Here I go again, I know it's been a very long time since I've done any writing but this plot bunny has been plaguing me for ages. It's been a very busy year for me and now I finally found some time to write again. I hope everyone enjoys the story and gives it the proper attention (and reviews) it deserves.

Title: The Dollhouse

Rating: M

Summary: Voldemort has triumphed. Our hero Harry is presumed dead, Ron is missing and sweet, innocent Hermione has become the owner of the largest chain of brothels in the world. How this happened? Read and find out!

Disclaimer: I will say this once and for all; I do not own Harry Potter.


I wouldn't call myself a whore. Whore and its connotation are a little too negative for my line of work. Instead I would have to call myself a working girl. Okay, I'm probably beginning to lose you but in my world you have to keep up or you're a goner. Welcome to The Dollhouse, my name is Hermione Granger, the CEO of this little establishment. You have now stepped into a world of sin, death, and darkness, but don't be alarmed we don't bite that often.


I grimaced as I stared at the sorry excuse for a human being in front of me. The woman who sat in front of me was lewd, crude, and would be starting work on Monday. "Ms. Granger, you have no idea how grateful I am to be joining your establishment. If there's any way I could possibly repay you…" She winked her dark eyelashes in flirtation.

I smiled in return, "Loretta, you don't start work until Monday, you had better save your strength. However, if you have anymore questions I would be more than happy to answer." Over the phone…

Loretta just shrugged as if to say 'your loss' and stood up. She pulled down her almost iridescent white skirt and fixed her matching white halter top before heading to the door. "I'll be on my way; my room is on the second floor correct?"

I nodded and the woman left. That had been the fourth woman I had hired in the last two days and probably the most vulgar of them all. I stood pulling down my short pinstripe skirt and went over to the bar to grab the bottle of whiskey. The cups had been helping but it was almost four in the afternoon and it was time for the hard liquor. This is what I get for being head of the largest 'whore house' in the world. The times are dark and full of evil, but prostitution is still in full swing and I'm at the center of it. Instead of killing me, the Dark Lord now begs and pleads with me to continue my little business here.

It's been three years since the Dark Lord triumphed over Harry and it's been three years since I established The Dollhouse. How I got away with it was simple, I negotiated. As preposterous as it sounds, the minute I mentioned prostitution instead of death to the Dark Lord he agreed with a sick sadistic grin. Throw in a couple of nervous breakdowns, an offer I couldn't refuse, and the largest growing corporation in the world and you have my life. Those couple of nervous breakdowns I'm sure are self explanatory, the offer however will be explained later. Ron disappeared the night Harry was deemed dead and there hasn't been a trace of him since.

Ginny, however, survived and is now my second in command or President. I'm not sure how I would have survived without her but here I am with a lot to be grateful for. Ginny runs two of the three Dollhouses across the world while I handle the main one here. The Dollhouse is paradise and for that reason alone makes it appealing. Men and woman can come into this exotic paradise to enjoy the pleasures that are slowly diminishing in the world the Dark Lord has torn apart.

The building is a hundred stories high and purely magical. The levels go in a specific order; if a prospective customer comes in and wants quick raunchy sex then they are shown to the second floor and from there as the levels go higher so does the quality of the prostitution. The prices, of course, go from disgustingly cheap to obscenely expensive, but people are willing to pay and who are we to turn away a paying customer.

The Dollhouse isn't a hotel, however, it's more like an alternate universe, believe me I know because I painstakingly designed the entire building myself. Once someone steps into the hotel they enter a grand lobby surrounded by elevators, yes I managed to slip in some muggle themes. The customer then walks up to an elevator and is greeted by a voice and a question: what's your preference? Now this could mean male, female, two males, two females, one male and one female, etc. After that they are asked to describe the type of service they wish to receive. After that the money is paid and the customer is whisked away to a room designed specifically to what they described and paid for.

My idea came solely from one room in particular, the Room of Requirement and since then my business has been a high success. Of course neither Ginny nor I could escape being one of our employees but of course we only handle the highest paying customers.

Things have changed drastically in my world but the one thing that kept me sane throughout all of it is the fact that I'm a trained assassin. Never saw that coming did you? Maybe you did but it's the best kept secret in the world, I assure you. Another thing that has kept me sane, you know that mention of the offer I couldn't refuse right? Well guess who offered me the opportunity to create the Dollhouse and ultimately keep my life; Draco Malfoy.

The Catch: That I keep his darkest secret to myself regardless of its power.


Well that's the prologue kiddies; I know its sounding a little cliché but stick with me and believe me you'll be in for quite a ride. I'm off to go start my homework but stay tuned and make sure to review and I'll update very soon!