Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling
Chapter 1: Re-Union
It had been nearly a decade since the peace treaty had ended the reign of terror caused by the former Lord Voldemort. Ever since then, the former Dark Lord had been a member of the Wizengamot known as Lord Slytherin. But still, he was only one voice amongst many. Harry Potter, on the other hand, was Lord of ten Houses and could cast ten votes on the Wizengamot. Occasionally, Lord Slytherin could rally enough supporters to out-vote Harry, but it didn't happen very often. This afternoon, Harry Potter M.W. had called Lord Slytherin and Albus Dumbledore to his office in the Ministry. When the receptionist showed them in, they found that there was a pensive on Harry's desk.
"Thank you for coming," began Harry. "This morning I had a meeting with the Prime Minister and what I learned is so important that I thought I should show the memory rather than summarize it for you."
With that, Harry pulled the memory thread out of his head and placed it in the pensive. Harry, Dumbledore and Slytherin then leaned over the pensive and felt themselves falling into the memory.
"The chaps in the United Nations Intelligence Task force thought I should bring you into this," began the Prime Minister. "About a year and a half ago there were several bright flashes just beyond the orbit of Neptune. We didn't have any telescopes trained directly at that spot so we didn't get a good look at the phenomena. We got a better look a few hours later when strange lights appeared in the same direction, but closer in, at the asteroid belt. We made thousands of pictures like this over the next several months before that region of the sky passed behind the sun. When it came back out of the sun's glare, we saw this. A group of the asteroids were now headed for earth. Over the next year, as they drew closer, we discovered that the cluster of asteroids were being shepherded by a fleet of space ships, as you can see in these pictures. There appear to be several types. The asteroids are being herded by these flat ships with crescent shaped fins. There are also these cigar shaped ships and these saucer shaped ships. There is a fourth type of ship that we are only able to see when it eclipses a star. They appear to have a central core with spiky projections of some sort. But we're unable to get a good picture of them.
Early this morning the fleet arrived. The first asteroid impacted just East of Hong Kong. It created a Tsunami large enough to wash completely over the island and destroy Macau. It also badly damaged costal areas on Taiwan, Vietnam, China and the Philippines.
As soon as the ship that was escorting the asteroid arrived, these smaller ships began swarming out of it. They appear to be fighters of some sort. Notice that they have crescent shaped wings that resemble their mother ships. The fighters proceeded to shoot down every satellite they could find. This process repeated each time a pair of asteroid escorts arrived. The loss of so many satellites, is causing massive communications black outs and is progressively blinding us about what is happening.
The next asteroids impacted New Delhi, Lahore and Tehran, totally obliterating them. The biggest asteroid we've seen, impacted in the eastern Mediterranean. At this point, so many satellites had been shot down that we lost the ability to monitor what was going on. But we have reason to believe that Rome and Madrid were destroyed next.
We believe that these asteroids are a prelude to an invasion. Can we count on your kind to help when the invasion comes?"
"Yes, Mister Prime Minister," said Harry. "I'll see that Wizardkind is ready to help defend Britain."
At this point, the memory ended. Harry, Dumbledore and Slytherin returned their awareness to the present.
"In light of this, let's be honest with each other, for once," suggested Harry. "You haven't really disbanded the Death Eaters. You haven't really disbanded the Order of the Phoenix. And I haven't really disbanded my Army. We've all been building up our forces and awaiting the day when one of us betrays the others. Well, now the world needs us. We need to add our might to ministry's and help defend earth."