Author/Banshee Queen: "This is my first Supernatural fanfic so go easy on the reviews, flames, etc etc. This is just a bit of nonsense that popped into my head one day so I thought I'd write it down regardless. I've written up three chapters so far and it'll probably end with four. Also, I'm aware that in the episode where Dean nearly dies of an electric shock, he says something along the lines of "Daytime T.V sucks" -but I had a mind to change it so here it is.

Disclaimer: "I don't own the Supernatural characters Sam & Dean Winchester...but if I did... (growls suggestively) -oh that'd just be heaven now wouldn't it?"

Day Time T.V Bites

Chapter 1: What Do We Do Now?

"Change the channel." Whined Dean from his spot on the couch.

The younger Winchester unconsciously rolled his eyes for the billionth time that day. John had ran into the kitchen earlier that morning muttering over the fact that he couldn't find the keys to the Impala and had misplaced his cell. Dean, although at times acting as if he wasn't all there, had immediately looked up from the newspaper he was reading, and swung that trademark leather jacket around his shoulders, at the same time questioning what they were up against before John sternly directed him back into his chair.

"What? Why?" Questioned Dean confusedly as he straightened the collar of his shirt.

"Because I said so, that's why."

"But Dad-

"No but's Dean, I need you to stay here and take care of Sam while I'm gone."

The older Winchester swung his gaze over to Sam who was sitting at the breakfast table innocently eating a bowl of cereal and staring up at the two with large puppy-dog like eyes.

"He's 16 years old Dad, he can take care of himself."

"Oh really?" The legendary John Winchester rose an eyebrow evidently unconvinced.

Dean's vigorous nod was in vain as John proceeded to recall the time 'Dean stepped outside for a breath of fresh air' only to find that Sam had set alight the motel room while trying to turn on the heater.

"Okay, okay, so that was one time, it doesn't make it me irresponsible."

John informed both brothers that a woman from the underground had called only minutes before saying that there had been mysterious happenings going on two towns away in a local church and asked for him to check it out.

Before Dean could utter another syllable John cut the conversation short, "Don't do anything stupid. Stay here. DO NOT for any reason open this door unless the devil himself knocks. Watch him", John stated sternly, pointing at Sam, "And above all, keep this house in one piece", he threw Dean a strict look before an old duffel bag appeared on his shoulder from out of nowhere and he was out the door without another word.

"Great", sighed Dean throwing his jacket to one side, "now what are we supposed to do?"

"You heard the man", replied Sam, eyes still roving over the newspaper, "stay here. Do not for any reason open-

"Yeah yeah", grumbled Dean, slumping down into a chair, "I heard him the first time."

A minute of silence passed before Sam heard rustling across from him, the scraping of a chair and heavy footsteps fading away towards the hallway. A few minutes of silence passed again before the younger Winchester heard a muffled "Fuck!" from the bedroom. An exasperated sigh escaped his lips.

"What now Dean?"

The footsteps grew louder as Dean approached the table.

"I'm all outta' cigarettes."

"Cigarettes?" A surprised but confused look crossed Sam's face, "I didn't know you smoked."

"I don't", replied Dean searching the fridge for something, "Only when I'm bored."

Sam looked up from his newspaper and frowned.

"What are you doing?"

"Looking for some form of amusement or something to keep me busy." Dean answered, still rummaging through the fridge.

"Well you're not going to find it in there Dean, the only 'amusement' you'll find there is 10 day old milk and a really mouldy old piece of cheese."

The older Winchester looked up, "Since when did Dad buy cheese?"

Sam shrugged without looking up from the column he was reading.

"Anyway back to what we were talking about, do you have any suggestions then Sammy?"

"It's Sam", those brown eyes flickered up to look at his brother in annoyance, "and yes, I do have an idea. We could watch some T.V."

"T.V?" Dean coughed milk violently, spraying it all over the floor.

Sam's eyes widened in horror at the milk on the floor.

"Dude, did you just drink that? That's off! That's 10 day old milk!"

Dean ignored his brother's shock.

"T.V? As in daytime T.V? Daytime T.V bites dude!"

"Yeah, well, you gotta' better idea?" Retorted Sam.

"I get the remote!" Sang Dean's voice from the lounge room.

Sam scraped his chair back from the table and shook his head as he made his way into the lounge room. This would be some experience.

Author/Banshee Queen: "As always, please kindly review."