Reki: You sure you shouldn't wait for more reviews, Crazee-san?

Crazee: Yup. Eight's good for me... Although I was waiting for ten...But it doesn't seem like that's gonna happen.

Reki: You're strangely happy today...

Crazee: Hee hee. I've thought of another good fic.

Reki: But you've got two going already!

Crazee: Never you mind, Reki. Just read the disclaimer.

Reki: Crazee does not own Fire Emblem. It belongs to Nintendo. She doesn't own .hack/DUSK either. It belongs to... someone else. She does own Kossin and 'the stranger' though.

Chapter Three

When he finally came to his senses, Reki was farther into the woods surrounding the cottage than he'd ever been before. He didn't recognize any of his surroundings, nor could he remember the path he'd taken to get in. He was lost. Hopelessly lost.

But, in a way, he appreciated it. He was so desparate to avoid Soren that he didn't really care whether he evr found his way back or not. He alomost wanted to stay lost. He just sat on a nearby rock and let the rain wash over him.

A blinding flash of light made him look up. Lightning. It was the most unpredictable aspect of a storm. But, if Soren was right and he really was a mage, he should be able to control it. Reki tensed. This was it. This would prove, or disprove, Soren's claim.

The only problem was, he had no idea what to do. In The World, there had always been voice commands or key combonations. He'd never really stop to wonder what these things were meant to represent. How would a real mage cast a spell?

He couldn't explain what drove him to try it, but Reki decided that focusing on the task he wanted to acomplish was the best idea. Taking a calming breath, he concentrated. He concentrated on controlling the lightning; on bending in to his will. As he did so, a strange flow of energy rose to this challenge. Surprised, Reki snapped out of his focused state. Could that have been magic?

Curious, Reki tried again. This time when the strange energy made its appearance, Reki allowed it to take control. It reached out to the lightning and gripped it tightly. Reki attempted to guide the lightning to an open patch of ground, but it fought him. The lightning was more powerful than the ammateur mage by far. It broke away and struck in a place of it's own selection, seeming to tear Reki's mind in two as it did so.

The deafening crash of the lightning was followed by a scream and a shout of:

"What do you think you're doing? You could have killed us!"

But Reki could barely hear it. He was fighting the pain of the damage caused by the stray lightning. It was all he could do to remain conscious.

In a matter of seconds, the bluured forms of Mist and Soren were at his sides. Mist was pulling out a heal staff, asking Reki what had happened. Soren, however, was glaring at him.

"This is why you never experiment with magic," he said mercilessly.

"Soren! Be nice! Can't you see he's hurt?" Mist snapped.

"The pain will pass in a few minutes. Just leave him to learn his lesson."

"What lesson!"

"You never experiment with magic unless a more experienced mage is there to instruct you."

Laughter echoed throughout the woods at this comment. Startled, Mist and Soren scanned the tree line, searching for the source.

"Come now. You're the tactician of the famous Greil Mercenaries," a sly voice taunted, "Surely you can do something as simple as locate me."

"Now isn't the time, Amnell!" Soren shouted.

"Amnell? Please. I'm ten times better than that fool."

As he said this, a slim, scarlet-haired figure stepped into the clearing. He was younger than Kossin, but could have easily passed as his twin. He wore the same sleeveless tunic and baggy pants - although his were black compared to Kossin's white - his eyes were the same color, and his bangs even covered the same eye!

Soren stepped between the stranger and the teens, taking out a faded Elwind tome as he did so. Reki struggled to get to his feet. Something wasn't right. Mist didn't even try to push him back down. She was staring wide-eyed at the scene infront of her. It just wasn't like Soren to put himself in harm's way for anyone. Especially children.

"Who are you?" demanded Soren.

"No one of importance." the stranger replied off-handedly.


"There's no need to shout. I'm not but a humble messenger from the King of Daein, sent to give Ike a message he'll never forget."

"You lie! Daein has no king. Ashnard's been dead for nearly five years!"

The stranger simply raised an eyebrow. Then he picked up a bow that was leaning against the tree beside him and proceeded to string it.

"I really don't want to talk to you anymore. Where's Lord Ike?" he said as if adressing the dirt under his shoe.


Rolling his visible eye, the stranger drew several arrows from a quiver on his back. With an expression of utmost contempt, he notched them.

"I assumed as much when I didn't see him with you. So I guess I'll leave his message here where he can find it."

Seeing what was coming, Reki stumbled to his feet. But light seemed to flash before his eyes and he found himself on the ground again. Darkness soon began creeping into the edges of his vision. He was about to blackout. The last things he heard were the sounds of the arrows being fired and Mist's angry shouts, followed by terrified screams. The last thing he saw was the tips of what had to be half a dozen arrows protruding from Soren's back.

Crazee: Hee hee, I'm evil, aren't I?

Reki: Y-yes you are.

Crazee: - Sorry if this chapter was a bit short, but I was eager to get to the end and really couldn't think of much else.

Kossin: Please review!