Disclaimer: Are you stupid, or what?

Yeah, so I'm back...Big whup, I know. It's that, things have been getting chaotic since graduation, yes, yes I graduated. Thank you, thank you.

(crickets chirp)

Well, I missed you all too.

(baby cries in distance)

No, really...

In any case, I'm so sorry for disappearing all of a sudden!(To those who care at least...) The info about which of my stories will continue and which of them won't will be posted on my profile this coming Friday, along with some pointless stuff about yours truly that I've never really set about to posting in the first place. That aside, I'm especially sorry to the authors of the stories I halted from reviewing(Calister Heir, I'm talking to you...and others), like MY reviews matter but, I just needed to apologize for that. Whoo, I feel better. Anyways, please enjoy. It's pointless, yet pleasing...I hope.

A Day's Worth

"Today is yesterday's tomorrow..."-Anonymous

The sky is strewn with stars. They glitter weakly, as if saying goodbye. The infinite void they sparkle in seems to be darker than usual, at least at this time of the day.

It is about four in the morning. I have been up for hours. I couldn't sleep and besides, I'm not tired. It's pretty much around that time of year...


It's just around the corner now; this is why I tend to never sleep before the first snowflake falls on to the ground. The winter breath in the air, trees dying, and...my element speaking to me more often than not.

I find myself restless in winter. I could be excited but...

I highly doubt that.

Why can't I sleep?

I really have no idea, why I have this insomnia every now and then.

I'm on the roof, alone. I wait silently for the dawn, it's my signal to begin training everyday. I believe that starting my training the same time the sun rises is like...a promise.

A promise of a new day.

I am starting to sound as wise as Master Fung…I don't know whether I should be enlightened or…let's just leave that there.

Slowly, the stars are disappearing. I have noticed them subtly slipping away. It's getting colder. I rub my hands together.

I shift into a lotus position. I glance at the ridiculously old-fashioned alarm clock I brought up with me.

An hour's gone by. Five o'clock.

My patience is thinning.

Meditate...mediate. I concentrate. Curving my fingers into position.

Yes, I am meditating right side up. (It would be too dangerous to balance myself upside-down on a roof so steep.)

"Time will just fly by." I murmur softly, "Just breathe, Omi. Breathe."

I do as I am told...by myself.

"The snow, the rain, the calm body that rages into a storm..."

I am chanting a meditation scripture handed down from Xiaolin Dragon of Water to Xiaolin Dragon of Water. Oh, I am soooo proud of myself! I am, as Raimundo would say, on the hizzer!

"I summon my element, awaken Dragon of Water..." I inhale, "Vahlikai..." I exhale.

Is it me? "The snow, the rain..." Or do I have this very distinct accent when I speak? "I summon my ele..." I do.

I continue my mantra, breaths deep and linked. My mind wanders.

"...Dragon of Water..." How long have I had this accent! "Vahlika-



My eyes shoot open, with my chant cut off, my alarm clock screeches as I clutch my hand to my heart. My breathing is heavy.

I blink cluelessly.

I calm myself, grabbing it roughly. I switch it off.

And then, something blinds me. I look forward, past a huge dead tree.

Poor tree...

The sun, bathed in golden glory, slowly peeks out from the horizon. The sky is now a melting pale gray, the hue of a brilliant blue is slowly seeping through.

Blue…like water. How I love thee…

How I would love thee even more if thee lets me get some sleep once every blue moon!

It continues to rise, round and yellow in hue. Hmmm, for some reason it reminds me of someone...I can't remember.

Golden sunbeams shower past the leafless tree in front of me.

I smile...and then, I yawn.

It fails to startle me though, even if I haven't felt tired in days...and this is my first yawn since I sensed the winter coming...

Alright, I am a little startled by it. Only a little.

"Mmm, I suppose I should get started then..." I yawn again, twice as big.

"Or maybe..." Another yawn "Another time."

The silence seems to object to that statement.

I stand warily, alarm clock in hand. I begin to sprint to the far end of the temple roof, jumping off to execute a mantis flip and landing on all fours on top of a large rock in the East gardens.

Who says I need Shen Gong Wu? I smirk inwardly.

I break my seriousness with a small smile as I rub my tired eyes. I look over my shoulder towards the sun. It's still rising.

I face it swiftly and I bow.

Humbly, in fact.

I whisper, "Thank you." I barely hear myself speak, but I know, that my gratitude is genuine. I jump off the rock, it's taller than me.

"I'm sorry my friend, but..." I glare sleepily at it, " I will have to get rid of you."

The rock simply ignores me.

I threaten the poor defenseless rock, "Beware…" I blink "Tomorrow." And I walk away, off to the west temple wing.

"That was a lovely sunrise," My smile breaks out into a yawn as I continue to walk, sleeves linked wisely.

"It's going to be a good day."

And that is the last thing I say before I grin to myself and walk off. I walk past the kitchen doors, I walk past the Shen Gong Wu vault, the north garden pathway, and as I come across the training hall...I ingnore it. I walk past it as well.


I'm off to bed, besides, I am the best. I'll train later...

I crack a smile.

Or tomorrow.

There it is, chapter one. Now, I'm not expecting a lot of reviews for this one, it's not one of my best, I have to admit. I was basically just trying to show how a usual dawn would be spent by Omi...with a little less plot than I intended...there's not much meaning to this one in my opinion, but hopefully the chapter, as pointless as it is, still made you feel good at the end. That's what I'm trying to deliver here. Entertainment. Now, would everyone who values their opinions being heard please review so that I may upload a better chapter next time.

Thanks...Yes, I know I'm angsty today. It's been rough for a while...I want to break the limit for this one...would at least 8 reviews suffice? Or is that too much? (sad, deep sigh)