This is what happens when I get too bored of studying. .

Where is that darn…?

"HEY MALFOY!" the scrawny Gryffindor Second-Year Colin Creevey yelled as he walked down the hallway. "HARRY POTTER JUST LEFT THE…"

"Silencio!" Malfoy grabbed the boy and shoved him into a narrow corridor just by the entrance of the Great Hall. "If I ever hear you say that aloud again I'll…"

Malfoy stopped as something – or rather, somebody – caught his eye. There he is! He turned away from Creevey and marched into the hall, barely able to suppress his excitement. He ignored the inquisitive stares from the Slytherin table and made his way over to Harry Potter.

"Potter… I…"

"Oh! Goodness, look at the time!" Harry got up with a start, spilling pumpkin juice from his goblet onto Malfoy's robes. "Oh, sorry about that. I have to be getting to History with Professor Binns. See you!" He rushed out of the hall, leaving Malfoy staring awkwardly at the empty table, dripping in pumpkin juice. Rats! Not again.

It'd been like this ever since Malfoy told Harry he loved him. It was just a week before, right after Quidditch practice. The atmosphere was phenomenal – a light drizzle and a sunset, with a rainbow painted right across the sky. The field was empty, with only Harry lagging behind the Gryffindor team. There could be no better time, Malfoy had thought to himself. He called out to Harry.

"Hey Potter! I need to tell you something!"

"WHAT? Can't hear you!" Harry yelled back, turning around to stare at him. Malfoy's cheeks flushed pink.

"I think I love you, Potter!"


"I said I think I love you!" Malfoy yelled louder refusing to come any closer.

"Watch out! You're a bugger!" Malfoy heard Harry shout back, backing away from the field. Is he rejecting me so fast?

"What did you…?" And that's all Malfoy remembered after waking up in the Hospital Wing with a gigantic bump on his head.

Upon visiting Malfoy, Harry confirmed that he had actually said 'Watch out for that bludger.'

"Such awful memories…" Malfoy muttered to himself as he plodded along to his place at the Slytherin table. He sat down between Crabbe and Goyle, and ate his breakfast in silence.

"Hey, Malfoy, there's a letter here for you. It's red…" Goyle mumbled as he passed out the mail.

"Oh, wait!" Pansy Parkinson glanced over the envelope, eyes widening. "It's a…"

"…howler," Malfoy spoke in realization. "Uh oh."


"Could my day get any worse?"Malfoy was in a foul mood as he sat in the girl's toilet where Moaning Myrtle lived.

"Well, I don't know. If you go out there, maybe it could be." Myrtle cooed as she flew around above his head.

"Shut up."

"Well, that's what I get for telling the truth!" She began to weep and shriek, bringing Malfoy's patience to its breaking point.


Myrtle only shrieked louder and sprayed Malfoy with toilet water.

"Now, I don't even have a place to hide," Malfoy grumbled, walking down the corridors soggy and thoroughly self-conscious. Perhaps I should just go to class – Harry'll be there!

He entered the History classroom, expecting to see Professor Binns too busy in his lecturing to notice him come in. But, alas, he was unlucky yet again.

"And what do we have here? Mr Draco Malfoy – almost half and hour late for History class?"

"P…P…Professor Sn…Snape?" Malfoy gaped in disbelief.

"Yes, I am your relief teacher after all, since Professor Binns has been away on a study trip. I am most disappointed, Mr Malfoy. Ten points from Slytherin." Boos abound from the Slytherins.

"Silence or it'll be 20!" The class regained its silent state as Malfoy found his way to his seat beside Crabbe.

"Psst… Crabbe," Malfoy whispered as he noticed a certain someone missing from the class. "Where did Potter go?"

"He was upset that Professor Snape picked on Hermione, and walked out." Crabbe looked up amusedly at the look of bewilderment on Malfoy's face.

"Eh? Where did he go?"

"Another ten points from Slytherin."

More boos. Malfoy felt like dying.

History was over and Transfiguration was next. Malfoy picked himself up and dragged his feet to the Transfiguration classroom, in hope to see Harry there.

"Harry, quick or we'll be late!" It was the first time Malfoy was actually thankful to hear Hermione's voice. He heard their footsteps and they hurried into the classroom.

"Oh, sorry Hermione. I have to see Professor Dumbledore. Tell me what we did in class later, okay?" He ran out of the room, and Malfoy's heart hit the floor.

"Today, we'll be turning objects into animals…" Professor Mc Gonagall went on as Malfoy stared out the window in misery.

Throughout the lesson, Malfoy had managed to turn a teacup into the shape of Harry's face, causing the students to bellow with laughter – especially the ones who had heard the howler.

Malfoy couldn't wait for lunch.

Perfect opportunity. Harry was sitting under a tree, reading a book on Potions. Malfoy knew Harry was about to attempt the homework – he always does it just before class. Malfoy had already memorized the answer and was ready to help Harry, therefore causing Harry to burst into overwhelming emotion and give Malfoy a kiss on the cheek for being such an amazing person. At least, I hope it goes that way.

"Er… Potter?"

"Oh, hi Malfoy!" To Malfoy's shock, Harry jumped up and started packing his books away. "Hey, thanks for reminding me! It's late! I was supposed to meet Ron at the library ten minutes ago to finish the Potions essay!"

No! Ron, his arch enemy! I can't let this happen!

"Oh, but Potter, I can teach you how to do it! I've already done it!"

"Really?" Harry paused for a while, and Malfoy knew it was his chance. He grabbed the book from Harry and sat down upon the grass, turning to page 138 with the full answers.

"Here you go! I can explain it to you…"

"Wow! Thanks, Malfoy! Now Ron and I can copy this down and we'll be done!" He dog-eared the page, slammed the book shut and ran off leaving Malfoy staring at him go.

"What's the matter, Malfoy? Your date blew you off?" Miles Bletchey, the Slytherin Keeper mocked him as he stood with the team by the fountain.

With a reddened face, Malfoy realized the reality of the situation and fled back into the building embarrassedly.

"Canctus Siverio," Malfoy mumbled and pushed the painting aside into his common room. He trod upstairs to the dormitories, even though it was only 2 in the afternoon.

He knew nobody would be there, so he lay down on his bed, resting his head on the soft pillow. At that moment he felt so desperate and deprived – he needed something to satisfy him. Nobody comes up at this time, he thought as he slid his right hand under his robes and into his pants.

"Uhh…" he moaned softly, thinking about what it would be like if it were Harry doing it for him. "Oh… that's right… you're amazing, Harry… go on, don't stop…"

"Malfoy's wanking!" Montague yelled as he poked his head through the door. "And he's mumbling Harry Potter's name! Oh, this is hilarious!" He guffawed with laughter, which was followed by what sounded like a full common room of students. Malfoy ran out of the room and pushed his way through the common room out to the only means of escape – and he ran, and ran, and ran….

"Ouch!" Harry yelled out, startled, as Malfoy crashed into him just outside the Potions class. "Where have you been? Professor Snape's given you detention for skipping his class…"

"Come with me, Harry." Malfoy took Harry's hand and dragged him into a small dark room. He turned on the light and gazed at Harry admiringly.

"You never call me Harry." Harry put down his books, staring at Malfoy weirdly. "What's going on?"

"Please, Harry. I need you to help me."

"What's going on? Why me? Ask your friends!" He started for the door.

"NO! Harry, don't leave!"

"What's wrong with you, Malfoy? Are you delirious or something?"

"I love you, Harry." Malfoy hugged Harry tightly, making Harry stiffen in shock.

"Yeah, you really ARE delirious."

"Harry, please. Help me." Harry sighed and smiled at Malfoy.


"With… this." Malfoy pulled down his trousers, causing Harry to gasp.

"You're gay, Malfoy."

"So I am."

"You expect me to… touch you?" Harry looked at him, not in disgust but actually surprise.

"Well, I'd appreciate it if you did…" Malfoy said shyly, breathing heavily as he felt something stir inside him.

"Well, I don't see why not." Harry kissed Malfoy on the lips, then began rubbing Malfoy in all the right places. He started slow, then gradually picked up the pace. Malfoy shivered in ecstasy as Harry held him firmly, moving him in a rhythmic pace that was almost hypnotic. Harry's doing it. He's doing it for me.

Harry then began to rub even harder, causing Malfoy to moan uncontrollably. He felt so good, too good to be true. And then, it happened.

Harry penetrated him. It happened so fast, and it hurt quite badly. Malfoy bit his lip as he felt Harry – hard and big – push right into him.

"Ouch! It's tight, Harry!"

"What do you expect it to be then? Loose?" Harry chucked, then shoved in even deeper. Malfoy yelped. I never knew this hurt so much. Tears rolled down his cheeks but he was nonetheless still in euphoria.

"Quick, we gotta be fast!"

"I'm… already…" Malfoy panted, trying to catch his breath. "Going to … come…"

"Come with me." Harry pushed in and out with such a force that Malfoy was nearly screaming in pain and fervour at the same time.

"I'm already coming."

"Then wait! You've already waited all day," Harry reminded him, kissing him on the neck. True.

"Harry," Malfoy wailed, "I'm coming!"


"I can't, Harry! I can't."

"Oh, yes you can!" Harry pinched the tip of Malfoy's erect penis as Malfoy writhed around desperately.

"NO! Harry, I'm bursting! I have to come!"

"Almost there."

"Harry! It's driving me insane! Harry!"

"Almost almost there."

"HARRY!" Malfoy looked at him, his face tear-stained.

"Fine, let's come." No sooner had Harry let go that Malfoy ejaculated all over the floor, shouting out in pleasure. Then, Malfoy felt warm inside him. It really happened.

"That was fun, Malfoy." Harry laughed as Malfoy who was leaning against the wall, his face flushed. "Let's do it again."

"Are you kidding? I'm pooped!" Malfoy dropped flat out on the floor, panting heavily.

"No, I'm not kidding. Here you go!"

"Hey! Hey, don't touch me! No! I can't! Seriously! It hurts! No!" Malfoy struggled as Harry held him down, all ready for one more shot. "NOOOOO!"

Professor Snape stood outside his Potions store room, grumbling to himself. It was a very bad day. Already, Harry Potter had argued with him twice in one day. Not to mention, his favourite student Draco Malfoy, had been acting up. There were actually rumours of Draco being in love with Potter. Such nonsense!

With a sigh, he opened the door of his Potions store room…