Usual Days

A GUNDAM SEED story created by Lonely-Avenger




All content of this anime originally belongs to Bandai and Sunrise Agency of Japan, and other legal individuals who have helped make this anime possible (with some exceptions of created characters by the writer). This story is created for the purpose of reading pleasure.

All rights reserved.


A/N (Author's Notes):

Hello, readers, welcome to my second GUNDAM SEED story! This story does contain elements from the anime, but instead of real-life war between Naturals and Coordinators, rather, this will be a normal day routine life story for the story's cast.

I've also included all my original characters I introduced in my first GUNDAM SEED story (Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Last Impression). I won't bother laying down the basic info about them, for you can check them out in the mentioned story above.

Why a normal life story? Well, the idea of my first GUNDAM SEED story's two main characters (Kenji Hyne and Eiji Shinonome) stirred up some interesting scenarios. That and checking out the other school stories of the anime by other authors in made me want to try out writing a normal life story. Don't worry, I'll try my best not to make all the characters seem OOC (Out of Character), but all I ask is your support and patience checking this story out.

Well, that's enough of me ranting on! Enjoy reading!



Prologue: The Coffee Shop


Word denotes character thought

"Word" denotes cell-phone conversation

Word denotes setting, time

-Word- denotes sound effect


Timeline: May 1, C.E. 71; +1200 PM

Location: Aprilius City; Shinonome Coffee shop

IT WAS THE 10TH TIME she'd been in this snazzy coffee shop. It was one of the great hangouts for any teenager like her striving to cope up with the bustling, routine life in Aprilius City.

She had moved in here along with her 17 year old cousin, who reluctantly allowed her to live with him. Her parents were too busy to move along with her, since they were high-profile senators of the government. Instead, they gave their consent and allowed her to live almost independently. They knew it was best for their daughter, and instilled their knowledge and lessons in her mind. With a last family moment, she bade them farewell, and went off to establish her own life.

Having secured a residential premises (which was a modest house of her cousin, who was also rich as her), she then enrolled in Archangel High, a high school with a good reputation of having state-of-the-art facilities, interesting society, and ok education. Surprisingly enough, her cousin was also enrolled there.

Now, before the start of school term in June, she had taken upon herself to cherish her free time. Hanging out in a coffee shop wasn't one of them at first, since she could make her own coffee back in her place. But as she strolled by this coffee shop, something inside changed her mind.

Actually, it was more of someone.

So now, there she sat on a comfy chair inside Shinonome Coffee, relishing the flavor of her moderately hot cappuccino, and with her amethyst eyes drinking in the view of the handsome hunk working hard behind the counter, checking out an order from a female customer standing before him and receiving payment for her order.

His silver, short hair swayed about with his movements. His small smile was enough to make any girl swoon dead-first to the floor. His hands worked their magic, fixing up the customer's order. Finishing it up within minutes and placing it inside a secured red cup, he slowly handed it over to the customer, who received it carefully.

"Here you are, miss, one cup of hot chocolate. Be careful carrying it to your table. Enjoy!" he spoke, flashing a small smile to the female customer, who barely mustered enough willpower not to swoon before him. Shaking off the alluring effect of his charm, she nodded with a smile, and went off with her order, searching for her table.

Propping her chin with her right hand, the secret admirer sighed delightedly. Her left hand took a small spoon provided, stirring her cappuccino, with her attention focused exclusively on the silver-haired coffee guy.


Flexing his worked-up hands and cracking them to ease a bit, the aforementioned young man ran a hand through his silver, short hair. He looked around the shop, checking the satisfied customers enjoying their drinks. A majority of them were female, who frequented the coffee shop for the sole purpose of admiring him.

Next him, a fellow co-worker tied firmly his uniform's apron, noticing his friend's observation. Looking at the female customers inside the coffee shop, then to him, he let out an obvious sigh, feeling sorry for his friend.

Eiji, I bet you never noticed that most of the customers here are hot, attractive females waiting to jump at you! Man… why do guys like him have all the luck?

Shaking off his complaint, he went over to him, getting his attention by nudging him on the sides.

"So, checking out the customers as usual, Eiji?" he slyly asked.

The silver-haired young man broke off his train of observation, turning face to his co-worker. He wryly smiled.

"You could say that. Man, I'm beat… mentally of course. I just wish for a small break today so I can sit down and enjoy my own coffee."

"Right… then again, your mother's the reason why you're here, eh?"

Eiji shrugged his shoulders in reply. He leaned himself against the counter, folding his arms. His eyes focused on the above menu.

"Yeah… but she just had to take off all of a sudden, saying to me that it was a year vacation! God only knows where she is now. Add to that, she had to leave her coffee shop's responsibilities to me! Jeez… I'm in high school you know, and I've got too much to accomplish in my hands."

His co-worker patted his shoulder in support.

"I get you, but it'll only be for a year, right? Look on the bright side, 8 more months, and you'll be done with this place! Besides, Roy, Sigurd, and I will always be there for you and this coffee shop."

"-Sigh- Yeah… thanks for the thought, Isato, I appreciate it. Where the hell are Roy and Sigurd anyway? We really need all the manpower we can get for this place."

The co-worker named Isato rolled over his eyes, shrugging his shoulders. He sported short black hair, brown eyes, and a lean built.

"You're kidding me, Eiji, this place isn't that big. Well, at least your mom didn't plan on establishing branches in various parts of the city. As to Roy and Sigurd, I got a call from them saying they'll report to work next week. They had some unfinished business to take care of."

Eiji unfolded his arms, setting himself ready behind the counter, waiting for an incoming customer.

"Oh well… there's no use in complaining, Isato. Did you finish cleaning up the instruments? If so, see if you can check for this month's batch of assorted coffee flavors from our supplier."

"Aye-aye, boss, will see to that right now."


Having finished her cappuccino, the secret admirer pretended to drink more from her finished cup, while trying to keep her gaze at Eiji. Having done so for five times, she was beginning to realize how ridiculous this action was for her. Finally placing down her cup, she tried her best looking like she was waiting for someone instead.


The sudden sounds of her cell-phone ringing from within her jeans pocket prompted her to quickly fish it out and answering an incoming call.

"Hello, this is Shiho speaking."

"Hey cousin…! Where you now…?" a male voice inquired, sounding little cocky.

"Oh, it's you, Dearka. I'm in a coffee shop, just about to leave."

"Uh-huh. Do you want me to pick you up? I'm heading back home early. I've finished getting my class schedule from Archangel High."

"Class schedule… oh no, shoot! I forgot to get mine today. Um, do you think you could give me a lift back to Archangel High then to home?"

"…Great… I was beginning to get bored from that place, but ok. I don't have much to do today. Where's this coffee shop you're in?"

"I'm inside a coffee shop called Shinonome Coffee; it's just a block away from Aprilius Grand Mall. You won't miss it, for it's got a big signboard outside."

"Ok, I got the address. I'm on my way there within 15 minutes. Stay put."

With that said, the call ended. Shiho Hahhenfuss keyed her cell-phone finalizing the end of the call, then activating the keypad lock. That act done, she pocketed her cell-phone inside her jeans. She adjusted her blue blouse, trimming down creases, before giving a last look at Eiji.

I wish I could talk to him, but he seems busy. Despite the delicious cappuccino, I'm getting tired drinking this stuff. It's ruining my appetite.

She gave a reluctant sigh before standing up and pushing her chair slightly away from her, giving space to stand off from it. She took her small, brown leather jacket hung on her chair, then wearing it.

Fate smiled kindly at her today, in the form of Eiji coming up to her table with a small tray and white washcloth, intent on cleaning up her table. He slowly approached her, trying to get her attention.

"Excuse me, miss? You're done here?" he asked.

Shiho glanced at the sudden masculine voice that entranced her. She felt her heart skip a beat, her cheeks flush little, and an inner voice deep down squealing with joy.

This has to be a dream… he seems much cute up close!

She mentally slapped herself, regaining her composure, and making sure she wasn't daydreaming. Meanwhile the other female customers sighed enviously, not believing she had all the luck snagging their desired guy.

Eiji suddenly felt himself loss for words at the beautiful girl before him. He couldn't help take notice of her amethyst eyes, which seemed to shimmer. His black eyes quickly took in at her long, dark-brown hair, then traveling to her face. They zoomed in on her lips, which seemed to pucker, inviting him for a kiss. He shook his head, shrugging off desirable thoughts from his mind, before keeping attention to the girl.

What am I thinking…? This isn't like me to think about a girl. Well, I have to admit, she's beautiful. Her eyes… I've rarely seen amethyst color before.

The two continued staring each other for a minute, only to be broken off by a question from Eiji. Placing the clean-up tray on her table, he then coughed slightly, trying to hold a chuckle or two, which seemed to escape from his grasp. He awkwardly smiled, rubbing behind his head with his right hand in embarrassment.

"-Chuckle- Excuse my rudeness staring at you like that. You seemed spaced out when I asked if you were done with your table."

Shiho nervously smiled, then laughing little to remove some nervousness in her. She shrugged off with her left hand at him.

"Oh no, you don't have to apologize, it isn't your fault. I'm to blame… it's just that I was… surprised hearing you talk to me all of a sudden."

"No problem, miss, I apologize. I sometimes have a small habit of sneaking up to the customers to clean their tables, upon seeing them standing up from their seats and leaving. Most times I needn't ask them if they're done, and I proceed to cleaning. But before I started cleaning your table, you seemed to take long leaving."

A small flush crept up to Shiho's cheeks. She jumped a bit deep down, surprised at her crush able to realize her intention of leaving slowly from her table and taking one last look at him.

How did he know what I was planning to do? Nah, he can't be psychic. It must be a lucky guess from him.

Noticing her hesitance to reply, and not seeing clearly her small flush, Eiji shrugged both his hands at her, fearing he made offense with his last remark

"Ah, sorry…! I must be talking too much. Well, I won't hinder you any further for I've got tables to clean. You best be on your way, miss. Thanks for your patronage in Shinonome Coffee!"

Then regaining composure, Shiho was about to reply, but noticed his warm smile given to her. He then wiped her table in one motion, placing the white washcloth on the tray, and was about to head back for the counter hadn't been for her placing her hand on his right shoulder, prompting him to turn facing her.

"Yes, miss? How can I help you?"

"-Giggle- I'm sorry, you shouldn't have apologized, you didn't make any offense with your talk. Um, I… I wanted to talk to you when I first came in here and had my drink, but you seemed busy at first."

"Oh? Me? That's a start. Well, now we're talking."

Shiho found that last remark funny, and forced a small laugh. Eiji looked quizzically at her with a raised right eyebrow.

"Ok… I must have tickled your funny bone with that remark. I'll wait until you're done laughing."

Holding back another laugh, she coughed little, then keeping attention to him with a smile.

"Ahem… -giggle- I didn't notice you had a sense of humor. My name's Shiho… you're…?"

She extended her right hand in front of him for a handshake. He glanced at it then to her, and earnestly accepted with his right hand.

"I'm Eiji, and I run this coffee shop. Originally, it should be my mom handling this place, but she decided to take a year vacation, leaving me in charge."

"Really…? So that's your last name posted outside this coffee shop then?"

Eiji shrugged his shoulders, smiling with embarrassment.

"Right you are, Shiho."

The two were then at loss for words, waiting for one to keep the conversation going. Eiji was the first to continue.

"Well… it's nice to meet you, Shiho. Thanks for your patronage here in Shinonome Coffee! Take care of yourself."

Taking the tray with him, he gave a polite nod to her before heading back to the counter.

Instantly disappointed with the outcome of their conversation, Shiho pouted at his retreating form. Meanwhile, the other female customers sighed with relief, seeing she hadn't stake a claim on their favorite guy. They continued on with their admiring, much to the annoyance, envy, and of few male customers inside the café.

Isato, who had returned back from fulfilling his assigned task his boss asked him to do a moment ago, managed to take a small glimpse of the conversation between his boss and the beautiful brunette, who seemed hesitant to leave. He caught sight of her pouting, then realizing the missed opportunity his boss overlooked. He went to Eiji who set down the tray on the counter behind him.

"Hey boss, you just missed a golden opportunity of a lifetime!" he cried in disbelief.

"Huh…? Opportunity…? What are you talking about, Isato?" Eiji wondered, raising a left eyebrow at his co-worker and folded his arms.

"Heh… boss, you should have seen the look she was giving you! She practically was all over you back there!"

Widening his eyes in surprise at his co-worker's remark, Eiji hurriedly placed his finger on his lips to shut him up.

"Not that loud, you fool! Everyone can hear you!"

Isato shook off his boss's finger from his lips, looking at him with a sly smile. He nudged his side, his thumb jabbing at the direction where Shiho was still standing. His mischievous look then changed into a serious one.

"Eiji, I know you don't have time for another girl ever since... Luna… but… you need to move on. I'm sure she'd want that. And I think God up there is taking kindly on you, and agreeing with me."

Eiji looked grimly at his co-worker, pondering on his words. He then sighed in defeat, looking back at Shiho, who was then leaving the café to wait outside for her ride. He glanced at Isato, shaking his head in wonder.

"Well… I suppose it won't hurt to try… thanks for the pep talk, Isato."

With that said, he immediately left the counter, leaving no chance for his said co-worker to reply. He exited the coffee shop, approaching Shiho, who started waiting for her cousin's ride. He was instantly greeted by the bustling city life, were he found himself immersed amongst the jostling throngs of bystanders passing by and forth. He tapped Shiho's right shoulder, earning a small cry of surprise from the said female teen.

"Oh, hey…! What are you doing out here? Shouldn't you be working?" she asked, her voice betraying little joy at seeing her crush in person once again.

Eiji rubbed behind his head with his right hand hesitantly, adding a small smile at her.

"Well… I guess I changed my mind… sorry I broke off our conversation back there, first time for me mingling with customers that long like you. How about we continue our conversation?"

Shiho fidgeted her hands, trying to come up with a better response. She then found an ice-breaker question and was about to speak it out when…


Two honks from a car horn sounded nearby, startling her. She and Eiji looked up to find a beige, Mitsubishi Lancer Evo driven by a short, blond-haired male teen docked in a gray leather jacket, brown long shirt worn underneath, white jeans, and black leather shoes. It parked close to them, with the driver stepping out of the car. He gave a small wave of greeting to them.

"Hey…! I hope am not interrupting between you two... sorry for the wait, cousin. Shall we?" Dearka Elsman chimed.

"You really had to barge in this time… Dearka," Shiho muttered to herself, clicking her tongue annoyed. Setting aside her annoyance for the sudden interruption done by her cousin, she gave a fake smile at him.

"You're three minutes early, Dearka!" she checked her left wristwatch for the time showing the present time --- 12:12 PM, then looking back at him, "This is a surprise."

Dearka shrugged his shoulders, looking blankly at his relative.

"Huh? Well, 'the early bird gets the worm,' as the saying goes. Yo, man! The name's Elsman, Dearka Elsman. I see you've had the good opportunity meeting my cousin Shiho. You're…?"

He walked over to the pair and extended his left hand to Eiji, who warmly accepted it with his.

"I'm Eiji Shinonome. I run this coffee shop behind us, which your cousin made her patronage several times," he then glanced at Shiho and gave her a left wink, "speaking of which, that's 10 times now I count."

Shiho could feel another blush creeping up her cheeks at his remark. She nervously smiled, feeling surprised deep down.

Did he actually take notice me of all those times I went in his coffee shop? And he even could recall the exact number of times I've been there!

After shaking hands and scratching his right cheek, Dearka raised a right eyebrow, looking interested at his cousin. His eyes darted back and forth from her to Eiji.

"I didn't know you're into coffee, cousin… now I see why."

At another instant, Shiho's face would have resembled the color of a tomato, as she prayed to the heavens for a hole to dig up and hide herself into. She purposely elbowed Dearka at his sides, knocking some wind out of him.

"Oof…! Hey!" he chimed jokingly.

Amused by the sight of the two cousins' interactions, Eiji laughed warm-heartedly for the first time in his life. After his laugh ended, he was amazed by his recent action, feeling a small surge of happiness coursing through him.

Funny… I've never laughed like this before until now. Next I'm beginning to feel… relieved somehow… as if a small burden was lifted off of me.

He shook the thought off from his mind, focusing attention on the bickering cousins in front of him.

Partially satisfied to have inflicted deserved 'punishment' at her cousin, Shiho collected her composure, taking a deep breath. She shyly looked at her crush, as she prepared herself to accomplish her next course of action.

"Well… my ride's here, thanks to my cousin," she gave an unintended cold glare (one that could rival GUNDAM WING character Heero Yuy's) at Dearka, motioning him to get back in his car and prep it up. Not wanting to incur a young lady's wrath any further, he took the message and gave a small wave of good-bye to Eiji, heading back inside his car.

Pocketing his hands in his white pants after returning Dearka's wave with his, Eiji turned his attention to the beautiful girl in front of him, adding a small smile.

"-Chuckle- You two must be real close, having a healthy relationship like that."

Shiho quickly shook her head, adding a cry of disbelief.

"As if… but ignoring his cocky personality aside, he's been a good cousin to rely on."

She then fished out her cell-phone from her jeans pocket, looking shyly at her crush.

"I'd like to chat with you some more, but I've got to go. I was wondering… if you'll take down my cell-phone number. You could give me a call… I mean, if you're not busy or anything."

"Oh… sure, that's fine by me. Let me get my cell-phone out of my pants pocket."

Eiji fished out of his right pants pocket his cell-phone, which turned out to be the same model as Shiho's (a Nokia 6260!), but only red in color. He opened it, switching off the keypad lock, ready to key in her cell-phone number.

Shiho was surprised again seeing her crush's cell-phone being the same model and brand as hers, except hers was blue in color. She shook off her surprise and continued with the task at hand.

"09161625776 is my cell-phone number."

After giving her cell-phone number, she pocketed back inside her pant

"Ok… got it. I'll drop by a text soon, and you can get my cell-phone number from there," Eiji registered the given cell-phone number and key-pad locked his cell-phone, closing it and pocketing it back inside his right pants pocket, "It's been nice meeting you, Shiho, even though it was short. I hope we can meet again."

Not knowing what to do after giving that remark, Eiji cautiously stepped closer to Shiho face-to-face, until he could smell a lovely fragrance from her.

Perfume… that's a lovely one, I might add.

He then took hold of her hands, and kissed them gently. He looked back at her with care. Suddenly, an image of another female teen flashed before him --- replacing Shiho's hair with a long, crimson one; her amethyst eyes turned into baby blue ones, while her skin seeming was clear and white.


Deep down, he shook off the small shock at imaging his first love replacing Shiho.

Meanwhile, Shiho was in cloud nine as she felt his tender lips pressing gently on her hands. Add to his close proximity where she could feel his breath tickling her little, and she could have died happily on the spot.

Sadly, the happiness didn't last long… ok, maybe a few seconds the most, when she watched Eiji let go of her hand and took a small step back from her, watching her still. She gave an earnest smile at him.

"Thank you, Eiji."

With that said, her left hand fumbled behind her, feeling for Dearka's Mitsubishi Lancer Evo passenger door handle, and then opening it. She sadly climbed in and took her seat, closing the passenger door after her. She reached for the seat belt and buckled up, and looked outside her window at Eiji. She gave a small wave of good-bye.

He returned her good-bye with his as he waved back, watching the beige Mitsubishi Lancer Evo slowly leaving from its parking area until it disappeared amongst the traffic of Aprilius City.

Eiji then sighed, pocketing his hands in his white pants. He looked up at the sky, where several tall buildings jutted upwards to the heavens. He could make a small glimpse of the afternoon sun shining down on the bustling metropolis of Aprilius City. He looked back down, turning around and heading back inside his coffee shop.

"A usual day… I suppose. A usual day…" he muttered to himself as he was welcomed back by the warm atmosphere inside Shinonome Coffee.




Whew…! Now that was a long prologue to begin with. First off readers, I'd like to make clear of several things mentioned in this prologue:

First, the setting… I'll be pretty much basing some story elements of the anime in this story. This will strictly be a normal life story. No wars, no such thing as Coordinators or Naturals, etc. Ok, maybe some of the terms will be applied, but in a different sense. I'll clear that up as the story goes on.

Second, the cell-phone numbers… I'll admit it (and reveal little about myself, in case you haven't check my author's profile before I re-formatted it), I'm Filipino, and I've been used to my country's own cell-phone and telephone numbers and their number of digits. Clearly, since this anime is from Japan (duh), it should be using the Japanese system. To be honest, I'm not sure what the system looks like, so I'll have to be doing some researching first. For the meantime (and temporarily until I revise them), I'll be using the Philippine cell-phone and telephone system then.

Thirdly and lastly, in regards with original characters used from my first GUNDAM SEED story (Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Last Impression), if you'll be having trouble knowing them, you'll have to read the mentioned story above to get a clear picture of what I have in store for those original characters. I'll be introducing some of them as the chapters roll on…

Until then, I'll be churning out the next chapter soon (can't say the definite time though). As always, your reviews are welcome, whether they're praises, criticisms, or whatever (just no weird messages, please, I've been getting rarely one or so from some reviewers, I'm not sure who, but I'm just saying this as a warning).

Thanks for reading.