I'm renovating everything, trying to check all the Grammar and stuff.

DISCLAIMER-don't own a damned thing.

Mr and Mrs Potter of Godric's hollow were quite happy to say that they were as normal as they could get. They were the first people you'd think of if you were in need of assistance or just a friendly chat.

JamesPotter was a tall man with very messy black hair and round golden glasses. His wife, Lily, who was a muggle-born, had long red hair and was the most beautiful woman you'd ever see. The one thing you'd never forget about her were her bright green eyes.

It was a Monday evening, and a wet one at that, and the Potters were having their dinner when the door knocked. James walked to the door and looked through the peephole, forgetting to lift the latch.

"If you're doing that annoying thing where you look through the peephole, stop it and let me in." James smiled, before answering,

"Who is this? If you're not off our property in..."

"Quit it, James! I'm getting wet!" Came an annoyed voice from outside.

"I don't know..."

"James..." warned the voice. James laughed but then opened the door to make way for the man with long dark hair who was drenched from head to foot. The man glared at him before he gave a flick of his wand, drying him instantly. The man broke out into a wide grin.

"All right, Sirius?"

"Yup. I just got a present for Harry. I can't believe he's one already!" He walked into the front room where Lily was attempting to force him into a cute little jumper, sent by Molly Weasley, withpicture of anacorn on the front. "All right, Lily?"

"Mmm hmm. You got something for Harry have you?"

"Yeah." He picked up Harry. "Okay, little man. You're a year old now, so I think you're ready for one of these." He reached into his pocket and pulled out something large and golden from his jacket.

"Snick!" Harry yelped happily.

"Close enough..." And he let the large, spongy snitch fly around near to the ground. Harry squirmed to get free. "Hey! Wait a sec!" Sirius gave him a hug and then put him on the floor where he immediately began to run after the snitch, falling after every three or so steps, before he gave up and took to crawling after it instead. Sirius chuckled.

"Sirius." James' voice came, "have you heard from the Longbottoms recently?"

"Not for a few weeks. Why?" Sirius looked from James to Lily. "Has something happened?"

"Well, Alice didn't bring Neville round a few days ago when she was going to, for his birthday, you know. So I went round to theirs with Harry ,and there was nobody there. Didn't look like anyone had been there for a while."

"We thought she'd forgotten and gone out, you know Alice."

"But..." Harry had just caught the snitch and ran over to his Mum and Dad to show them. "Well done, Harry! But no one had seen them for weeks. Frank didn't show up for the meetings..."

"Neither did I!"

"The difference being, Sirius. You never show up. Frank is ALWAYS there"

Sirius looked like he would say something but he didn't and he thought, looking uncharacteristically serious, before he slowly replied that they'd probably turn up soon.
"I mean, does Dumbledore know?"

"Yes. If they don't…" Lily began, A tear forming in her eye. " Neville… He's only a few days older than Harry. He-" Lily began to cry, her son let go of the snitch and gave her a big hug.

"They'll show up, Lily." James stated, then under his breath, "they have to."

If You find any mistakes could you point them out to me. Thanks.