Hey guys! How ya doing? No this isn't another chapter, but a review page for the last chapter. Sorry I didn't post it sooner, but I've been busy typing up Episode VIII and writing X. This page will be updated as I receive reviews. And happy early turkey day y'all! Just don't over stuff yourselves too much.

Chapter 87 responses:

G-Anakin 13: Thanks for all your fantastic, if yet short reviews! Rock on man!

Anakin's Love Slave: I can't wait to post it either. I'm about 30 into typing Episode VIII now.

Thawn716: Yeah, Luke's stronger than Leila, but that doesn't mean she won't be in on the action with her brother...and others.

Twisted Words: Rather or not your theory is true will be revealed in the first chapter of Episode VI. After all, if it were true, Antellica would be six months pregnant than. It would be awfully hard not to tell at that point.

Lady Sara Raven: Thank you, I'm glad you liked it. But sorry, no Mara. There'll be plenty of other great new characters however, that you'll forget all about her. Though he won't have an overly large part, Fett will be in the sequel, as well as Han. But again, it won't be an overly large part.

Arsenal: Thanks again for all the lovely reviews you've given over the past few months.