Her mind wondered to when she truly had felt happy. She starts to think about the times when she would say how immature and sexist he was and he would say how she was too nosy for her own good.

She used to love the way he would touch, look at her, really look at her and still want to be there. He was the only person to make her feel whole.

No one could talk to her the way he could. No one could make her feel alive the way he could. And no one could make her die inside like he could.

"Hey, V, were you even listening" said the BFF to his short, blonde compadre.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I just zoned out for a sec."

"As I was saying, I finally got info before you did. I don't mean to gloat and all, but it seems as if I have secret sources too."

"Wallace, what are you talking about?" The last statement from her friend seemed to be enough to bring her out of her stupor.

"It seems as if someone is getting the one thing that they wanted for her birthday" Wallace said to a confused Veronica.

'What, you've found a way to mend my broken heart'

"What is it?" she said half-heartedly.

"Don't get all excited now" Wallace said sarcastically.

"Ok Wallace, does this sound better 'Like Omigod Wallace, what am I like totally getting ' " she said in her best valley girl voice. And the head tilt. Don't forget the head tilt.

"That's more like it, Supafly" he said laughing. "Your dad's getting you a new…er car"

"Are you kidding me? Please don't kid because that would be cruel even for you" she said with joy beaming from her eyes.

"Wow, it seems that you can find a bigger cereal box." And with that, she felt her heart sink a little lower.

"What do you want Logan" she said without even turning around to look at him.

"I was just walking by and couldn't help hearing … "

"You mean eavesdropping" Veronica interrupted.

"As I was saying, hearing that you were getting a new car" he said with that patented smirk. "I didn't know that Cap'n Crunch could make a box that big" he laughed as he walked away.

"That guy is a real ass" Wallace said. "You would think that he could leave you alone for like two seconds before ripping into you."

"Don't worry Wallace. His being an ass has no effect on me whatsoever" Veronica said with a stern look in her eye.

'Now if only I could believe it'

"Come on BFF, we things to do and people to annoy" she grabbed Wallace's arm and was laughing down the hall to there next class.

Neither of them noticed but someone had been and was watching them the whole time. He had a slight cringe watching her grab another man's arm when he wanted it to be his.

Duncan just stood there looking at Veronica and Wallace walk into homeroom. He just sighed and went to his class.

"Hey man, I haven't seen you all day?" Dick said to a distant Logan.

"What, are we going steady and I didn't know?" smirked Logan.

"Stop getting your panties in a twist. You never got back to me on whether or not were going surfing later"

"Yeah, I'm still thinking about it" he said as he scanned the quad for 'the annoying blonde one'.

He saw her coming out of the building hand in hand with Wallace. He didn't realize it but he tightened his jaw and clinched his fist at the site. Dick saw this and said "Yeah I know. Every time I see her I want to puck too."

Logan somewhat confused said" What are you talking about?"

"I saw you get into a mood as soon as you saw her. I have the same feeling as you. Why doesn't she just go to hell" Dick said laughing not noticing the pained look in Logan's eye.

'Do I really look at her like that?' he thought.

"Listen Dick I gotta go. I'm starting not to feel to well. I'll see you tomorrow." Before dick could protest, Logan was already half-way to his car.