How long has it been since we all heard that term? AGES.
How long has it been since I UPDATED this story? AGES AND AGES.
Kyoko coughed a little bit; she was so glad the school semester was finally over. She had had to do so much running around recently she had worked herself into a stressful heap and contracted a flu. Tohru nuzzled her mother's arm as she dropped her off for the last day of preschool; an advent Tohru wasn't looking forward to, but then again, was. She kissed her mother goodbye and jumped out the door.
"Be good!" Kyoko called before hurrying away to the doctor. She didn't want to be sick while Tohru was home, otherwise she would miss out on doing motherly deeds! Gasp!
Tohru walked in the gates of the school and walked to the tree in which she and her buddies sat under everyday. Kyo was already there, hanging upside down from one of the branches high in the sky, his ginger hair flopping across his face… gingerly. He grinned quirkily before flipping down and walking over to Tohru.
"Last day of school," He stated matter-of-factly. "What are you gonna do for the holiday time?"
"Probably… visit you and Yuki…"
Tohru didn't really know what she was going to do. She probably wouldn't even visit her two friends for a random chat to null over the things that had happened recently.
"As if I want to see you" Kyo scoffed, pushing her away. Yuki, at this point, came through the gates and noticed Kyo pushing Tohru. He gasped.
"Kyo! Leave her alone!"
"Well, if she wasn't being such an idiot!" Kyo yelled back, before storming away. Yuki smirked and grabbed Tohru's hands in his and swung them back and forth. Tohru giggled.
"You'll come visit me?" Tohru asked him, still giggling. Yuki nodded, even though Akito didn't much let him out of the house. He hoped maybe he could get out once, though. By this time, Kyo was back. He'd bought some oranges for them to eat.
"Where'd you get those?" Yuki asked, releasing Tohru's hands. Knowing Kyo, he probably scabbed them from some hobo.
"The bin!" He replied happily, "Because they are the same colour as my hair!"
Tohru gleefully grabbed one from Kyo's hands and took a bite. She almost instantly felt sick. She keeled over and moaned softly. Yuki glared at Kyo, before patting her back.
"Tohru are you… alright?" He questioned slowly. What if she died? Kyo would be a murderer! He had already got his voice ready to scream 'Kyo murdered Tohru!' when Tohru stood up and puked all over Yuki's hands.
Kyo laughed. What else was he to do? Tohru was throwing up in his enemies' hands. He clutched his chest and bent his knees, giggling the whole time. Yuki, on the other hand, wasn't impressed. His eyes were filled with anger, but his voice was filled with care, as he soothed Tohru from her… puking. It was all in her hair and she was starting to smell like a dead fish. Or rat. Or cat. Or all of them put together with little orange bits in it too.
(Ever notice how you spew, there is ALWAYS little orange bits in it? Yeah)
The teacher walked outside at this point and smirked at the children's naivety. She noticed the bin food and picked it up before the girl before her ate any more.
"School has started," She stated, almost cold heartedly. Tohru nodded, now finished. Her stomach was completely empty and all over the grass. Kyo was still laughing as he walking inside. Yuki stood still.
"I have puke on me." He said groggily, suddenly realizing, the stench was making him sleepy. He collapsed in a heap. Tohru gasped.
"YUKI DIED!" She hollered at the top of her lungs. Then she saw Yuki come to. "I MEAN HE DIDN'T DIE YET!" She corrected herself rationally. Kyo would appreciate being able to hear, at this point, if his ears weren't filled with plums.
The teacher turned around and tried and pick the plum from Kyo's ears as Tohru and Yuki, both stinky, walked inside.
"Kyo! Why put this in your ears!" She muttered. "Why?"
"Tohru was too loud!"
What was she to say? She dragged Kyo inside by his hand and put him in his seat. There was nothing more she could do for him, as every time she tried to pull him onto her lap he slapped her away. She didn't know why…
"We all stink" Tohru said suddenly, while they were meant to be reading picture books. Kyo and Yuki agreed whole-heartedly, nodding vigorously.
"I CAN NOD FASTER THAN YOU!" Kyo screamed abruptly, nodding so fast Tohru thought his head might fall off. Yuki began nodding equally as fast, becoming almost maniacal about the whole thing.
It was at this point, Kyo fell over, crying.
"M-My head hurtedness!" He said through tears. Yuki stopped too, as he also felt the pain strike him like a weird dude spanking a poor monkey (…wtf O.O)
Tohru began to cry too, because her stomach was playing merry hell with her bowels. Dancing a dance of evilness and puke filled stuff balls, Tohru's stomach was going mad.
The school bell rang, signifying the end of school. The three friends stopped crying. This was it. They'd never see each other again. All they'd done that day was puke, cry and yell. Tohru began to panic. She felt tears prick the back of her eyes.
Oh no! I've done nothing with them! I'll never see them again!
They fell softly, unlike the other tears she had been crying previously. Yuki suddenly felt bad for her and pet her back. Kyo didn't want to get involved, so he sat on the floor and watched.
"Yuki… Kyo… don't leave…" Tohru mumbled. "I don't want to have no friends,"
Yuki turned his head around to Kyo. He shrugged.
"Tohru… we'll see you again. Just not… for a long time."
"NO!" Tohru yelled, grabbing Yuki and Kyo by the arms and squeezing fairly roughly. For a girl, anyway. "DON'T LEAVE! Don't… don't leave!"
Kyoko had only just gotten in the door of the school when she heard her daughter shout. Worriedly, she made her way to the end of the room, where Tohru was bawling. She felt a pang in her heart of sadness for her girl.
"Tohru!" She called out. "C'mon. You can see your friends later!"
"I won't!" Tohru replied angrily. "I won't see them anymore."
Kazuma followed in suit to Kyoko and smiled at Kyo.
"Come now. Lets go home,"
"I can't," Kyo said desperately. "She wont let me go,"
To accompany the rest, Yuki's Mum (what the hell is her name?) came in. Yuki yanked gently at Tohru's hand at a worthless attempt to free himself. Kyoko and Kazuma explained at Tohru was very upset about loosing her two bestfriends.
"I'll solve this," Yuki's mum said, rolling her eyes and walking to Tohru. "Hand over the boy," She snarled at her. Tohru jumped and released both Yuki and Kyo. Kyo, frazzled, wandered over to Kazuma and his behind his legs. Yuki stayed with Tohru.
"Can I visit?" Tohru asked him.
"W…No," he sighed and shuffled away with his Mum. Kyo waved sadly as he too was taken away. Tohru's heart sunk. She stood still.
"Mummy…" She cried, reaching for Kyoko to come to her. Kyoko 'aww'ed and hugged Tohru, before picking her up and carrying her home. Tohru silently cried the whole way.
"Hmm, that's what I was thinking," Kyoko said into the phone. "She's been very lonely since school ended. And to think she made no other friends…"
"But how would we arrange with for Yuki?" Kazuma questioned, twiddling his thumbs. Akito had a sensitivity about Yuki leaving her. "It would be… difficult,"
"Ah, boo her!" Kyoko snapped. "Let him come. You can sort it out, I presume?"
"Of course…" Kazuma mumbled, feeling put on the spot. "Ah! Does Tohru want to speak with Kyo?"
Kyoko looked at her daughter stare out the window. She smiled.
"Tohru, someone wants to talk to you,"
Tohru lifted her head up and walked to the phone. She held the receiver to her ear and waited. There was no sound to be heard. She gave her Mum a weird look.
"Say hello!" Kyoko chuckled.
Kyo had been standing on the other end of the line for a long time. Just as he was about to put the phone away, he heard a sound.
Is that…"Tohru?"
"HELLO KYO!" Tohru screeched into the phone. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!"
"Talk a bit quieter! You're making me deaf!"
"Where's Yuki?" She asked.
"Yuki isn't with me. He's at his house."
"How do I talk to his house?"
"I don't know. What are you doing?"
"Talking to you. What are you doing?"
"Talking to you."
"Oh. Bye then."
"Um, bye?"
Tohru handed the phone back to her Mum, who placed the phone on the hook. She felt quite pleased she had organized with Kazuma to have Tohru, Kyo and Yuki go to the same daycare over the period of time that split Pre School to Kinder.
She knew Tohru would enjoy it.
There will be a sequal though! When I have time to write it.
It shall be known as…
"Daycare Dreads!"
Thanks for reading!