A/N: The last chapter! Three chapters in ONE day! The world must have ended! LOL! Wow I've spent a lot of time at my computer today. :) Well enjoy! 10-26-06.
Chapter Six: The End...Again
Alan grinned as he watched the Thunderbirds coming towards him on the island. The thought of the silos popped into his head and how the doors to them were blocked.
"Wonder where there going to land." Tin Tin asked from beside him. Alan grinned and shrugged.
"There are enough trees down, there is bound to be a spot someplace on the island." Alan said and Tin Tin rolled her eyes. They watched as Scott landed One in an open field that wasn't there before the storm. Virgil landed Two in a recently cleared parking strip. Tin Tin rested her head on Alan's shoulder a tear escaping the corner of her right eye.
"It's over..." She whispered. Alan turned and hugged his wife. Slowly they made there way back towards home. They were met at the door by Jeff who engulfed them in a large hug. Alan smiled into his fathers shoulder. His entire body still ached but he couldn't squeeze tight enough.
"I love you, dad." Alan mumbled, finally realizing he had subconsciously thought he was truly not going to make it. That he would never see his family again.
"I love you too, son." Jeff whispered back.
"Alan, Thunderbird Three crashed." Tin Tin stated loudly. Alan turned to look at her as if she had grown another head.
"Yes honey, I know. I was in it. It happened almost a week ago. Why?" Alan asked.
"The children! How are we going to get the children and John home?" Tin Tin looked truly frantic. "I want my babies!"
"Brains and Fermat already made progress on Three. The water damage has been reversed and the haul patched up. All that needs to be done is put a new engine in as well as electrical wiring and a new consul and seats."Alan explained. In order to keep his mind off of the possible fate of his son and extended family Brains worked the entire three days of the hurricane on Thunderbird Three." Jeff explained, Tin Tin slumped in relief.
"I want them home." She muttered.
"Me too, honey." Alan kissed her head.
They stepped into the living room only to be engulfed again in hugs from the rest of the family.
"Are you sure it's over?" Scott asked in all seriousness. Alan sobered up and nodded. "They were all destroyed."
"Good, now you all look like you need a good nights sleep before we begin operation clean up. It begins bright an early so rest up." Jeff stated behind them. The group moaned at the thought but headed for their rooms and showers never the less.
Alan smiled at his wife from within Thunderbird Five. Instead of brining the twins home to the still un-air conditioned home, they decided to just replace John who was itching to go home and help out. This would be Tin Tin's first official mission up in space.
"Excited about really logging those space hours?" Alan asked.
"So is Junior here." Tin Tin grinned back. Alan smiled before going to check on the children playing in the playroom. When he returned he stood in the background watching Tin Tin go through the paperwork with a smile. He was thankful he could do this.
They had been on Thunderbird Five for three months now and Tin Tin's stomach was now very large. She sat on a rocking chair listening to headphones while Alan worked at the desk. He was just finishing up on the latest mission report when a gasp behind interrupted him. He turned around and noticed a puddle below the chair. She looked up at Alan with wide eyes.
"It's to early, Alan. This baby still has a month!" She whispered. Alan nodded, he know that he couldn't take Tin Tin back to earth to the professional help she needed as it was now to dangerous with labor starting. Alan shuddered, this was always a possibility having stayed up here for so long they just hadn't expected this to happen so early. They were due to leave in only seventeen hours! He was going to have to deliver his child up here, alone...and he was terrified. He had only read about how to do this and watched it as the twins were delivered, but that was nothing to actruly doing it!.
"Do you think you can make it to bed while I call Virgil up here?" Alan asked. Tin Tin nodded before heading the shortest way towards there bedroom. Alan turned around and quickly hit the comm button.
"Thunderbird Five to Base." Nothing happened. Alan frowned before trying again. Again nothing happened. A loud groan came from the bedroom and Alan began to panic. He punched the emergency button before running for the bedroom. He was half way there when all of the electricity went off. Alan froze, flashbacks of other reasons things have gone wrong up here and to him rushed through his head. They said it was over! Turning around he checked the guages, everything but the power was working fine. He quickly flicked a switch and the emergency power turned on to full in the bedrooms. A small computer told him a fuse had blown and that emergency systems were being transferred to Tracy Island until the problem was fixed. Alan grinned, that meant that even if a rescue call came in, he could still be at Tin Tin's side. He checked quickly on the sleeping twins before running for his bedroom grabbing supplies on the way.
"What's wrong with the lights?" Tin Tin asked.
"Fuse popped, it means all emergency calls will be transferred to Tracy Island. How are the contractions?"
"Close, this one is coming fast, Alan." Tin Tin looked worried.
"Don't be scared honey, I know what I'm doing." Alan grinned an evil smile at his wife who promptly slapped his leg. The only part of him she could reach.
"Okay, lift your legs, let me see where you are." She complied with a glare.
"Woah!" Alan yelled.
"WHAT?!? Alan what's wrong!"
"I can see the head!" Alan called. "Push, honey." Alan's eyes widened as he helped the infant out. There was a loud wail of a cry from the tiny baby now up against his chest.
"Is it a girl or a boy, Alan?:" Tin Tin asked as she tried to catch her breath. Alan was silent for a moment.
"It's a girl." Alan grinned. "A ten finger, ten toe baby girl." Tin Tin sobbed happily. Alan carefully cut the cord before wrapping her in a soft towel and handing her to Tin Tin. He delivered the placenta before beginning to clean up. Soon he was laying in new clean cloths on the bed next to his wife. The twins had woken in all the noise and were now staring in wonder at their new sister. Alan stared at the infant in wonder, just as he had with the twins. There was a bang and a familure voice yelled into the spaceship sounding frightened.
"Hello?!?" Virgil yelled.
"Where in here!" The twins called waking the newborn who promptly began to cry loudly again.
"What the..." Came Scott's voice before Scott, John, Virgil, Gordon and Jeff ran into the small bedroom.
"Hey you guys, I would like you to meet the newest member of out family. Danielle."
"Oh..." Jeff trailed off.
"She was born thirty minutes ago." Alan whispered having gotten Danielle back to sleep. Jeff walked up eyes misty.
"Meed your newest granddaughter." Tin Tin smiled as she passed the baby up into Jeff's arms who began to beam proudly.
"What happened?" John asked quietly.
"Tin Tin's water broke. I wanted to get Virgil up here before she had the baby because reading about delivering is one thing, doing it is a completely different matter. I couldn't get through so I hit the emergency button then the power went off. I ran in here only to find that Danielle's head was already coming out. That was that, Tin Tin and Danielle did most of the work here." Alan explained. The family sat around the cramped small room passing the newborn around.
"Welcome to the world, love."
The End
A/N: This is the end of the Kendra stories. I hope you enjoyed. I look forward to having more ideas and shearing them with you. If you have any ideas for stories let me know and I will see what I can do. Thank you for reading! - Lauren