Chapter 23: XANA Released.

There was silence in the room for a few seconds, then Aelita's mom suddenly blurts out words. "I think in the kitchen…" Said Aelita's mom.

"Okay, let's go." Said Jeremie. "Where in the kitchen, might I ask?"

"The silver microwave." Said Aelita's mom. "Type in 59656, and the terminal will appear." Jeremie types in the code, and sure enough, the terminal appeared. Jeremie quickly uploaded Franz and Aelita's mother's DNA codes into the computer, and starts materializing them. Franz, then Aelita's mom. But, something else was being materialized after they came to Earth.

"Oh, funky butt loving!" Said Franz.

"Did he just say 'Funky butt loving?'" Asked Woldra.

"I programed XANA to go here when he was almost destroyed! I Spaced it!" Said Franz.

"You mean, XANA's coming into the real world?" Asked Yumi.

"I'm afraid so…" Said Franz. XANA was escaping, and there was nothing they could do about it. XANA took the form of the big, muscular, barrel bellied monster. He headed toward Yumi's house.

"XANA's loose! Who knows what he'll do!" Said Franz.

"He's probably going to Yumi's place." Said Wolfdra.

"Oh no, my mom and dad!" Said Yumi. The group headed for Yumi's house. Once there, they noticed Yumi's family out cold.

"We can't stay here, he's out for us first." Said Jeremie as they ran away. As they ran, someone else walked over to XANA.

"Yo, evil looking thing." Said the person.

"Who are you?" Asked XANA.

"Just someone in favor of the king." Said the person. The group ran to the factory.

"Guys, step into the scanners, I've got something in store for you!" Said Jeremie. A while later, they head back to XANA, and they notice that someone was fighting XANA, and winning! XANA took a knee and started to pant.

"Tell me who you are!" Said XANA.

"Call me The Demon Killer." Said the person. the Demon Killer noticed everyone over XANA's shoulder. XANA saw this opening and attacked him. The Demon Killer went flying back.

"Hey XANA!" Said Jeremie. XANA turned around. "Looking for us?" Everyone was in their Lyoko attire, complete with powers. The group and XANA start in a huge battle. After a while of fighting, Wolfdra, Odd and Yumi were injured. Only Ulrich was there fighting, since Aelita doesn't have any attacks. Ulrich took a hit, and went flying.

"Father, don't let them die… Keep your hand on them…" Said The Demon Killer. Suddenly, someone came out of the bushes, throwing Yumi's fan, firing Odd's laser arrows, and he held Ulrich's sheathed sword on his right side.

"YOU!" Said XANA. "I thought I destroyed you!" It was Franz.

"If you destroyed me, why am I here?" Asked Franz.

"AARRGG! That's my line!" Screamed XANA as he dove at Franz. Franz and XANA duke it out for a while. Eventually, it came to a stop. Both Franz and XANA were kneeling on the ground, panting. Suddenly, someone came up behind XANA and put him in a Master Lock. It was The Demon Killer.

"Franz, take him down now! Right through his heart!" Said The Demon Killer.

"What about you?" Asked Franz.

"Don't worry about me! Just kill him, now!" Said The Demon Killer. Franz lunged at XANA with Ulrich's Sword. XANA fell to his knees, then to the ground. The Demon Killer rolled off of him, with a huge stab wound in his chest. Demon Killer let out his lsat breath and died.

"…He, saved us all… by sacrificing himself…" Said Franz.

"If only we all were willing to do that to save the world…" Said Wolfdra.

"Well, XANA's destroyed, that's all that matters." Said Odd.

"Let's repair this damage, by Return to the past." Said Jeremie. The group headed to the lab, and Jeremie activated Return to the past. Back before XANA was released. Ulrich walks up to Yumi next to the vending machines.

"Why are you so bummed out, Yumi?" Asked Ulrich.

"That guy, gave up his life to save the world. I can't get that out of my mind." Said Yumi. Aelita walked up to Yumi and asked the same question, with the same reply from Yumi. In a dark room, lit up by a computer screen, were voices.

"Those fools are stronger than I thought." Said the voice. "Good thing that was merely a copy. Otherwise I would have been gone. I'm going to have to get stronger first."