on your partner?"

Seifer and Squall shared a look.

"Is that one of the questions?"


Irvine snatched the paper from her to have a look for himself, reading down the page.

Rinoa snatched it back.

"Hey! Question 4, how many times have you had sex so far? What does that matter?"

"It's all useful information for the database."

"Database? I thought all our information was confidential."

"Oh it is, only me and Selphie will know." She sat, pen poised, eyeing each of them.

"How long?"

Seifer sighed, glancing at Zell. "I'm not sure I want to say this stuff at the table."

"I don't know." Squall said.

"I knew you'd say that." She said. "So I've already written down your answer." She showed him the paper, causing him to frown.

She looked at Zell for an answer.

"Err- What time is it?"

Rinoa frowned and looked at her watch. "11:03."

"Err-" He counted on his fingers. "Two days, four hours and three minutes."

"A while." Irvine said.

"Ditto." Seifer said

"Right." She grinned at them. "Who wants to skip on to question 4?" She grinned at them, gleefully.

They all groaned. "What's question 3?"

"How much romance is there in your relationship?"

Zell snorted. "Seifer wouldn't know romance if it bit him on the ass."

"Hey! I can do romance if I want to! You just don't inspire me to be romantic!"

"Oh so it's my fault again is it?"

"Yes! When I look at you I don't feel romantic…. I feel horny." He smirked.

"What counts as romance?" Irvine asked. "Does a bath count as romantic?"


He nodded.

"I don't know, music? Candles?"

Squall shook his head. "He just likes to see me wet and naked."

"Hmm." She frowned, writing 'not very' in the box for both of them.

"Right now then." She rubbed her hands together. "Question 4!"

"How many times? This week?" Irvine asked.

"Since you've been together."

The cowboy sighed dramatically and started to count on his fingers.

"Does a blowjob count? Or 69? Or- Ow!" Seifer rubbed his arm, eyeing Zell. "What was that for?"

"Stop naming things!" The suddenly red Zell, clapped his hands over his ears.

He frowned, looking back at Rinoa. "Does it count?"

"I think so." She looked at the question. "I'll change it to any sexual activity."

"Huh?" Irvine looked up. "Does that mean I have to start again?" He had run out of fingers now and moved onto using Squall's fingers too.

Squall snatched back his hand. "Just put lots, I mean he's Irvine."

"Thanks darlin'" Irvine smiled, taking that as a compliment.

"Can you write that for us too?" Zell asked, giving Seifer a look. "I mean it's like having a horny puppy humping your leg."

"I don't remember you complaining…. Or maybe-" He smirked leaning into Zell. "It was drowned out by all the other noises you were making."

Zell glared murderously through the deep blush.

Rinoa laughed so did Irvine, Squall just shook his head.

"Next and last question." Rinoa said, getting all their attention. "Do you see a long future together?"

Zell scoffed causing Seifer to whip round and look at him. "What was that noise for?"

"Of course we do." Irvine said. "Right sweetheart?" He asked Squall.

"Do you not see us having a long term relationship?!" Seifer accused.

"Well you're hardly husband material."

"What?! Since when? You did take me to meet your mother!"

"I didn't! You were there and she was there so you met but I didn't take you to meet her!"

Seifer huffed, sulkily turning his body away from him.

"Oh come on Seifer don't be like that."

"Why? The way I see it we might as well break up now then."

Zell frowned. "Don't you get all uptight with me like this is my fault!"

"It is your fault! You're the one that said that-"

"Boys!" Rinoa cut in. "These questions aren't supposed to break you up."

Squall gave her a suspicious look. "Are you sure? Maybe you want to break us up to get more fun out of pairing us up with other people."

She laughed nervously. "Of course not, don't be silly."

"Oh my god!" Zell clapped a hand over his mouth. "That is what this is about isn't it?" He looked at Seifer and gestured to Rinoa. "It was her fault!"

He nodded. "I forgive you."

Zell frowned. "But it wasn't my fault, why are you forgiving me if it wasn't my fault?"

Squall groaned as they started to argue again.

Irvine chuckled. "They have got to be the most… interesting couple ever."

Zell jumped up from the table. "Right that's it! I'm breaking up with you!"

"No! I'm breaking up with you!" Seifer jumped up too but Zell starting running towards the door with Seifer behind him both yelling that they were going to break up with each other.

"And there they go again." Squall said.

"Followed by half a day of make up sex." Irvine added with a grin. He turned and leered at Squall. "You know I think we could do with a bit of that."

"But we haven't had an argument." Squall pointed out.

The cowboy shrugged. "We could skip that part and get right to the good bit."

Rinoa giggled. "You're lucky Squall I've got to get me one of those." She pointed to Irvine.

"Well?" Irvine asked, waiting for his answer.


"Well alright!" He jumped up and grabbed his hat off the table.

"I have to borrow him first." Rinoa said.

Irvine pouted.

"Five minutes." Squall promised his cowboy watching him head off to the dorms to get naked.

The brunette instantly tensed up as Rinoa hugged him, a clumsy hug, her arm hit him in the head and he was alarmed by how close his head was to her chest.

"I'm so happy for you!"

"That's great…. Couldn't you be happy for me at a distance?"

She released him and hit him playfully on the arm. "I know you love me really."

He grimaced slightly.

"But I know not as much as you love Irvy." She put on a girly teasing voice.

He frowned. "Did you just keep me here to tease me?"

She smiled. "Yep."

He rose from the table. "I'm leaving now."

"Yes go and get naked with your lurver….. And remember to take some photos for your profile!"

He just scoffed. "I'm sure Irvine would love to take photographs, not that you'd ever see them."

And off they went to have lots of naked fun and lived happily ever after.

The end.

Notes of me: This is finished here on adult fan fiction I'll add chapter 19B when I'm finished with it, full of Seifer and Zell lemons.

I had a thought…. a rare thing for me, I might do a sequel with the other gang Laguna company with Squall and co visiting of course. I love a good KirosxLaguna and I've got this image of Selphie setting 7ft Ward up with a 4ft guy/girl.