AN: This is my Draco/Ron Drabble. All of it. I'm going to add more in a bit. (I'll post another chapter.) I originally wrote it for a great Drabble community on Livejournal. Some people are utterly amazing at writing; they blow me right out of the water. If you want the link just ask in a review/email/message.
These are posted from latest to earliest. All were prompted from the word 'Promise', save for Stereotyped.
Title: Stereotyped.
It's as clear as day. Surely he notices how obvious he's being? The way he reacts to his taunts. Please, if a bookworm like me can pick it out naturally someone like Lavender, school gossip, can too. I'm one of his best friends, and I know he would never admit to his feelings. Never. Perhaps a gentle reminder is all he needs? 'Gryffindors and Slytherins don't mix'. Although, redheads don't get stereotyped as stubborn or hot tempered for no reason. He's a Weasley infatuated with a Malfoy – and I'm a Granger who's at the short end of her stick.
Title: Hunger
Has he ever thought a thought like mine? Has he ever once taken what I say to heart? Ever felt the nagging of being in the wrong when it's supposed to feel right? It's barely fair that my body forbiddingly promises to feel this awareness when he seems untouched. Why can't he feel the same? Why doesn't he look at me that way I look at him? Am I really that repulsive?
I know, I know. Weasleys aren't supposed to like Malfoys – but I don't. It's not the same. It's hate mottled with hunger.
I don't fancy. No, I desire.
Title: This Rapture
Hold down my hands. The tables turn, I pin him. Catches of lips with feverous kisses. The rough of the ancient stone scraping against skin. Energy is high but ecstasy is superior. It's brilliant and we both know it. Although I doubt either of us can control it. It reins us, it burns but it burns so good. I could care less about him except I need it. I crave it. And if I can't get it let death take me swiftly. I swear if I ever have this rapture taken from me I'd kill whoever denied me of such an indulgence.
Title: Until Next Time
It was a silent promise. They didn't need words to know what the agreement was. Their bodies molded together against the deserted corridor, red to silver, both vicious with one another. It was a battle. It was the battle. There was no curses, no hexes but there was war and hate mixed with passion and greed. Devouring each other brutally against everything they stood for. They both knew that this wasn't going to be the last time. Both knew that the other would come back for more.
They separate, unwilling for it to be grudgingly.
Until next time.
Title: The Opportune Moment
He did it to tease me - I swear it. The way his temper flared, the way his skin flushed beneath the sea of freckles. I am powerless to his allure, and I know he knows it or he won't make it so easy. But I restrain myself from acting on my lust. That would be foolish. Instead I settle with making him blush with anger instead of the greater emotion I'd rather be the cause of such an effect.
The crimson is always gorgeous.
A promise, a pledge, an oath – it's what I made to keep myself in line. I would wait until the opportune moment.
Title: Mirrored
Ron couldn't help it. He knew he was breaking the unspoken promise that was lurking between him and his best friend but that didn't stop him. He continued to stare from afar. It was a luxury for his eyes – no matter how cliché that sounds.
His blonde hair fluttered over his gray orbs and Ron felt a blush rise to his cheeks at the thoughts running through his mind. At that moment the boy across the Great Hall looked up and locked eyes with him, his heart skipped a beat.
Both saw his own desire mirrored and it thrilled him.
Which was your favorite?
Thanks for reading.
Peace and Love,
Paranoid Sarcasm.