Bempi: Hot damn! So many reviews! Wow! almost 100! I know i haven't updated in a while, but please forgive me. So much other stuff has been going on. I just got moved up a year in school, so the work load is more. but yeah, since I haven't updated in a while, heres a long-ish chapter.

Edit: Yeah, I've decided to rewrite because I want this story to take a different turn X3 Okay, so it isnt a re-write, its some edits and changes .''

Naruto: Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep

Bempi: uh...wanna cookie?

Naruto: cooookkkiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...

Disclaimer: After four chapters, i think you get the idea.

Naruto: ...Coookiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

"Bastard, bastard, bastard…" Naruto growled as he willed away the furious blush creeping up his neck. It had been 40 minutes since the blond had his little 'incident' with his performance partner, and the case of his blood rushing to his face wasn't improving. He had gone to breakfast, only to be swarmed with questions like "Why were you late?" "why are you blushing so much?" and "Why is Gaara stabbing the table with a fork?" And even after what the ass did, Sasuke didn't show up at the dining hall.

Naruto carried on cursing as he stomped down the hallway, to the music room.

888888888888 Naruto POV 8888888888888888

I take deep breaths as I prepare to face the combined orchestra. If they're anywhere near as quizzical as they and the rest of the school were this morning, then I should brace myself.

'Say, if a quiz is quizzical…what's a test?' Yeah, yeah, I know I'm a procrastinator.

I stride in past the double doors and look around. All attention is on me. At first, I think about running, but then the students just turn around and sort out their music.

Yay, I'm safe!

"Oi, Naru-chan!" Kiba waves at me and I walk over to him. He pats the spot on the floor next to his seat and motions for me to sit. I sigh and shrug a lazy shoulder, walking over to his spot and sitting down. "Dude," Kiba leans down and whispers to me, "the KA kids are right asses."

I roll my eyes at this. 'No shit Sherlock.' "So are most of the KP students. Like the suna gang," Gaara looks at me and sends me a withering glare.

Ha! He never sends me a nasty look; we're too close for any of that. The glares he sends me are just for his image. I blink as something wet hits my face. 'What was that?' I look up, but see nothing that could have dripped on me. Hmmmmmmmmm.

I get tapped on the shoulder by my dog-loving friend and he carries on.

"Nah, really. The guy I'm rooming with, fuzzy-brows, is the head of the martial arts team, and according to the major dick-face who barged in this morning, there was this urgent meeting at the gym." Kiba growled. I schooled my face into a cynical stare.

"That's great Kiba. The guy sounds like an ass…"

"I aint finished yet!" I duck the swing thrown at my head, "anyway, they were talking to each other for like…half an hour, and I was getting really pissed, ya know? I mean, I don't wanna be woken up at stupid hours of the morning! I stood up and went to the shower. I came out 10 minutes later and guess what? They're STILL talking. I said I was gonna go walk around, and then the creepy guy tells me that I shouldn't or I'll get lost and have to go 'crying' to my teacher for help! Then he just looks all smug and leaves with fuzz-boy!"

There's a stirring motion from beside Kiba, where Shika is sitting, meaning he's waking up from his morning nap. He straitens out and looks at us. "When you say 'creepy guy', who do you mean?"

"You were awake?" I ask, confused. He nods and gestures for us to answer him. Kiba does so.

"He had really long black hair and like…white eyes. WHITE eyes, man!"

Shika sighs. "That's my room mate, Neji"

"Destiny boy?" I enquire. My pineapple-haired friend nods again and blinks.

"Is there a leak in here?" he asks, scouting the room.

"Ya felt it too, huh?"

888888888 Normal POV 88888888888888888

"Class!" Gai stood up on his block and tapped on the stand. "Today, we start the practice of the Rach 3! Get ready to express your inner most musical youth!"

Naruto stood and wandered to the piano he had been playing at previously. His gaze drifted to the ebony haired male who also stood up, giving off a cold aura, and strolled towards his own instrument. Naruto looked at his own piano and sat, before returning his stare to Sasuke.

Sasuke, being the ever observant boy that he was, noticed the set of eyes on him and returned the look with his own intense stare. Onyx met Cobalt and right then, nothing else existed. Black voids that absorbed even the strongest light clashed with sparkling blue orbs that reflected all. Complete opposites.

As they say, opposites attract.

Sasuke's face broke into a smirk and he broke eye contact. He sat down elegantly at his stool, but not before sending his 'partner' a suggestive wink and a quick lick of his lips.

'Pervert!' Naruto glared through the pianos when Sasuke's arrogant smirk disappeared behind the music stand. His plans for killing the boy were cut short as his sensei's voice rose lazily.

"Yeah…tune an' all that…and no Shikamaru, you can't borrow my lighter," the silver haired man sent a pointed look at the brown haired boy.

"Meh. I was actually gonna to ask if you have any cigarettes. Dumbass," Shika sighed and crossed his arms. A few gasps arose from the 'posh' half of the student body.

"Oh my gosh! Did you just hear that?" Sakura's voice rang out and her friends nodded.

"You smoke? Disgusting! And how could you answer back to a teacher? Do you WANT to fail? Is THAT why you're in your sorry excuse for a school?" Ino and some others interjected. The KP students (especially Naruto and Gaara) sent raging glares at them.

"Ahem." Kakashi cleared his throat. "No, I don't have any cigarettes. You know I don't smoke, and Naruto, stop growling."

"Whatever," Naruto shifted and put a pout on his face.

"Today, since me and Gai must organise seating plans officially, you will be taken by the deputy-head of music." The pervert arched an eye in glee as he pointed to the double doors, where a man stood, about 6 feet high, tied up brown hair and a strange scar running over the bridge of his nose.

"Good day." He bowed and walked to the front, ignoring the blatant staring the 'scary' silver-haired teacher was doing. "I will take charge now, so you may leave." He nervously shuffled through some papers when Kakashi pouted (or...he THOUGHT he pouted, what was with the mask anyway?).

The 'scary teacher' sighed in defeat and he and his rival/co-worker, who was yammering on about youth to himself, left the room. The brunette teacher turned to the class.

"Hi. I'm Umino Iruka," he sent a soft smile to the new students, who, as soon as he turned away, scoffed.

"Its an act," Kiba accused, "He's gonna gain our trust jus' so the school takes credit. Then he'll be really tough on us at the end. SO obvious,"

0000000000000000000000 end of lesson 000000000000000000000000000

"Shit, man" Kiba almost cried. "He worked us so hard!"

At that point, Naruto came up, his arms looking somewhat dead. "Paiiiin," he whined and leant forwards, becoming a dead-weight on Gaara's and Kiba's shoulders. "That is sooo hard to play."

Shikamaru strode up to them. "Hey Naruto. You okay?" He asked, having found one of his so-loved cigarettes and was lighting it with one of Kiba's matches. The blond nodded and put his arms around Gaara.

"Gaara-kun," he accented the honorific, "carry me. I feel so tired…"

The red-head stared icily at him, even though he was straining to will down the slight blush. He shook his head.

"Oh fine." The blond stood up straight, taking his arms from around his friends neck and looked around. 'What was all that wet crap dripping on my head? Its hard to play a hard piano piece when it feels like there's a monster dribbling on you…heheh, a monster like Sasuke…I wonder what the teme is doing right now…GAH! Don't think about him don't think about him don't…'

"You look spacey, dobe," a smooth voice rung out from behind the now startled blond. Naruto spun around and glared at the aforementioned bastard.

"Shaddap Sasuke-baka!" He clenched his fists and stuck his face close to the taller boys. "You know why I'm distracted! After what you did this morning…!"

"What he did?" Gaara stepped up and placed at hand on his small friends shoulder. "What did he do?" the red-head gave a poisonous scowl at the smirking raven and stepped closer to Naruto. He felt him tense under his hand.

"N-nothing!" A flustered look crept onto Naruto's face and he whirled around to face his long-time friend. "J-just an…argument o-over the…"

"Whatever." Gaara sighed and let his hand leave its previous perch. He sent one final glare at Sasuke before going to pack away his double bass. Shikamaru, Kiba, and Chouji followed his example, leaving Naruto with his worst nightmare.

"Just an argument, eh?" Sasuke smirked and moved into close proximity of the shorter teen. He leant his head down to the others ear, "If that's so, I look forward to our future 'arguments'." He let his breath ghost over Naruto's neck, then immediately stood up normally. He smirked at the livid expression on the blonds face, and, satisfied with his work, strode out of the hall.


Glaring at Sasuke's back, Naruto growled and wished with all his might that the bastard would just, for some reason or another, just combust. Unfortunately, that wasn't going to happen, so he just settled for imagining him being killed in various ways.

"ahem, class," Iruka coughed and gained the exhausted students attention, "Its break now for 20 minutes. Then return for more practice," Students groaned and grumbled, but none complained to the strict teacher.


After about 15 minutes of talking to Iruka about his piano part, Naruto walked out into the large open space called the 'recess ground'. Heh. Back home, he just called it a place to fuck around and annoy the hell out of people. But he wasn't back home, was he? And that thought made him greatly anxious and hostile. He gazed around the huge expanse of the grounds. There was a gigantic field, on which the KA soccer students were running around like professional athletes, there were several basketball, tennis and squash courts, which held most of the P.E fanatics, and finally, an unnecessarily large forest attached onto the back of the whole place, which was behind an orderly array of benches.

"Yo! Naruto!" Kiba waved from one of the seats and beckoned his small friend, who obliged happily, and jogged to them. He stood in front of them and grinned, keeping a natural eye out for any threats. Hey, after having spent years living in that hell hole of an area, you've got to get accustomed to the constant danger.

"Hey guys." He stole a chip from Chouji, who whined about 'needing to keep up his dietary needs'. "Have you had a call lately?" the small blonde pulled out an old nokia phone and checked his messages. Gaara sighed and shoved his flip-phone in front of Naruto's face.

"I got one from Orochimaru stating that I owed him 4 pieces of my course assignment and that you should be prepared to come home 'cause you owe him class work too," the red-headed boy said in a monotonous voice. The blonde laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his head.

On that note, the buzzer signified the end of break, and the students abruptly halted their activities. A bustling atmosphere broke though the crowd and they all swarmed into the large building.


'The second practice was pretty uneventful', Sasuke mused as he strolled down the dorm hall with his hands in his pockets. He had hoped to talk to the cute blond playing opposite him, but he never got the chance, since Iruka-sensei was driving them on. Stupid teacher. Sure, he would have got to the boy AFTER practice, but no, the dreaded fan-girls ruined any chance of that. The raven shuddered, remembering the squeals and sickly sweet voices often used around him.

Upon turning the corner, he noticed an outrageous mop of red hair.


The boy was trying to open Sasuke's door. "What are you doing?" the Uchiha asked, sending his infamous to the offender. Said boy turned around and leveled Sasuke with his own look.

"Naruto asked me to get something for him," to prove his point, he jingled the keys the whiskered boy gave him. Sasuke frowned.

"I don't remember giving the dobe permission to admit other people into my room,"

"It's his room too, now," the insomniac smirked and turned back towards the door. The lock 'clicked' and the door opened. Just as he walked in, Gaara sharply inhaled as he was pushed none to gently into the room, and the door shut behind him. He angrily turned around and face the raven who was giving off a deathly vibe. "What the hell was that for?" Gaara growled.

"What's your relationship with Naruto?" It was quick and precise. Straight to the point.

"Why would that be of any concern to you, Uchiha?" Gaara clenched his fists.

"It just is. After all, we both know I want him,"

"And what would you say if I felt the same?" The red-head smirked and crossed his arms.

"You'd better not hurt him,"

"And how can you say that, when you, who only met him a while ago, knows nothing of him?"

Sasuke tensed, his lips set in a firm line. Why? Why was he fighting for some boy he hadn't known for more than two days? It wasn't like he was in love...It wasn't like it was love at first sight...Nah. That didn't exist. But, then, what was this indescribable feeling? Of wanting to protect? Of wanting to be near?

Silence reigned for a while, and you could hear the clock ticking away. It carried on, until Sasuke spoke.

"You can't have him," he said slowly, his voice dark and onimous. He watched as the boy across from him stepped forwards.

"Excuse me?" Gaara ground out, slowly advancing. He cracked his knuckled for effect and slammed one of clenched fists against the door beside the brunettes head. He pulled his free hand back threateningly. "Care to repeat that?"

"You heard me. You can't have him..."


"Achoo!" Naruto rubbed his nose and looked around.

"Someone talkin' about you?" Chouji asked, munching on more food. He helped the shorter teen with some of his work he owed Orochimaru.

"Probably. I mean, its not like I get ill," Naruto pouted. No getting ill, meant no getting time off school. He sighed and carried on writing. Last thing he needed was Orochimaru-sensei giving him detention. Admittedly, the blonde actually liked the snake-teacher. They got along well, talking all the time and going out to lunch and all that, but the man had a tendency to get slightly...clingy. He like to put his arms around the blond or just hug, which was weird, since the guy was about 25. Not that Naruto minded, since both of their childhoods were passed from family to family with no love at all. Problem was, that spectators got uncomfortable.

"Are ya done yet, man?" Kiba asked, checking his watch. "Gaara's been gone for like...10 minutes," He added. Naruto looked thoughtful.

"Maybe he got lost?" Just as the blonde said that, the double doors swung open and the object of the conversation stalked in. Blood and all. Naruto's eyes widened in shock. "Holy shit! Gaara, man are you okay!" He jumped up and ran to his friend. Immediately, he began to fuss, wiping the blood with his sleeve. "I thought we agreed no fights! Or did a fuckin' KA kid do it? I swear, if they did i'll-!" His rants were cut off as he was pulled into a tight embrace, and the distance between their lips was closed.

Shock. That was the first thing Naruto felt at that moment. Pure, and utter shock. After all, it isn't every day that your best friend decides to make out with you in front of a whole room of people.

'fuckity fuckfuckfuck'

Thing was, how was he supposed to know what to do now? Pull away, scream and shout like he should have done to Sasuke? This was sexual harassment people!! Or should he react to it? Which was what his body was leaning towards.

Making a steely decision, Naruto gently placed his hand on Gaara's shoulder and pulled away. He sent him a sad smile and spoke, "Gaara? You okay man?"

The redhead nodded, a look of understanding in his face. Naruto needed to leave.


The designs on the walls were a blur as Naruto ran down the dorm halls. 'Why?' He thought of the possible answer over and over again. The only ones could come up with were frightening and somewhat disturbing. So he ran.

He needed to get away, sleep, ANYTHING!

He slammed into the door and rushed into his room.

"What the fuck!"

"Oh, hey dobe," The brunette was lying on his bed, his shirt blood stained. He looked like a mess.

"Oh no...Don't tell me YOU fought Gaara!" The blond panicked and ran to the dark teen. He pulled away the black bangs and checked the cuts on Sasukes head.

"heh, Damn, he's tough." The brunettes voice was almost humorous. He stared at the boy using a nearby tissue to wipe away the blood.

"He would be, you retard! Gaara's the toughest cookie of them all!" Naruto huffed, pressing slightly too hard on a cut. Sasuke inhaled sharply. "Crap, sorry," Naruto laughed quietly. He dabbed on it a few times then moved onto the next one. "Jesus, you rich kids seriously don't know how to tell if someones dangerous," He muttered annoyed, but slightly jokingly too. The raven sat up.

"Sorry," Sure, it was quiet, but it was sincere, and the whiskered boy heard it. A light blush stained his cheeks, and Sasuke smirked. "Do you know how cute you look like that?" He snickered as the boy made offended noises, only making his blush increase.

A soft smile found its way onto the usually stoic boys face.

'So, there IS such a thing as love at first sight,'

Bempi: There ya have it. I can't believe i made Sasuke get beat up! How can i be so cruel!

Sasuke: head...

Bempi: TT.TT im sorry! Anyway, please review. I know this chapter wasn't good, but it was done under stress, so i get SOME lee way. ne?