Yo here is the next chapter I know it took a while but I have major writing block on this story.Please review. Check out my other JL story The Flower of Revenge.

Bold is thinking

Train Lily's POV

Wow I thought This train is huge I wonder what Pigfarts will be like if the train is like this. I had just crossed onto platform 9 ¾ and was amazed at the size of the train.I flipped my hair behind my shoulder and got on the train. As soon as I found an empty compartment I stored my trunk and flopped down on the seat. I then proceeded to turn my muggle CD player on as loud as possible so all I could hear was my favorite band, Simple Plan, blaring in my ears. I closed my eyes and jut let the music take me away.

A while later three boys slipped into the compartment, I only opened my eyes when she felt something brush my side. I saw a pair of dark brown eyes looking right at me.

"Can I help you?" I said a little amused at the look these boys were giving me "Do you need something or can I turn my CD player back on?"

"Hi. My names Sirius" The boy said. I now realized that he was bouncing up and down in his seat "What your name? Why haven't I seen you before? Why are you wearing so much red and black? Who are you? What is your real hair color?"

I turned to the others boys one looked just like the one who was talking to me and the other had blond hair and a book in his hand he also looked a lot neater, so I decide to ask him figuring I would get a better answer "Is he high or is he just like that?" I asked

"Well" the boy said "Usually he is always like that, but today he had about six cups of coffee. By the way I'm Remus and this," he said gesturing towards the other boy who was still staring at me "Is James"

All of a sudden the conductor came on over the invisible speakers of the train. "We are about thirty minutes from Hogwarts. Please change into your school robes now and will The Transfer student please come to the front of the train.

"We're getting a transfer student thats strange I don't remember Dumbledor saying anything about a transfer student." Sirius

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the bag that had my clothes in it and left the compartment.


-Feast- no Pov

"And now before we can eat I have someone I would like to introduce. Some of you may have heard from your parents about the student transfer program, where one student from schools all around the world get the choice to go to a different school for a year. None of our students who qualified wanted to leave the school but we did get one. Lily Evans you can come in now." Lily walked in and looked around she had a blank look on her face. "Ms. Evans joins us from Tarheel Institute in North America. As soon as shes sorted we can eat."

People imminently started whispering I could hear a lot of "she'll be in slytherin for sure you can just see by that look on her face. Who has black highlights, definitively a dark witch."

Lily of course knew what kind of house syltherin was and would be damned if she got put in that house. She sat on the stool in front of everyone and the hat started muttering about three minutes later the hat was still muttering until it finally yelled out "Gryffindor!" The house of course erupted into applause and everyone cheered. Lily walked sown and joined her new house mates. But instead of siting in the crowded area where everyone else was she went down to the end of the table where no one was and sat there.

She ignored the looks people were giving her and pulled out a thick, yet small, black book that had been decorated on and started sketching the great hall. She knew that she would be labeled as a nerd or a loner but if someone called her that she'd have to teach them a lesson.


Lilys P.O.V.

When I got to her dormitory there were 6 beds 5 of which all ready had had stuff next too them. I got the bed in the far corner that was kind of tucked away from the other ones. There was also a window next to it with a little patch of roof. i unpacked all of my things and right when I finished three girls entered.

"Oh your sharing a dorm room with us great." The curly brown haired one said. "Oh sorry we should probably introduce ourselves. My name is Annabella but please call me Bella." Bella was average height with elbow length curly brown hair and bright blue eyes.

"My name is Evelyn but please call me Evie." A tall (but not as tall as me) girl with black hair said. "And this is Kelly." she said gesturing towards the shortest girl of the three with short blond hair and dark brown eyes. "She is really shy towards new people." Evie went on explaining why she was talking for the other girl.

I didn't really have a lot of friends at Tarheel and Jon was always mad at me for not being nice to people. I really want to make him proud of me and if that means I have to interact with people then I guess I'll do it. I thought "Nice to meet you" I said trying to smile "My names Lily."

All of a sudden the door slammed open revealing two blond air heads. They looked around the room then their eyes settled on me. "Uh New Girl what do you think you are doing. You really shouldn't hang out with them unless you want to be labeled a freak. You could be one of us she said gesturing to the girl behind her. You've got the looks."

I looked them over and smugly thought This is the kind of people I beat up at Tarheel. Its gonna be fun playing with these Air Heads. "Um...I'm like sorry but like I would like never be friends with someone like you like." I said in a really high snobby voice.

The girls of course snorted and said "You bitch you could have been like us well make sure everyone in this school hates you." I held back a laugh as they stormed out of the room.

I looked over at the other girls who were now staring at me with a shocked expression on the faces. "You can be our friends if you want i think you would be much better suited to us than Jan and them." Bella said with a wide smile on her face. We spent the rest of the night just getting to know each other.


The next morning I woke up before everyone else and showered and got dressed. Right when I was about to go downstairs Evie woke up. She asked me to wait like five minutes so that she could go down with me.

"I can't believe your up so early usually I'm the only one who is awake and you got up before me. Too bad breakfast doesn't start for another hour. Lets go down to the quidditich pitch. Can you fly?" She asked

"Ya I can fly, I was a chaser at Tarheel" I replied I didn't think that I would get to fly here. We started off towards the pitch with a quick stop at the broom shed.

"Here lets see what you can do I also play keeper so try to score on me." Evie said eagerly I could tell she really wanted to play quidditch.

I tossed the quaffle in the air a few time then went towards the hoops as fast as I could I went straight for the center hoop but right when I was about to shoot I feinted towards the left and easily scored. "ok maybe I lied a little I was the captain of my old schools team." I said I was already giddy from just being able to fly.

"Ok I have to talk to James. We need a chaser this year and you would be perfect for the position and you have experience." I looked at her like she had problems it was the second day of school and i was already being recruited for a quidditch team Jon would be so proud. My watch beeped thirty minutes till breakfast. "Come on I'll tell you about it later lets get to breakfast I'm starving." Evie said as she headed down towards the ground.

I sighed and took off towards the ground stopping a few feet short I would have to get back out on the pitch later when no one else was there.