Author's note: Yay! Second fic, Key Cat! Don't kill me if you hate this! No flames!

Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts!

Key Cat

Chapter 1: Cat Got Your Tongue?

Oh man, never ever, ever, ever, ever, trust Selphie with a cheesy spell book. Never! If I had a penny for every time she makes me her test subject I would be rich! Of course all her tests never work… I thought that this would be the same. Don't ask me why I allow myself to be a subject of "magical" spells, I'm just nice that way.

But that's beside the point! Now I, Sora Mikashu, AM A CAT! Well, a brown tabby to be exact. How did I let this happen? Well…

Thursday, day one.

"Sora! Please just one spell! I'll make it a harmless one!" Selphie plead to Sora as they walked away from the old book store.

Selphie had just bought a new, well really old, book that had "spells" in it.

Sora shook his spiky brunette head and sighed.

"Selp, you know that they don't work, why try?"

"Because its fun! Beside if you think they don't work why are you so worried?"

"Hm, let me think," Sora said stopping and placing a hand on his chin. "Well last time I had to go the hospital and get my stomach pumped because of the love potion"

"Well, that I had to admit was a bad one" Selphie sighed.

"And the ghost summoning spell?"


"Hair growth?"



"I get the point, but this is different!" Selphie pointed at the book. "It's old! Not some new book, it's actually real!"

Sora put his hands in his pockets of his jeans. That day Sora was wearing a plain red t-shirt that said "If life throws you pie, make pieminade!" With gloves, a loose black belt and a pair of dark blue jeans, his shoes were black and a few sizes to big. As usual, a silver chain with a sliver crown was around his neck.

"Fine Selphie I'll be your test subject"

"Yay! Thank you Sora!"

The jumpy girl cheered and hugged the other teen and ran down the street.

"Meet me at my house later ok?"

"Sure!" Sora called after her then sighed "What have I gotten myself into?"

Later that day Sora when up to Selphie's porch and knocked on the door, of course Selphie answered it. Without saying hello she grabbed Sora's wrist and pulled him into the house.

"OhmygodSoraIfoundthebestspellit'llbesomuchfunandIhaveallthestuffupstairscomeon!" She said at high speed that Sora didn't catch any of it.

Being pulled up stairs Sora tripped twice while still trying to un-jumble Selphie's words. When they did get up stairs Sora was pulled the Selphie's room. The room looked like a tornado struck; books were on the ground, jars on the floors, and voodoo dolls of all the people of the island on the nightstand.

"Selp, do you need all this stuff?" Sora said uneasily looking at all the voodoo dolls.

"Of course not silly this is my room," She giggled "All we need is the book"

"Uh-huh" Sora said picking up a doll that resembled him; sadly it was full of needles.

"Oh, Sora, come' on!" Sitting on the floor.

Sora sat across from her and waited. Selphie picked up the book and turned to a page that was marked. Then with a hauntingly dumb voice she said, "Jabba goda sheda pega feline omega thema heba"

This went on for five minutes to Sora's sadness, but when she was done she snapped the book shut and stared at him. For ten minutes they did this till Sora sighed.

"Selphie I have to go home my moms waiting"

"Oh ok, visit me in the morning"

Walking down the stairs Sora opened the door and exited. Walking home he suddenly felt really tired, he yawned and slowed his pace. When Sora did get home he skipped dinner and when to bed.

A/N: Aw, man I suck at cliffs. Oh well. Riku's in the next chappy! Yay! And yes this is short!