Sora's House

The reason I didn't update for a long time was because of "Where did I go wrong" and "Sly Killed Santa Claus". Also I personally thought this story sucked.

Sora rowed the wooden boat towards a large island up ahead. Kairi was with Carmelita on another boat. And Sly was with Sora.

"So…how old are you Kairi?" Carmelita asked.

"15." She answered.

" you come to this isalnd often?"

"Of course we do! Like everyday! Right Sora?" Sora nodded.

"But don't you guys go to school?" Carmelita looked worried.

"Well…yeah…but only on a few days."

Riku caught up to them with Wakka on his boat. "That's why Sora's so stupid."

"Hey!" Sora showed his friend his classic "I'm so angry" face. All Riku could do was laugh. Once they had reached Sora's dwelling, they entered it. It was like the houses back at Paris…except less crowded up and maybe a bit smaller.

"So you too can have fun in your room!" Sora's mom said. "You can call me Anne!"

"Your name is Anne?" Carmelita asked. "Well hello I'm Carmelita Montoya Fox. I'm a police officer."

"My name is Sly…I'm a theif" he said staring at the Venus Fly Trap devouring his tail.

"I'm the keyblademaster!" said Sora.

"I a mom! And my name is not Anne!" Sora's mom said. Carmelita nodded awkwardly at the mom's reply. "So where's my room and Sly's room?"

"Oh! Sora told me you were married so I gave you one room!"

"SORA YOU TWIRP!!! YOU TOLD YOUR MOM THAT…UGH!!!! I'm gonna get YOU!!!" Sora ran off as Carmelita chased him. Sora sprinted towards his mother. He whispered something in her ear. Her eyes got wide and she grinned evily.

"I'm sorry there are no extra rooms. Is it okay?" his mom said sweetly. Carmelita groaned, "Don't worry we'll manage."

After being fed dinner (the Venus fly trap didn't want to let go of Sly's tail.) Sly was helped by all of the family to get him out. Instead the ended up ripping his tail off. It simply grew back. Strange I know.

"Well it least we got him out!" Carmelita said as she walked upstairs following Sora to her bed. Sly followed. Suddenly Carmelita slipped and fell into Sly's hands. Sora tried to hide his smirk. He planned it all along. As he made for his bed, he thought in his head, Tommorow, I'll put a paupo in their breakfast. Or maybe I should just challenge them for a fight……I'm so bad it's good!

Sly, (to be kind) went off of the bed. He slept on the floor while Carmelita cozily slept on the warm bed. In the middle of the night, while Sly who was awake for some reason, Carmelita rolled off of the bed and embraced Sly. Sly knew she was asleep. Please don't tell me this is a dream!

The next morning, Carmelita had no excuse other than to blame Sly for being a perv and making her hug him. There was a big fight upstairs. Sora sighed as he heard the racket. So suddenly, Wakka (one of the kids) jumps into sora's house and sings

"The sky is blue the grass is green." And shut the door.

"What in the world?" Sora said frozen pretending to be an adult by holding his mom's cofee cup.

Sorry haven't updated for like a year! Review despite the fact that this chapter sucks and is toooooo random!