Title: Rising From Ashes

Disclaimer: I do not own the labyrinth or any of the characters in it. This story will in no way bring me profit or gain. That said and done, I hope people will be patient with me, for though I love the characters of the labyrinth like a child, my writing is sadly just as childish. I am a newbie and this is my first attempt at a fanfiction about Jareth and Sarah. Advice, reviews, criticisms are more than welcome.

Chapter One: The Calling

Her eyes drooped.

Sarah William's heart thudded dully, slowing as her energy drained. The painful fuzziness that had first started at her toes and face now permeated into deeper layers of her skin everywhere. Everything began to ache and stars formed in the outer edges of her vision.

A tiny sound caught her attention and for a moment chased away a star or two.

"Melody…" the word started as a small gasp and then blended into a long slur. She was forgetting. But the moment… she had to say something, before it passed. Her eyes fluttered, and fought for clarity.

Her eyes almost shut when the same cry from earlier startled her awake.

Her heartbeat, creating little explosions of red to flit across her vision, made it nearly impossible to see the baby now starting to wail in its crib. Yes, this was the only way. The words reverberated in her mind, finally emerging through pale trembling lips.

"I wish…" she whispered, aching, "the goblin king would come… and take you away…" Her eyes glazed and the room darkened as she rallied her strength; the words slipping out just in time, "right now."

Darkness took her pain away.