Heh, I am making progress! Woot! -dances- Onto the third chapter of this little thing. Yay! Mucho thanks to my friend for -- indirectly -- inspiring me to update this thing. I fear her, sometimes, but she's a good friend. Soo, do you guys like where this is going? Poor Momiji. T-T I had to be mean to him, though. Fits the story line perfectly. Wuahaha!

Disclaimer: No song today. Just a declaration: I own not.

Chapter Three: In Which The Unthinkable Happens

In the end, Haru ended up going back to the mansion. He didn't feel like feeding. At least, not from a human. Maybe Yuki would take pity on him and share some of his own blood. Haru doubted it, but it was worth a short. The mansion was dark, as usual. But tonight, Haru wanted something different. He turned on all the lamps -- set at low intensity -- and went into the kitchen for wood to make a fire.

A kitchen. Haru laughed. What did they need a kitchen for? They didn't eat, didn't drink. He supposed it was for old times sake. They had once eaten, after all. They had all once engaged in those acts which had made them mortal.

Haru ran a hand across one of the tiles, wondering. Which life did he really prefer? Of course, it was nice not to have to suffer those pointless things mortals did -- dying, for one. Coldness. Things like that. But on the other hand, he did miss the connection two mortals could have with each other.

The way they could spend hours simply looking at each other, never getting bored. The smooth caresses, the kisses. Haru smiled bitterly. Yeah, he missed that. But hadn't he gotten something better? Eternity with people who loved him. That sounded pretty good to him. But who knew? Who really knew which life was better? Not him, that was for certain.

"Where is everyone?" he wondered aloud. Did no one spend time at the mansion? Forget the fact that he was always gone -- where did the others go when they were done feeding?

"We're here," a voice called from the dark corner of the room.

Haru tilted his head and made out two figures. Ayame. Shigure. Well that was them accounted for. He nodded to them, heart wrenching when they found that they were in an embrace he only remembered from his memories. They really were close, those two. Nothing had ever separated them. But where was Yuki? He didn't bother to voice the question, though. Yuki was a big boy. He could take care of himself.

Somewhere in the city, Yuki was quickly disproving that statement.

It had started off as a simple hunt. His nightly meal. Some quiet, suffering child who would come to him as if knowing what he would give them. Release. He would gather them up in his arms and draw from their neck, the same way that every other vampire took their prey. He would suck until there was nothing left to be pulled from the poor child, and then he would bury them.

Like always, it was simple. It usually took no more than five minutes.

This night, however, he wanted something different. He wouldn't have been surprised if Haru had wanted something different as well. They were so very much alike. But anyways. Tonight, Yuki wanted to know the clamor and chaos that was the inside of a club. Haru had always loved these places. So loud, so full of life. So much so that it didn't matter if one was taken, because there would always be another to replace it.

Was that why he loved the places so much?

He knew the club that Haru had gone to the night before. How could he not -- the image came pouring forth from Haru like water breaking from a dam. He couldn't see anything but the club, Haru's panic at having done what he did. Yuki wanted to see the place where his life had changed. Where all there lives had changed.

He flew past the guard in the front, whooshing past random drunk people and the tables full of half-empty beer bottles. He ended up in the middle of the dance floor, dancing with some random person. She had reached out and caught him. Unknowingly, of course. She had just extended her hand in the hopes that she would grab someone.

Yuki spun her around a few times, dipped her, and then let go. He wasn't much of a dancer. Instead, he walked calmly through the mass of bodies to an empty table at the far corner of the room. He was unlucky in that he hadn't fed -- there was blood everywhere in this place. People dragging their nails sensuously down a partner's back, lips being bit in ecstacy, drunk people falling and bashing their heads. The smell was driving Yuki mad.

Was this what Haru felt when he walked into places like this? How could he stand it? Yuki stood, stumbled, and sat again. Looked like he was trapped for a moment. The smell was intoxicating, and it was taking over his senses. He couldn't see properly, couldn't think. He was going to take the first decent individual he could get his hands on. So when a tall, dark haired man with glasses walked into the club, he knew he had his pick.

Despite his akin-to-drunk state, Yuki somehow managed to glide gracefully over to the man. He wrapped his slender arms around the man's neck and pulled him down, feeling him tense at the unusual amount of strength Yuki had. That should have been Yuki's signal to run as fast as he could in the opposite direction. But he was so full of wanting, he didn't notice anything at all. He looked into the man's dark eyes, smiled, and bent his face to feed.

Then, something happened. The unthinkable. Before he could even sink his fangs into the man, he retaliated. With amazing reflexes, he spun Yuki onto the ground, sitting on top of him. Yuki hissed, baring his fangs. A Hunter. And he had tried to take him! He struggled against the weight of the man but realized -- horrified -- that he was too weak. He hadn't fed, didn't have any of the life that blood brought rushing through him. He couldn't defend himself.

And that was his last thought before the Hunter pulled out one of the deadliest weapons -- a cross. He pressed the entire cross against Yuki's stomach, and Yuki screamed. Then, there was nothing.


When Yuki awoke, the first thing he realized was that he was hanging by his wrists. Not the most comfortable position, obviously. His stomach was searing, pain spreading through his body with every miniscule move he made. It hurt to breathe, hurt to blink. Every time he did, his body would spasm with pain.

But even though it hurt, he kept moving. He was filled with rage, with fear. He had no idea where he was, no idea how long he would be kept here. He had let his hunger replace his mind, and look what had happened. Looking down, he saw the outline of the cross burned against his stomach. It wasn't the actual cross that he was afraid of. It was the stuff it was soaked in. Some deadly liquid acid that burned like the sun, and scared the shit out of any sensible vampire. He winced. That's what was causing the pain.

It was sinking in. He, Yuki Sohma, had been caught by a Hunter.

The tears started before he could even think to stop them. His hair, messy from the struggle he had attempted at the club, fell into his eyes and clouded his vision even more.

"Stupid," he mumbled. "I am so stupid."

He hadn't even fed, and he doubted that the Hunters would feed him. If worse came to worse, he would have to feed from himself. No where near as satisfying as a real meal, but a vampire needed blood. He wondered when someone would come and visit him, if they would at all. He wondered who it would be.

As if on cue, the large iron door on the right creaked open. Yuki closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.

Two male voices, from the sound of it. With his supersonic vampire hearing he picked up the words 'Momiji,' 'bitten,' and 'asleep.' Well, it didn't take too long until Yuki put two and two together and figured out that these people knew the human Haru had left alive. Mentally, he winced. That didn't leave him in a good position. They were more liable now not to listen to anything he said.

"...Not too powerful. I put him out in two minutes."

Yuki bristled. It was hard to fight before a feeding!

"Looks really girly," the second voice commented. "Probably not worth much."

Say what?

"That's uncalled for," Yuki called out, trying to be polite. Yuki was always polite.

"It's awake," the second voice continued.

"I am not an 'it,'" Yuki's eyes narrowed. "I have a name."

"Are you going to share it?"

Now, the vampires eyes were mere slits.

The second voice was smug, "Then be quiet."

The soft crack of a match being lit, a whiff of ozone (1), and Yuki could see his captors. The first was, obviously, the man he had tried to feed from at the club. He looked pale at the moment, as if he had too many burdens pressing on his shoulders. Yuki felt a twinge of guilt for trying to feed from him. If he was close with the one Haru had left, he was probably really worried at the moment.

The second male, however... Yuki scowled at him. He had tousled orange hair, and nearly matching orange eyes. He was tall, probably just a few inches taller than himself, and very tan. He scowled back at Yuki, looking as though he'd love nothing more than to push a stake through the boy's heart.

"I don't suppose you'll let me go," he asked quietly, pulling at his chains. "Considering I haven't done anything wrong."

The red head's expression went sour. His orange eyes blazed with fire, a fire equally matched by Yuki's own eyes. "Your entire existance is wrong, monster."

Yuki did not dignify the boy with an answer. He would not be baited.

"Kyo..." the other man raised his voice in warning. "Don't antagonize."

The red-head -- now labeled 'Kyo' -- spun on the man. "Hatori! He may have been the one who bit Momiji!"

Kyo. Hatori. Interesting names. Yuki cocked his head and prepared for an oncoming argument, but Hatori simply shook his head. Then he and Kyo turned and walked to the door. It creaked open again -- someone was going to have to oil that thing -- and Hatori exited. Kyo twisted his head and shot Yuki a look of loathing. Just before the door closed completely, Yuki called out.

"My name is Yuki."

Yuki spent the next several hours before sunrise evaluating his predicament. He was trapped in a Hunters lair, the same Hunters who were friends with this Momiji boy. It didn't look like he was going to be released any time soon. And, the worst of all, it was coming to sunrise.

Now, Yuki had never slept outside of his coffin. When all was said and done, Yuki was terrified of sleeping out of it. The smallest crack of light could burn him away to nothing, and he didn't trust any residence of a Hunter. They were all about light. And destruction of vampires. Not a good mix.

When he felt himself becoming drowsy, he did the only thing he could do in his position. He screamed. He screamed, his voice rising to an inhuman pitch. The best sopranos in the world could never have hoped to hit the pitch he did. If they could sleep through that, well, they deserved their titles. But, sure enough, the door burst open several seconds later, and a hand clamped roughly over his mouth. The scream died out.

"What the fuck are you doing?" a voice hissed. It took Yuki a minute to realize it was Kyo's. Great.

He flicked his tongue across the palm of Kyo's hand, grinning when the Hunter pulled it away with a look of disgust.

"It's almost dawn."

"So? You're in the cellar."

Yuki's eyes widened. "I need a coffin."

"You'll be fine. Others have been kept down here, and they've survived."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" Yuki narrowed his eyes.


And with that, Kyo turned on his heel and exited again. Yuki supposed that he could have screamed again. He could have screamed and screamed until sleep took over, and he would have, if he'd had any energy. He really needed to feed. Next time, he hoped Hatori came. The man seemed a bit more polite. At least he had kept Kyo from arguing with him.

But what about his coffin? Suddenly, there seemed to be a thousand cracks staring him in the eye, taunting him. Rats poured through from holes in the walls, plants were pushing through cracks in the cieling. Any of those could let slip a tiny ray of light. And then it was bye-bye Yuki. Just before oblivion took him, he wondered about his family. How long would it take them to realize he was missing? He hoped that when they found out, they wouldn't do anything drastic.

A smile found its way onto his face. 'Keep wishing, Yuki.' And with that, he fell asleep.

-shakes head- I swear, these boys! Can't keep themselves out of trouble, can they?

Yuki: Considering you are the one who tortures us like this --

-slaps hand over Yuki's mouth- Now, now, Yuki! I'll save you. Maybe.

Yuki: -glare-

Well, that was the chapter, everyone! I actually liked that one as well. It was actually a spur of the moment decision to have Yuki captured -- in the beginning it was going to be Ayame -- but I realized that I had no idea how to get Yuki introduced to Kyo. So yes. I think we'll be seeing more of the vampire Mabudachi in the next chapter. Why? Because I haven't really worked on their characters.

(1) - From a Christmas Story. Gods I love that movie.