Have your ever wonder what will happen if there is something between Raven and Aqualad? And what will Robin y Beast Boy do? Here is my work, I hope you like it. Reviews please!

­­Strange Feelings: Chapter 1

Meeting again

Our story starts with a girl about 17 years that was meditating on the roof. She was pale with short and dark hair. Her body was floating in the air and her lips were whispering quietly the words Azarath Metrion Zinthos.


The gothic girl opened her eyes, descended to the floor and turned around. Now in front of her was Robin.

He hadn't change at all, except for his training, that were duplicated two years ago leaving him in the best condition you have ever seen.

-The other guys and I were wondering if you would like to... -

-No thanks- she interrupted–I have to meditate, and you now I don't like that kind of things. But thanks anyway- Raven end kindly while she turned around and started to meditate again

-As you wish- Robin said- but if you change your mind we will be downstairs-

Raven didn't answer, but Robin knew she wasn't angry, so he went downstairs to the common room and joined the rest of the team.

-How did it go? - Cyborg asked, even if the answer was more than obvious

-Dude how are we supposed to have fun as a team if Raven meditates all day? - Asked Beast Boy

-Don't worry dear friends- intervened Starfire- I have prepared the Trackflord of happiness to make really happy our friend Raven-

-I'm not sure if that will work Star- Cyborg doubted while he looked a big bowl full of a strange brown mass with some freaky purple things on it and an intriguing smell.

In that moment the door opened and let there gothic friend entered. She was the only one who had changed after the fight with Trigon. Now she was taller, stronger and the most enthusiast at fights. The only problems were that she has become the knew victim of Slade´s attacks, and after the fight with Trigon, her meditations could last a whole day, and her friends were very worried.

-Oh! Friend Raven! I'm so glad that you have come to join us –Star shouted while she flew around the common room and gave her a big hug

-Star, you are leaving me without air- Raven whispered

-Oh, I'm sorry- Star said while she let Raven go and they both sit together on the big black sofa

-So? - Raven asked impatiently

-Oh yeah¡Titans get prepare, because this marathon of horror movies will let you without breath! - Beast Boy exclaimed while he show to the rest of the team a large pile of movies- so which one you want to see first? The dark room or Shadows at moonlight? – He said with a gloomy voice

But in that moment there was a blackout and all the room was covered with darkness.

-Beast Boy, is this part of the movie? - Star asked innocently

-You are suppose to turn on the TV and then turn off the lights- Cyborg said

-But I didn't do anything! - Beast Boy exclaimed confused

In that moment the alarm started to sound.

-I can't turn on the computer- Robin said

-Leave it to me- Cyborg told him while he changed a lot of cables and started to press many bottoms – Ready, but you have to be fast, we are using the emergency electricity and I don't really know how much is going to last- Robin sit in front of the computer and without losing time he checked for the affected zone

-They are attacking the outside of the city at the electricity company. Titans Go! –

The titans went out of the common room, entered the T-car and some minutes later they arrived to there destiny.

The electricity company was deserted, all the generators were broken, the computers were destroyed and there were cables almost everywhere.

-Before you say something, I didn't do this- Beast Boy said

-Shh- Robin put his forefinger on his lips indicating silence and then he indicated the stairs. The second floor was illuminated and there was a lot of noise coming from there. They all looked at their leader and he agreed.

Fast but silently the titans went upstairs and found their enemy.

-Take our your hands of those generators Overload – Robin said- Titans go!

The first one who attacked was Robin; he took out his metal stick, jumped very high and started to kick with all his force to Overload. But this one grabbed him from his feet and threw him against the wall. Then it was Starfire's turn, she sent him some of her green rays making him move back. Making good use of this, Cyborg fired a supersonic ray, making that Overload passed through the wall.

The five titans entered to the next room walking through the hole and they were ready to attack, the only problem was that the room was empty.

-Where is he? - Starfire asked

-Just be alert- Robin whispered

One of the computers of the room suddenly exploited and Overload appeared from the screen. This time, he has duplicated his size.

-Dude! How on earth he did that? - Beast Boy exclaimed

-His body is absorbing all the energy of the company- Cyborg explained while he started to fire Overload – We have to take it out of here! -

Overload shouted and all the electric things of the room started to exploit. Fortunately Raven reacted fast and she covered all the team with her black energy. Once the dust has dissipated the attacks continued.

Robin threw some of his discs and Beast Boy hit him with the form of a rhino. But Overload grabbed him from his horns and knocked the green titan down.

-Azarath Metrion Zinthos! - Raven shouted at the same time that she attacked Overload with her black energy. This one fall down noisily and his size reduced a little bit

-Starfire! Cyborg!- Robin gave them the signal to attack and they both fired

-Booya! - Cyborg shouted glorious

-Cyborg be careful! - Robin exclaimed

But it was to late; the technological boy didn't react at time. Overload had avoided his attacks by transforming himself in pure energy, escaped through a cable and reappeared behind Cyborg.

Overload made him blackout and Cyborg fell fainted.

Beast Boy transformed himself into an eel with the intention to absorb Overload's energy, but he took him from one extreme and threw him against Starfire electrocuting her.

-The party ends here- Robin said while he gave a high jump and incrusted his metal stick in Overload. Unfortunately this one took advance of this and used the metal stick like an electric conductor giving the titans' leader a huge electricity unload

-No one treats my friends like, Azarath Metrion Zinthos! - Raven attacked him directly to the chip and Overload shouted with pain

Full of anger he started to throw electrical ray everywhere, and then he concentrated on the dark titan, who remembered that Cyborg said that the best thing they could do was to get him out of the place. So she avoided the electrical rays flying and went out of the room.

Just as she has predicted, Overload followed her. Raven went downstairs and once Overload had reached her, she started to attack again.

But this time he covered himself with one of the broken energy generators, and seeing that Raven was still far from him, he tried to absorb the electricity of the generator. Unfortunately for him, the first floor was out of energy.

-Angry? - Raven asked with sarcasm at the same time that she involved the generator with her powers and threw it to him

But this time the dark titan didn't have much luck, because Overload avoided it and grabbed her strongly with his arms giving her electrical shocks.

Raven felt a strange and painful feeling around all her body. One by one the rays reach her boy, each one more painful than the other.

Raven was know shouting of pain, but suddenly a huge water jet hit Overload. He let her go immediately and his size reduced to the half.

-If I were you I would think it better before you put your hands again on her Overload-

Raven was lying down on the floor; that voice sounded very familiar.

The stranger walked through the big entrance of the company, and once he had reached her, he helped her to get up.

-Long time without seeing you Raven-

-Aqualad- her suspicions were correct

-Seems like your little friend is not happy to see me- Aqualad said smiling and then looking at Overload

Raven couldn't believe what was happening, she hadn't see Titans East for one or even two years. He hadn't change too much, just a little bit more tall and muscular.

-You are getting old Sparky- Raven turned around and she saw the rest of her team with the rest of Titans East

-It's good to see you too- Cyborg said while he was helped by Bumble Bee to walk through the room

Both teams exchanged smiles with the intention to keep talking, but Overload gave a big shout and tried to attack Raven and Aqualad.

-¡Más y menos si podemos!- Both brothers surrounded Overload immobilizing there enemy

Then a fast arrow crossed the entire room and hit in the center of Overload' s chip. He finally fell on the floor and tried to escape trough the cables.

-Aqualad now! - Speedy shouted

He didn't wait one more second and threw a big amount of water to Overload, who was finally defeated

-Aqualad, dude, great moves- Beast Boy said emotionally while they shook hands

-Thanks- he answer- you haven't change much- Aqualad add to the green titan, and he was right

Beast Boy had only grown a few centimeters, and the only thing that had changed was that he was really a woman chaser. Unfortunately for him, his physic characteristics didn't help him much.

-Seems like you are out of practice-Speedy said

-It was just a little mistake – Robin argued a little angry while he pick up the chip

-Jaja don't get angry man, I'm just kidding-

-How much time have we been without seeing each other? One year? Two? - Cyborg asked

-Oh my dear friends, I have missed you so much! - Star exclaimed as she hug Bee with all her strength

-Star, I think Bee is not breathing- Raven analyzed

-Oh, mi apologizes friend- Starfire said with a huge smile

-It's ok Star- Bee told her

-What do you think if we all go to celebrate this marvelous meeting at that strange restaurant were you can eat pizza? - Star offered

-It's a good idea- Robin said

-¡Si comida! - Shouted happily más and menos

But in that moment the communicators of Titans East started to vibrate

-I think we would have to leave it for tomorrow- Speedy said- Billy has found a bank-

-Titans east go! - Bumble Bee shouted while she run out of the building – See you tomorrow- that was the last thing they heard of her, and her teammates followed her

-See you tomorrow Raven- Aqualad winked her an eye and then went out

A slight blush appeared on Raven' face, but she shook her head from one side to another, ¨What on earth I´am thinking about? ¨

She looked around her, but fortunately no one had notice anything.

When the titans finally arrived to the T-Tower, Raven went the fast as she could to her room.

I just have to meditate

She put herself on her common levitating position and started to whisper the words Azarath Metrion Zinthos, Azarath Metrion Zinthos, Azarath Metrion Zinthos...

But the image of a tall boy, with black hair appeared on her mind, and a new blush covered her face.

This can't be happening to me, no, if this happens to me my feelings would be in disorder, no, no I won't let that to happened, not again...

This is the first chapter, do you like it? I hope so, I now my English is not very good, but I' am practicing jeje.

Stay in contact because in a few days you would see what happens at the pizza stand.

I accept reviews of all kinds!

Reviews please!

Ishii Sen Ling