Summary: Kagome loves Inuyasha and Inuyasha loves Kagome… even more than he knows. What happens when Sesshoumaru interferes in Inuyasha's relationship with Kagome and everything falls apart?… Or does it fall in place?

A/N: It's a mystery to me! R&R cause you love me! Please:)

Chapter One: Two Sexy Men

I pulled a brush through my waist length black hair, focusing my deep blue-grey eyes on my paled reflection in the mirror. I looked sickly. Or so that was my opinion. Pulling my hair back into a loose pony-tail, I stood and tore my eyes away from my reflection. I quickly put on tight black jeans and a pink tank top. It was nice outside. The sun made it so bright that, looking out from my dark apartment, everything looked over saturated and it all seemed so surreal. Beautiful, in a way. I grabbed my cell phone and my keys and ran out the door after quickly scribbling down a note stating that I'd gone out for a while. I couldn't have my sisters and little brother worrying about me.

Who am I? I am Kagome Higurashi, I am a single 21 year old and I live with my four siblings in a very large apartment in Tokyo, Japan. A twin, two sisters, and a little brother. Kikyou, Sango, Kirara, and Shippou. I love them very much and wouldn't get rid of them for the world. Though, we've all been so very busy with our own lives, relationships, and jobs that we hardly ever see each other anymore. I don't know what Sango, Kirara, and Shippou are doing, but Kikyou works in the café on the corner of the street and I work in a book store. Today is my day off. Anyways!

The day went by so quickly. It was almost dizzying. I ran into a man today. Two men, actually, and they were the most handsome men I have ever seen. It's weird to say, but they were almost pretty. The older man's sophisticated intelligence and the younger man's brash liveliness were breathtakingly attractive.

Their names? Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha Takashi. Half brothers. But they looked so much alike, yet they acted and presented themselves so differently. Even though they looked so similar they still had their slight differences. Like, Sesshoumaru's eyes were different than his younger brothers'. Sure, they both had golden eyes but Sesshoumaru's resembled that of liquid gold, sultry and all-knowing, whereas Inuyasha's were more like the sun, lively and curious. Inuyasha's hair was whiter then Sesshoumaru's and fell in untamed waves to his waist, giving him even more of an unruly and carefree appearance. Sesshoumaru's hair was silvered and pin straight, held back in a tight pony-tail and would probably fall to his knees. Sesshoumaru was pale and Inuyasha was tanned.

There was something about Sesshoumaru's emotionless and sophisticatedly cold demeanor that made you want to touch him because his eyes would constantly betray his stoic façade. Inuyasha's appeal was to the school-girl part of every woman. He was probably the popular bad boy in his schooling years and had girls pining over him secretly and… not so secretly. His carefree, free-spirited attitude towards just everything was more than just attractive. He had that magnetic bad-boy demeanor that no girl could refuse.

It was still early in the day, approximately one-o-clock, when I returned to the apartment. I was tired and wanted to eat some ice cream and just sit around a bit. Once I got in the apartment I sat down on the couch and I guess I must have been more tired than I thought I was because I fell asleep immediately.

I woke up the next day late in the morning more tired than I was when I fell asleep. It was strange. I was wearing a sundress when I woke up and my hair was all up in a messy bun. I didn't remember changing my clothes or my hairstyle. I shook my head and disregarded it. Maybe I had gotten up and changed with the intentions of going somewhere but fell asleep again. I brushed it off as that and checked my messages. There was a message from Shippou stating that he'd be back in a few days and not to worry about him. So I didn't. The note that I had left on the counter the other morning was still there. So I threw it away.

I made myself some ramen and ate alone, curled up on the couch watching Pirates of the Caribbean. Johnny Depp is so hot. But then I thought back to the two men I had met yesterday. I had spent my entire morning with them just eating and talking about random things. Sesshoumaru didn't speak much but when he did he was straight to the point. Inuyasha, on the other hand, had plenty of ideas to put out there and I didn't mind hearing them. His brash and blunt ways of saying things was refreshing.

I brushed my teeth and took a shower before putting on a long, flowy blue skirt with a white tank top and white sandals. It was too hot outside for jeans. I learned that yesterday but had silently suffered through it and I wasn't about to make the same mistake again. Oh, how very cruel and ironic it would be if a cold front had come in last night and it were suddenly icy outside. I laughed and shook the thought from my head.

The message machine was beeping again when I was about to leave. The phone must have rang while I was in the shower. I pushed the button and listened to the message.

"Uh… hey…" Said a voice that sounded familiar. "It's Inuyasha Takashi. You know, that stud you met yesterday." He laughed nervously and then paused. "Uh, I know it's short notice and all but I was wondering if you would like to have dinner with me tonight. If you do then come to the club Eden at seven tonight…."


He wants to have dinner?… With me?

I practically jumped for joy. I was so happy. I must have made quite the impression on this guy to have him asking me out to dinner already. And I was going to take him up on his dinner invitation. What could I say? A hot, carefree, business man just asked me out on a date! How could I refuse such an irresistible offer?

I couldn't. I had to go. At that moment I heard the door slam and was jerked out of my thoughts. I whipped my head up and looked around. No one. The door to the bedroom that Sango and Kirara shared slammed. What the hell was going on? I walked over to the door and knocked lightly.

"What?" Sango's voice came through the door.

"You alright, sis?" I asked quietly.

I heard a sob and frowned. "I'm fine Kagome. Just.. Miroku is being a jackass again."

"Alright. Well. I'm going out. Later, sis." I said. There wasn't anything that I could do. Whenever Sango got upset like that I just had to let her cool off and go through the motions. Kirara, Kikyou, and I all went through the same motions. We would lock ourselves in our room, cry for a couple hours, and then watch a mushy chick-flick with a carton of ice cream. After that we'd be perfectly fine.

I checked the clock. It was two thirty. Not too late to go out and grab a small bite to eat before shopping for the perfect outfit. I didn't want to look good for this date. I wanted to look absolutely drop dead gorgeous!

I grabbed my keys and ran out the door. I bumped into Kikyou in the hall. We laughed nervously and said sorry in unison. We danced a bit, stepping from side to side until I finally just grabbed her shoulders and we turned, switching spots. I nodded and turned on my heel to walk to the elevator. A man with a little white fluffy dog on a leash was looking at me weirdly. I glared at him and jabbed the button for the elevator. It took a moment, but there was a 'ding' and the doors scraped opened. Happy to get away from the weird man with the dog I hurriedly stepped into the elevator. Why was he looking at me funny? I repetitively jabbed the button for the first floor. The man was still looking at me oddly, it was making me uncomfortable, and these damned doors were taking way to long to close! Ugh!